Which decks will and wont be killed (100%) by a format change?

Why do so many people count out Rosanne's? Its a card in Pop series 8. Doesn't that mean that Rosy's will still be legal? I don't see Pop 8 or 9 being rotated out.
Sadarac152 said:
Why do so many people count out Rosanne's? Its a card in Pop series 8. Doesn't that mean that Rosy's will still be legal? I don't see Pop 8 or 9 being rotated out.

I think a lot of people assume POP8 will be rotated as well, because of some reasoning that I forgot.
I hope not, my basic deck plan really needs rosy's, it becomes less effective if i have to use other searchers.
festizzio said:
varit said:
*cry's* shiftry!!!!! oh well, i hope they make another shiftry card fast. creating a draw system will be easier if you where to just stick to trainer's as it's more consistent then running a dual line stage 1 or 2 draw system. as for deck's in general, i hope sf stay's around for a year, but sp, grass, fire and mother or curse gar is gonna be around, i'm sad that plox is going but whateve. cya

Wasn't Shiftry in RR? If that's the case, I think it's 100% certain that he'll stay in the format.

wrong shiftry, mines from dp, the mother/curse gar curb stomper of doom. cya
Gyarados will be killed even if the format will be SF-on
Shupput donk/Cursegar will lose Unown Q and Moonlight stadium wich is not very good.
Sadarac152 said:
I hope not, my basic deck plan really needs rosy's, it becomes less effective if i have to use other searchers.

Pop8 and Pop9 are most likely to rotate. Prepare to lose Roseanne's, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
People at my local league said that its unlikely because they recently made it a league holo. If i lose rosy, i can still use pokemon collector and stuff like that.
question, if pop 9 is going to be rotated then why did it come out with arceus as a dual pack set? I only know this because that was the last pack a bought before pre-release (which was a day before the unleashed pre-release on the 8th). cya
varit said:
question, if pop 9 is going to be rotated then why did it come out with arceus as a dual pack set? I only know this because that was the last pack a bought before pre-release (which was a day before the unleashed pre-release on the 8th). cya
good point Varit, I hate to see googleeanse go because it is one of the best cards made.
varit said:
question, if pop 9 is going to be rotated then why did it come out with arceus as a dual pack set? I only know this because that was the last pack a bought before pre-release (which was a day before the unleashed pre-release on the 8th). cya

Why were Ex:Crystal Guardians and Ex:power Keepers included in DP-on tins? One word, Filler.

As for the original post:

Dialga Garchomp


^ That's just clearing out extras, it's like how the food they serve at the school cafeteria is all just government surplus.
all these cards that have attacks that let you search ypur deck for energy, or supporters or trainers are going to be the new draw power if they dont come up with a new drawpower source.

a good card for this is Chatot G etc.
Assuming Pt-on

Decks that will gain from the rotation-

Donphan Prime (no Gdos)
Charizard (will have the best draw system)
Almost all SP (no Machamp or Mewtwo)

Decks that will be hurt by the rotation-

Cursegar (no SF gastly or gengar or MT mime)
Turtwig (no snowpoint)
Shuppet (no MT mime)

Decks that will die from the rotation-
Gdos (rotated)
SF Ttar (rotated)
Gechamp (rotated)
Mother Gengar (rotated)
AMU (rotated)
Plox (rotated)
Palkia Lock (pixies rotated)
Speedrill (rotation)
any dark variant (weavile rotated)
Infernape1010 said:
they put pop 9 packs in hgss poster paks

And they put Ex:power Keepers in the Arceus Blister Packs, the ones that came with the promo Darkrai or promo Cresselia.
all donk decks are hurt by the rotation of claydol and probably uxie
dusknoir DP is gone
sablelock (no claydol means supporter draw will the engine and there is no definite way to stop supporter draw.