Which New Lv.X Do You Think Is The Best?

Which one do you think is the best?

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Lucario LvL.X

its a fast pace card and its like a stage 2 card it has not much delay... and i like it... but i know its not much of use to strategists... its suicidal to use... that's all..
I say lucario for the fact that it is a greaat tech in mario i think, and there is not a lot of psy decks out there

electivire would be best if mario wasnt popular

magmortar, empoleon is all i have to say to that

The only downside to it is the fighting weakness...

But imagine this:
Turn 1 : Electivire out
Turn 2 : WTM into Electivire and search for Electivire Lv. X
Turn 3 : Lv. up and watch as your oponents ST 1 and Basic Pokemon starting falling to the floor.

But the only Lv. X I'm really excited for is Darkrai.
yeah, i think magmortar is better and it looks cooler on the card anyway..i saw the jap vs of darkrai 2, looks cool.
All three types are going to dominate the metagame.
Magmortar Typhlosion decks ARE going to see play.
Vire Flygon/Raichu decks ARE going to see play.
Mario and new Lucario variant decks ARE going to see play.

These are going to be the next biggest types next season, take a good look. Not too mention, my own secret versions of the three.

Funny how fighting has never been a good type, now look at it.
w0w Somebody here really likes lucario... I like it a lot too... hitting electivire with 160 damage is insane... but i think if you play the cards in a one on one play like...

1st turn electivire owner... plays elekid then manages to evolve it some how (if possible (but not sure))
2nd turn Lucario owner... plays rilou and attacks or evolves it (if possible (but not sure))


I don't know what the out come will be but lucario seems to be stable and "MA-RIO" is popular... XD

Magmortar isn't bad. Magby start, quick Baby Evo, and PWN. 100 Snipe, auto-burn, and good combo with Blaziken PK/ Typhlosion MT. I don't like this set much because of how CC effects the Poke-Power/Body.