Which Pokemon Would you most like to see be made into Lv.X?

DogMaster40 said:
I want to see an Arcanine Lv.X. Arcanine SW is too weak, and it's been a while since we've had and Arcanine worth playing. Also, the legendary dogs should all get Lv.X's.


I also think Snorlax Lv. X would be awesome. It would have TONS of HP...:)

Lickilicky Lv.X
Banette Lv.X
Pachirisu Lv.X
Metagross Lv.X
Salamence Lv.X
Raichu Lv.X
Unown Lv.X (a-!)
Gastrodon Lv.X *east and west*
These are the lvx pokemon i want celebi lv x alakazam lvx walrein lvx celebi lvx pokepower time return discard two cards from your hand bring a card from your discard to your hand leafstorm three grass energies discard all energies attached to celebi lvx 100 damage 90HP weakness +30 to fire resistance none retreat cost 2 colorless Alakazam lvx 120 HP weakness x2 to psyphic resistance none retreat cost 2 psychic 60+ does ten extra damage for each energy attached to your opponet`s active pokemon psybeam 50 2psychic energies 1 colorless energy does 20 more damge for each energy attached to your oppents active pokemon walrein lvx 150HP weakness x2 steel resistance none retreat cost 2 poke power blizzard crush can active when you play this card to level up walrein choose one of your opponets pokemon flip three coins if at least two are heads discard that pokemon discarding that pokemon counts as a knock out attack iceberg freeze 90 damage 3water energies 1 colorless energy the opponent may discard three cards from their if they don`t discard three cards from there their active pokemon is paralyed
Blaziken Lv.X 140HP

Poke-Body: Burning Legs- When Blaziken lv.X attacks a pokemon, that pokemon is automatically burned.

[F][F] Swift Burn 40
During your opponents next turn, he/she may flip a coin. If heads, your opponent may not attack, instead, 20 damage is inflicted to your opponents active pokemon. If tails, your opponent attacks normally.

[F][F][F] Blaze Destruction 120

I would love that.
Gyarados of course. Sure, go ahead and make Gyarados MT more broken. :D

dmaster out.
Politoad lv.x 140 HP

Poke-body: Helpful Hop

If you have 2 or more Poliwag's, Poliwhirl's, Politoed, Politoed ex, Politoed lv.x, or Poliwrath in play, your opponent's stage 2 Pokemon cannot attack.

(W) (W) (W) (W) Water Spout 120

Discard 2 (W) energy attached to Politoed. Choose 1 of your opponent's benched Pokemon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon.

Weakness: (L) X2
Retreat: (C) (C)

I <3 Politoed... do I need a reason?
I'd like to see an Ambipom Lv. X because it's one of my favorite Sinnoh Pokémon. No other reason, really.
Wailord lv.X. Reason: To annoy Gallade even further.

Wailord lv.X 300 HP
Water type

Poke-Power: Deal and Heal
After Wailord lv.X attacks, you may make Wailord lv.X asleep, if you do, remove 4 Damage counters from Wailord lv.X.

[W][W][W][W] Hydro Dive 100
If you do not want to deal damage to the defending Pokemon, prevent all damage done to Wailord lv.X during your opponent's next turn. You may not use this effect 2 times in 2 turns.

Weakness: Lightnung/Grass x2
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C][C][C]
That card would be broken. You could choose not to do damage every turn and deck out your opponent if he or she doesn't have any or has run out of cards that would switch Wailord Lv. X with somebody else.

What would really annoy Gallade is a Pokémon whose maximum HP is 50 but is either immune to high-damage attacks (like the Jungle Mr. Mime) or reduces them to a ridiculous degree (like one of the Shuckles, forgot which). Of course, that Pokémon would still be vulnerable to a Gardevoir's Bring Down...unless it was also immune to other Pokémon Lv. X's. I can see it now...

Shedinja Lv. X
50 HP

Poké-Body - Wonder Guard
If the Defending Pokémon attacks Shedinja Lv. X and is a Pokémon Lv. X or does 20 or more damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance), prevent that damage.

[P][P] Shadow Sneak 40
Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Shedinja Lv. X during your opponent's next turn.

Weakness: Darkness x2
Resistance: Fighting -10
Retreat Cost: 1

This card would shut down G&G all by itself.
Ophie said:
That card would be broken. You could choose not to do damage every turn and deck out your opponent if he or she doesn't have any or has run out of cards that would switch Wailord Lv. X with somebody else.

What would really annoy Gallade is a Pokémon whose maximum HP is 50 but is either immune to high-damage attacks (like the Jungle Mr. Mime) or reduces them to a ridiculous degree (like one of the Shuckles, forgot which). Of course, that Pokémon would still be vulnerable to a Gardevoir's Bring Down...unless it was also immune to other Pokémon Lv. X's. I can see it now...

Shedinja Lv. X
50 HP

Poké-Body - Wonder Guard
If the Defending Pokémon attacks Shedinja Lv. X and is a Pokémon Lv. X or does 20 or more damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance), prevent that damage.

[P][P] Shadow Sneak 40
Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Shedinja Lv. X during your opponent's next turn.

Weakness: Darkness x2
Resistance: Fighting -10
Retreat Cost: 1

This card would shut down G&G all by itself.

You know, that Shedinja LV X's Poke-Body is broken including its attack. Even though it's Poke-Body name is "Wonder" Guard, it should not be so wonder. XD At least increase it to like "30-40 or more damage". Otherwise, you will take 5 turns to kill this Shedinja LV X & with its attack's effect, it might take longer. You may find it nice to use it but at the same time, you will find annoying if you encounter a card like this...
Yeah, you're right. There'd need to be a counter for that in turn. That's why I'm here at PokeBeach and not actually designing cards. (I'd sure like to illustrate some though.)

That brings me to another point: By this point in the Pokémon-ex sets, the Pokémon-ex already have a number of handicaps against them. If Level X Pokémon are dominating the scene right now, most notably Gardevoir and Magmortar, why haven't we had an equivalent of Desert Ruins, Mysterious Orb, or exclusion from Supporters, and why is Milotic the only Pokémon so far with a Safeguard-esque Poké-Body?

Oh yeah, and I'd like to see a Drifblim Lv. X just to see how they'd draw it.
the wailord and unknown g will be almost invincible.
also, you can heal yourself inbetween turns with wailords body. without unknown g, it will have 250 damage against it

also, i would say blissey lv.x would be awesome:
hp: 200

poke power:
once during your turn, you may shuffle your hand into your deck and draw the same amount of cards in your opponents hand.

(C)(C)(C) 130 energy crack:
discard 2 diferent types of basic energy attached to blissey lv.x
Ditto Lv.X - HP80 [C]

Poke-Body [Super DNA]
You can use each of your attacks from your opponent's Pokemon without having the Energys to use this attacks [You still have to do tha things wich are write on the attack excluding discarding Energy card's]
This Poke-Body can't be blocked by any other effect.

Poke-Power [Transforme]
Change Dittos Cardname, Type, Weakness, Resistance and Retreatcosts into anything you want after that search your Deck or your discard pile for up to 3 Basic Energy card's and attack them to Ditto Lv.X.
After you use that Poke-Power your opponent draw the same number of card's wich you have in your hand.
This Poke-Power will stop after you evolve Ditto Lv.X.
This Poke-Power can't be used if Ditto Lv.X has any Special Conditions.
You can't use more than 1 'Transforme' Poke-Power each turn.

[DNA Berry]
If Ditto has any Special Conditions, you may diacard 2 card's from your hand and put that Special Condition on the defending Pokemon [Your opponent choose the defending Pokemon]

Weakness - [F] +10
Resistance - [P] -20
Retreatcost - [C]

Awesome card :p