Which Pokemon Would you most like to see be made into Lv.X?

Beachdudelbi said:
Bibarel Lv X
HP 1

(C)(C)(C) Hick Laugh
You lose the game and your opponent takes all of your cards and your deck

() Suicide!
Biberal Lv X dies

Retreat (D) (M)
Weakness: Everything

They should make THIS! XD


I laughed so hard I cried when I saw this....XD

Anyway, I'd like to see an uber Shaymin Lv. X. So uber she's banned.
Ho-Oh Lv X
HP 170
Ho-Oh Lv. X
Pokepower: Golden Opportunity
Once during your opponent's turn(before he/she attacks), you may put as many golden markers onto the opponent's Active or Benched pokemon.
Pokepower: Golden Purity
Once during your turn(before you attack) when this card is active, Flip two coin. If either one is heads(or both), search your deck for 5 different types of energy and put it on Ho-Oh. If tails, you remove all you benched pokemon until there are only 2 left.
©©©©© Rainbow blast 10+
This Attack does 10 damage plus 10 for each golden marker in the defending pokemon. This attack's base power will be 120 if the energy used for this attack are different types.

Weakness: Lightning +20, Water +20
Resistance: Fighting -40
Retreat cost: none

The perfect Ho-Oh :)
Lolz dude, that guy's attack should remove all the counters afterward. As for me, Swampert Lv. X or Lugia Lv. X FTW.
Ranger7722 said:
taylor45 said:
I don't need a reason!

but it would be good to actually incorporate some of its psychic abilities as attacks/powers/bodies

Wow I gotta agree with you on that one.
Ninetales Lv. X would be amazing.

Nice avatar.

i like you

i think Drifblim lv.x would be neat too
but Salamence lv.x is probably already being made so i think that would be neat too
Houndoom lv.X
Bronzong lv.X
Yanmega lv. X
Tangrowth lv. X
And.....Claydol llv.X!!
i know it have been an EX, but i`d love it!!!!
gengar lvx

and gallade lvX...

galllade lvX - 140HP [f]

pokepower: syncronise
if you have gardevoir in play you may flip all your face up prize cards face down, remove damge counters equil to the amount of cards flipped from all gardevoir you have in play.

[f][f][c][c] Close Combat [90]
all damge done to gallde during your oppoents next turn is increased by 30 (before applying weakness and resitence)

weakness: [p]x2 resitence [/] retreat : [c][c]
^That attack makes no sense at all. With that PokePower, nothing is stopping you from Psychic Cutting for 180 (-20 for everything you already killed) every turn.
he is right

but i would love to see kabutops level x =þ

kabutops lv. x

150 hp fight/water (both just like d pokemon)

poke power

(whenever your opponent cheats he looses):cool:


you can only use this power whenever all of your opponents pokemon have 30 or more damage. this power does 20 damage to All of your opponents pokemon.

ff rock surf 30 does 10 damage to each of your opponents benched pokemon

ffwc 90 you may attach a basic energy from your hand to one of your pokemon

weak x2 grass resist +30 lightning retreat 2
I wouldn't mind an Octillery Lv.X... Perhaps with massive snipe capabilities.

A pidgeot Lv.X wouldn't be so bad either. I think Pidgeot SW is massivly underated. If played right, you can own Gallade. Just some Holon Energy WP, (with waters, obviously), Claydol Draw Power, Phione, and a sniper, perhaps Octillery, and you've got yourself a pretty nice deck.
I seriously want to see tangrowth, probopass, rotom, staraptor, rampardos, and bastiodon made into a lv. x.
I would like to see rampardos and bastiodon made into lvl Xs. I would LOVE to see a Lugia lvl X, and a hooh lvl X. :D that would be great. TO gallade lvl X... the day that comes out is my day of suicide. -_- I would also like to see an umbreon and espeon X. yay!
I would seriously like to see a Pachirisu LV.X or even Sceptile, Blaziken, and Swampert LV.X, that would be cool!!!

Pachirisu LV.X-90 HP (L)

(Scurry)Power-You may use this Power when you Level-Up this Pokemon...
You may move all Energy attached to Pachirisu to one of your benched Pokemon then you may switch Pachirisu with that Pokemon.

(Group-Static)Body-If one of your (L) Pokemon is damaged by an opponent's attack you may place 2 damage counters on that pokemon.

W-Fight X2 Resist RC (.)


Heh, but really, who doesn't want to see a totally melodramatic card with a puffed up spider in it?

Also, Crobat Lv. X appeals to me.
I say Politoed Straight Up.
I mean they made Gardy and Honch Lv. X wtf that is pretty random.
I say Politoed, Kingdra, all the Final Evolutions of the Starter Pokemon and Scizor.
Like that would be Awesome