Which starter to buy?

Diddy Kong

Aspiring Trainer
I am just getting into the game, and I am unsure which starter to buy. I only have enough spare cash to buy one and a few boosters, any suggestions or recommendations?
honestly, you would be better to find someone just getting out of the game and buy their collection off of them. It would cost more but you would get more and better things
Rising Rival drill deck, It has some good cards as well as flygon, which is exceptionally good.
Booster should also be from RR(just a short form, You'll see a lot of that on this website) since it has its lv.x and the most wanted and most worth Lv.x, LUXRAY GL LV.X... Its worth about 70-80$! BTW, Welcome to the website.
Another option to consider is the Ferligatr deck from HGSS. (also known as MINDFLOOD) . If you turn around and get some supplement cards (uxie, cdoll and the like) along with ferligatr primes and the unleashed blastoise, you can build a relativly good deck. Add in a Floatzel gl lvl x and a few bts and rare candy, it gets even better. (my deck is at about 50$ and its almost done) Fire and grass decks are probably similar. But if you find someone whos quitting, you could get better cards, maybe even a pre-built deck if your lucky.
i am actually getting rid of my hgss and unleashed collection. you can email me if your interested.
I literally only have about 20 dollars to spend, and I would like to get a new starter so I can read up all the new rules, and have a pre-built deck to mess around with mostly. What makes the Luxray and Flygon so good?
playabilty... major PWNAGE... Awesomness... Mainly speed and you wont get either of those cards unless you trade, buy RR packs, or buy one off someone.
diddykong said:
I am just getting into the game, and I am unsure which starter to buy. I only have enough spare cash to buy one and a few boosters, any suggestions or recommendations?

I would suggest Drill Point Theme Deck forPlatinum Rising Rivals. The main Pokémon itself isnot very good, but it's one of the other cards, (Flygon) that makes it all worthwhile.

Flygon lets your Pokémon retreat for free if it has the right energy attached to it. For example, you have a Rhyperior E4 (Elite Four) as your active and flygon in bench. Rhyperior has taken a bit of a bashing, and you want to retreat, but can't. attach a fighting energy to your flygon and it retreats for free! this is very effective, because in the deck, it has many cards that have high retreat costs, such as rhyperior and hippowdon.

Overall, if you're gonna get one, get Drill Point.

P.S. It uses {F} and {W} Pokémon[/quote]
mind flood would be my reconmendation.
its hgss, the newest set which will stay in play longer.
also feraligatr is a great sweeper causing mass damage
slowbro is also a heavy hitter 20x each psychic energy it has
exeggutor is also a heavy hitter doing 40x each head you flip based on the number of energies attached.
add in a few new primes and rares, and youll have your opponent constantly asleep and taking heavy damage
I actually bought a box of the HGSS starters and the ferligator is the best of the three.

I just got into it also. I would give you one but I am out to sea right now (in the military) and all this stuff with Korea going on don't know when I will be home next. but if I pull in next week I will def get you one. from a new player to another new player
Great, that's awesome. I'm still unsure which to get, and the Feraligatr deck doesn't seem as good, but I could be overlooking something.
Well, The ferligatr deck is the best out of box in my opinion. Also the Ferligatr and typlosion decks are the easeiest to mod with newer cards. I think that the water is the easiest to turn competetive. (2 ferli prime for like 8$ plus shipping and if you really want Floatzel lvl x, you dont NEED floatzel but he's good to have one of)

Also, If you want you could get a Grass and Water deck from HGSS/ then take the Psy and Fight from each and switch them. Add some miasma valley to the grass/psy you just made and a few good mon' to each and Boom, you just made yourself two decent decks.
If you can find it at a trade shop, get the Platinum Rising Rivals deck, Drill Point. It's got good cards. You'll outgrow it quick but use it and the cards you get to learn! And don't buy anything below Platinum (Diamond And Pearl).

If you want something new, I recommend Ember Spark, the HG/SS Fire/Electric deck. Add in Typhy Prime, Amphy, ditch the Pikachus and one each of the starters, lose a few energies, get more trainers, sorted.

I keep meaning to throw out Arcanine, ideally I'd replace it with Ursaring Prime... /pipedream.
Well, I just got the Mind Flood theme deck, and don't even know where to begin to replace cards. I haven't bought any boosters yet, since I don't really know what to replace. If I can replace stuff with more common cards, I'd rather do that since I'm not exactly rich.

Edit: Also, what energy is required for Floatzel GL's "Incite" attack?
you dont need any energy at all for that attack, just like sableye's impersonate of spiritomb's darkness grace
For the Floatzel GL's attack, it requires no energies at all. :)

To start, I would actually try to buy single TRAINERS/SUPPORTERS, as opposed to boosters. They only cost around a dollar to two dollars apiece, and they're easy add-ins. [I would start by replacing Energies, seeing as starter decks usually run around 25 per deck. o_O]
If i were you i would either buy the Drill Point theme deck or the HGSS Typhlosion one. They both have potential if fixed up right.
I could not find a Drill Point deck, but I did get the Mind Flood one. I am trying to obtain a Growth Clash as well, because someone mentioned taking the psychic out of Mind Flood and swap for the Fighting in Growth Clash.