the firs pig is the only decent looking starter. the water otter sucks and the lizard would have been better if it didnt have the stupi colar looking thing and if it wasnt so smug.
but ill hold my decision till i kno what the evolved versions look like. though right now fire pig
For me it doesn't really matter because right, wrong, or otherwise on my very first game I'm just gonna have all the starters anyway.
Then in future games I can decide which one I like better and choose a more varied team because at that point I'll have a better idea of what new Pokemon are out there and what they can really do (reading info is one thing, but seeing a Pokemon in action either through your own work or against a trainer, is another thing entirely) that is one of the reasons why they have two different versions IMO.
Plus it helps when you have access to more than one DS
Tsutaaja all the way. I cant Imagine how they can make a fire pig look cool with its evolutions. But I can see so many things they could do with Tsutaaja. Actually, Pokabu is my least favorite.