Whick Deck?


Aspiring Trainer
I'm going to battleroads next month and what starter deck has some great cards in it?Also i have both PK decks and Empoleon deck.I also got the Gengar legend maker deck.By the way it has to be Dexoys and up.Thanks in advance to who replies.
You have good starter deck . I think do you need to have the deck of Crystal guardians both are good and ferligaitor d one.
UmbreonOwns said:
I'm going to battleroads next month and what starter deck has some great cards in it?Also i have both PK decks and Empoleon deck.I also got the Gengar legend maker deck.By the way it has to be Dexoys and up.Thanks in advance to who replies.
Use the Empoleon deck! Try and get a few Empoleon Lv. X's as well, everyone here was using Infernape Lv. X.
Try what i did!!!!!

I think the infernape deck!It has alot of power to it,just add a couple more infernapes and put 2 infernape lv. x and  alakazam!there you go!Well thats what i did with my  deck:p:p!Oh, and get like 2 more hippodons if you do!And make  sure  you have enough energys!
I think the infernape deck!It has alot of power to it,just add a couple more infernapes and put 2 infernape lv. x and  alakazam!there you go!Well thats what i did with my  deck:p:p!Oh, and get like 2 more hippodons if you do!And make  sure  you have enough energys!
empoleon X + Vaporeon * or EX = Pwnage.

Vaporeon shuffles your opponent's hand into there deck and they draw 4. Empoleon sets 2 cards from your opponent's hand aside. 2 empoleons = no hand for your opponent's next turn....
And it's for heal. Anyways,
Empoleon Lv. X DP + Vaporeon EX DS + Omastar PK

Omastar devolves, Vaporeon shuffles, Empoleon destroy hand. Then destroy the Monferno, Chimchar and Skitty.
use a deck with latios ex and a fire pokemon like infernape level x to crush both torterra and infernape, for empoleon... who realy uses it in a deck?