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WhimsicalBox Huge Update, Reorganized post [W]Yanmega Prime deck stuff/Pachi CoL

RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

Do you have judge, rescue energy, beginning door, pokemon communication, professor oak's new theory, or seeker? I'm interested in all of those.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

I have 5 rescue energy, a beginnining door, and a new theory
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

Espeon Prime x1
Throw in? Anything else you see that you like?
Rescue Energy x3
Beginning Door x1
Professor Oak's New Theory x1
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

Id do all those for electrode and espeon prime (two fairly cheap primes)
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

If you add an energy exchanger or fisherman i'd do that.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

CML for 1 Energi gain and 1 Garchomp C Lv.x, have you get my cards yet?
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

Could you CML for your:
1x Garchomp C Lv.X (Promo)
1x Garchomp C
1x Dragonite FB (LP)
2x Special Dark Energy UD

I have:
Beginning Door
Super Scoop Up
Pokemon Communication

LMK if you see something you like.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

Do you have any of the Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot evo line from TM in RH?
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

How about
1x Beginning Door
1x Judge
1x RH Copycat (Minor scratches)

for your

x1 Garchomp C

LMK or CML for anything. Thanks.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

CML for Dialga G lv. X.
I have:
1 Unown Q
2 Super Scoop Up
1 Judge
Actually, how about I just give you my Unown Q, SSU, and 1 judge for your DGX, seeing as it's only worth about 10 dollars.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

@ Lordy Jones
How about
Dialga G LV.X
Unown Q x1
SSU x2
Judge x1
Energy Exchanger x1

If DGX is ten bucks, Unown Q, SSU, and Judge is like 7 or 8. Let me know/counter offer. I'm interested in most staples.

Would you do

Garchomp C x1

Judge x1
Pokemon Communication x2
Copycat x1 (RH or non RH)

Let me know/ Counter offer

The only thing i saw on your list i liked was the fisherman and the communications. You don't have any PONT's or BTS do you? :p I think i could do a trade with just dragonite FB and darkness energies for fishers and communications, make an offer?

@ Erling
Garchomp C LV.X
Energy Gain x1
Machamp Prime

I have yet to receive your cards, i'll let you know when i do.

No, sorry.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

Okay, 'sa deal.
I'll PM you right.... NOW.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

Garchomp C x1

Judge x1
Pokemon Communication x2
Copycat x1 (RH or non RH)

Can you add Dragonite FB league Promo? If so id be down for that.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H] DGX, Some SP engine [W] Unown Q, Yanmega Prime

Would you do
2 Judge
1 Pokemon Communacation

E gain
Cyrus Conspiracy
RE: WhimsicalBox [H]Stuff! [W]Yanmega Prime deck stuff

I'm interested in:
Both Charizard G Lv.Xs

I have:
Pokemon Communication x2
Energy Returner x2
Expert Belt x1

Do you have any of my wants unlisted? Please CML and LMK if you find anything else you're interested in.
RE: WhimsicalBox [H]Stuff! [W]Yanmega Prime deck stuff

I may have an unlisted charmeleon/charmander from AR. Other than that I don't have any of your wants for trade. If you have any pachirisu from CoL I reallly want to get 4 of those, and i like your one rescue energy. Make an offer?
RE: WhimsicalBox [H]Stuff! [W]Yanmega Prime deck stuff/Pachi CoL

I only want the Charmander AR and Charmeleon AR if they are Reverse Holo.
I'll just throw out an offer.
1x Charizard G LV.X Pack
1x Charizard G LV.X Promo

Pokemon Communication x2
Energy Returner x2
Expert Belt x1
Rescue Energy x1

LMK or counter offer. I can add more stuff into the trade, just LMK what you want.