BW/BW2 white fortress and black city

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and you have to deal with it
black city white fortress

on serebii it said that a certian area on the map depends on the version im guessing black city for black and white fortress for white

sorry if this is a bad thread or duplicate or something else
I guess this is what they meant by there being more differences in versions besides what Pokemon are available. Cool.
I assume these two cities are major plot point cities.
I read it in another site.It was said that the person who posted the new pictures today claimed that there are two exclusive areas "Black City" and "White Fortress" which you will visit depending the version you buy.
I'm guessing that's what the tornado is for. Since there can't be two areas at the same time in the same place, they add a tornado there to show a landmark for the two places (if they are in the same place).
The Black City and White Fortress are the two buildings that are divided by that big castle(i think).//
biscuitvega said:
maybe the legendarys are there

That's what I'm thinking too when I heard this Places. I think its like :
- White Fortress : Zekrom is there.
- Black City : Reshiram is there.

Or, I don't know. This is actually what I'm thinking since the name is "Black" City and "White" Fortress. Maybe those places is some kind of the other Dimensional World or some kind of Reverse World?
Could Black City be some sort of hiding place/base for the villains? (or White Fortress as one for "good guys")

That would be cooler than just putting the legends there, I think, but thats probably what it will be.
Pay Day said:
Could Black City be some sort of hiding place/base for the villains? (or White Fortress as one for "good guys")

That would be cooler than just putting the legends there, I think, but thats probably what it will be.
It could be a possibility.Maybe in some part of the game a group will contradict the policy or objectives of Team Plasma and will decide to quit the team and form another team against them with other objectives.Since Team Plasma has its base underground Black City so the new Team will create a base down White Fortress.
The rumors are calling them Team Plasma, I'm not sure
but I do know they will have something to do with the legendaries for sure
maybe like

'black city'
is like a gateway to the part of the region zekrom rules and roams about

'white fortress'
is the same for reshiram?
hhmm. I think it might have to do with the "white high link" as in a part of the fortress and the other being "black low link" maybe. Most likely not with the actual game because changes aren't this big but this has to do in my opinion, with "they're will be a lot more changes than just version exclusives and legends" Anyone agree?
What if white city is actually a good team. I mean like we've had teams like Rocket, Magma, Aqua and Galactic. What about a new team that is on your sided and they live in white city or ironically black city. ALso the other team could be the bead guys and maybe the good team, could be what looker is apart of.
biscuitvega said:
maybe corocoro will say something

They will and they have to. Coro Coro is the only one who always giving us incredible Information such as Silhouette, Scans, Leak, New Gen Pokemon, and many more. I think those places is some sort of other Dimension like Distortion world or Wi-Fi Event Legendary places like Ilex Forest. Lets just hope it won't be disappointing us.:)
all of these are great ideas but i hear that depending on the choices you make in the game can effect things that happen so i am guessing that if you make a good choice in white forest that something good will happen and if you make a bad choice in black city a bad thing will happen and vis versa
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