That's why in the future, the anime will revolve around Dawn, at least she doesn't make those "Ash" mistakes, like Ash does, Ash will be dropped from, the show and Dawn will become the central character, yada yada, yada, you get the pointq
Oh, i dont know, i think Cyndaquil is Ash's strongest. Anyway, its obviously Pikachu, but you guys pick Charizard because he's a lot of peoples favorite
Oh, i dont know, i think Cyndaquil is Ash's strongest. Anyway, its obviously Pikachu, but you guys pick Charizard because he's a lot of peoples favorite
In the end, Ash wll fall of the map like all the characters that were only shown for one episode, and the only one left standing will be Dawn, she just started but she would beat Paul
Piplup & Buziel beat Chimchar
Pachirisu beats Elekid by tiring Elekid by having Elekid chase it all over the field
Dawn would win and beat Paul, while Ash wen 1-1-1, Dawn would go 2-0