Pokemon who is better???

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pke breader

Aspiring Trainer
what pokemon you tink its better
vileplume or bellosom
politoed or poliwrath

oviously are vileplume and politoed
but what dou you think?
Vileplume is definately better then Bellosom, I can't stand that thing.

Politoed and Poliwrath are matched in power, but atleast Politoed isn't just a Poliwhirl on steroids with different eyes!

politoed's original pkm, poliwrath's not~

( why? bcoz politoed is really a toad, while poliwrath is juz a modified poliwhril)
shura said:
what pokemon you tink its better
vileplume or bellosom
politoed or poliwrath

oviously are vileplume and politoed
but what dou you think?

I think the same!!!

VILEPLUME is one of my favo.

what about:
sableye or zangoose
vulpix or grovlight

I think:

Umm, don't you mean Zangoose and Seviper?
And what the heck is a Growlight?

Also, I'd pick Vileplume and Politoed. Poliwrath just makes me angry...

Bellossom and Politoed.

Bellossom: Well, it has bad stats, but I can't stand its cuteness :)

Politoed: Poliwrath is just a big Poliwhirl.
RE:  who is better???

Lord9511 said:
Bellossom and Politoed.

Bellossom: Well, it has bad stats, but I can't stand its cuteness :)

Politoed: Poliwrath is just a big Poliwhirl.
I so agree, and my favorite animal is a frog!
Why does everyone hate poliwrath? I personaly think its better then politoad. Mind reader, then fissure??? GREATEST COMBO EVER!!! I don't like either bell or vile, but vileplume is better then bellosome.
to tell you the truth i really like cheese!!!.
It is made out of a yellow milk and feels smooth when i touch it!!!.
i like eating it in my sandwiches and my friends say i eat too much!
The drink that really goes with cheese is coca cola mixed with fanta and when you drink it you get a fizzy feeling in your nose???

Cheese ftw.;)
lol! cheese...
Anyway, I like Poliwrath better than Politoed. Politoed is cuter but Poliwrath is just awesome. I like Vileplume better too, though Bellossom is also cute

How bout:
~ Hitmon Chan / Lee / Top
~ Butterfree / Beautifly
~ Beedrill / Vespiqueen
~ Venomoth / Dustox / Mothim
~ Ninjask / Shedinja
it would have to be nutella
although im alergic to nutella i love it!!!!
anyway my favourite combanation would have to be nutella + peanut butter on a spoon FTW!!!!!!!:(xD
Poliwrath is better .
He gets teh fite type and an awsome STABbed FP .


Does it really matter if l care or not ?This is awsome !
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