BW/BW2 Who is the person who is getting crowned?

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I've been reading a lot of people saying that that person is N and I'm going to try and disprove that.

First of all, the guy that is crowning the mysterious person is obviously a higher up in Team Plasma. That means whoever is getting crowned is bound to be someone within Team Plasma.

Before anyone says, "Well N could be apart of Team Plasma." I'm going to say this:

Remember that screenshot where Team Plasma was talking to a group of trainers? Well, if N was in fact with Team Plasma, wouldn't he have been with that group of Plasma members? And yet, he was in the group of trainers listening to Team Plasma.

Another fact is that if you guys are going to say that the hairstyles for N and the crowned person are similar, remember all, and I repeat ALL, members of Team Plasma are pale skinned with Light Green hair. The possibility that it is someone else is higher than the possibility of it being N. I could be wrong on some of those points, but I think all the info I posted is overall correct.
tyking16 said:
I've been reading a lot of people saying that that person is N and I'm going to try and disprove that.

First of all, the guy that is crowning the mysterious person is obviously a higher up in Team Plasma. That means whoever is getting crowned is bound to be someone within Team Plasma.

Before anyone says, "Well N could be apart of Team Plasma." I'm going to say this:

Remember that screenshot where Team Plasma was talking to a group of trainers? Well, if N was in fact with Team Plasma, wouldn't he have been with that group of Plasma members? And yet, he was in the group of trainers listening to Team Plasma.

Another fact is that if you guys are going to say that the hairstyles for N and the crowned person are similar, remember all, and I repeat ALL, members of Team Plasma are pale skinned with Light Green hair. The possibility that it is someone else is higher than the possibility of it being N. I could be wrong on some of those points, but I think all the info I posted is overall correct.
Though i disagree of N being crowned i will say that N could be in the crowd because he want to lie to the main character by saying that he isn't apart of team plasma when he really is.
tyking16 said:
I've been reading a lot of people saying that that person is N and I'm going to try and disprove that.

First of all, the guy that is crowning the mysterious person is obviously a higher up in Team Plasma. That means whoever is getting crowned is bound to be someone within Team Plasma.

Before anyone says, "Well N could be apart of Team Plasma." I'm going to say this:

Remember that screenshot where Team Plasma was talking to a group of trainers? Well, if N was in fact with Team Plasma, wouldn't he have been with that group of Plasma members? And yet, he was in the group of trainers listening to Team Plasma.

Another fact is that if you guys are going to say that the hairstyles for N and the crowned person are similar, remember all, and I repeat ALL, members of Team Plasma are pale skinned with Light Green hair. The possibility that it is someone else is higher than the possibility of it being N. I could be wrong on some of those points, but I think all the info I posted is overall correct.

Nice observation. However, since there is a story going on, and characters develop in stories, N's role relative to Team Plasma may evolve throughout the story, from a person with a vision to a person who carries out that vision.
Second, you said that the person getting crowned is "obviously" high in Plasma's ranks. However, I haven't seen any proof for that. The person getting crowned is... a person getting crowned. In the past games, there have been more than two parties/teams (ex. in ruby/sapphire: you & aqua & magma). In B/W, it's you & plasma & N. I predict that Plasma members will act as petty foes in the beginning, they eventually come up with a dangerous scheme, N interferes with Plasma, and replaces them as the #1 threat. That, or he's so skilled, he moves up the ranks very quickly.
Third, Team Plasma members are orange-haired... with light-blue hoods.
cartman said:
Nice observation. However, since there is a story going on, and characters develop in stories, N's role relative to Team Plasma may evolve throughout the story, from a person with a vision to a person who carries out that vision.
Second, you said that the person getting crowned is "obviously" high in Plasma's ranks. However, I haven't seen any proof for that. The person getting crowned is... a person getting crowned. In the past games, there have been more than two parties/teams (ex. in ruby/sapphire: you & aqua & magma). I'm currently imagining that in B/W, it's you & plasma & N.
Third, Team Plasma members are orange-haired... with light-blue hoods.

Thanks. But I must say that you have misread my post. I said the person Crowning the myserious person is a higher up, not the crowned person. Maybe the crowned person becomes a higher up after being crowned. But yeah, you're right on Team Plasma having orange hair. I figured it was light green hair, but sicne it's been awhile since I saw their screenshots, I will admit I'm wrong.
The Spook said:
I thin is N's father and in ceremony are N's mother and sister.

You mean those hidden characters that showed very quickly.
Whoever it is, I think they are actually a catchable Pokemon, not a human. Yep, you read that right. This PokeMAN then finds 5 shiny leaves and it gets turned into a crown. You as the player put the crown on your friendly PokeMAN and that's all it is. No significance to the plot or anything - it was a red herring in the trailer.




Nah, I'm joking! Personally I don't think we can really speculate about the significance of it until closer to release - or at least nothing more than it's probably something to do with Team Plasma, the legendaries and possibly N (I do think its N, by the way).
Hellion said:
That comparison never quite cut it for me.

The hair styles of Silver and Roark are SIMILAR. The hairstyles of N and mystery prince are THE SAME (IMO).

O_O No they're not.
The one being crowned has, basically, an AFRO, and looks identical to the man talking to the crowd in the trailer.

I truly don't believe it's N. Unless the time traveling theories are correct.
tyrannitard said:
N isnt zoroark
It was HGSS when Silver was revealed to be Giovanni's son, but did they tell it straight away? No.

Anyway, I'm not really sure. The hair color look different to N's, but that could change (remember, this is probably all beta, since this vid was released a while ago). But the eyes look different, they don't have N's look, so I think that it isn't.
The person who is being crowned could be N or somebody that looks like N.
tyrannitard said:

We still don't even know if N has a sibling or not. Though to me it seems like N is like the only child. We need more information. :3
why not? i rather like Shadow Arceus's theory about N's brother/sister
(the person getting crowned has different eyes then N)
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