Pokemon Who will lead in the third sinnoh game?

RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

You just contradicted yourself, but I know what you're trying to say.

I think the legendary to star in the third game will be Giratina, but I also think it could possibly be Mesprit as well.
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

I read from a pokemon web site that there was NOT going to be a third thingymagigger to the 4rth generation, sorry to burst any bubbles....
If there was one, I'd wish it would star Cresselia
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

There most likely will be one. That site you got it from doesn't know what they're talking about.
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

Has no one thought of the cover being shared by Giratina and Cressilia? >__>

I think it will be Starly xDDD
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

It couldn't be Mespirit

1 Mespirit is equal to azelf and uxie, theirfore they all have an equal chance

2 The Mespirit Uxie and Azelf trio is the 4th generation legendary set of three:
1st: Zapdos Articuno Moltres
2nd: Raikou entei Suicune
3rd: Regirock Regice Registeel

Therefore, either one of those nine had a just as good chance at a game, and none of them ever got one. And i seriously doubt if they'll make three new different sinnoh games for each.
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

...wait a second Arceus? Yah its an event Pokemon, but they could rework it so it wouldn't be.

Pokemon Galaxy Version?
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

I am almost positive it will be Giratina. It is the Rayquaza of Sinnoh and it has the power to distort dimensions (Palkia's power...). I don't know if it can use Dialga's power, but it probably could. Also, about there not being one, I HIGHLY doubt that that is true....Unless they just stop all things Pokemon, then they are probably going to make the third one.
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

Palkia ans Dialga are alter egos of Arceus, so most likely Arceus will be in the thrid game, unable to catch, until the Nat. Dex
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

If they do make another game to match Diamond and Pearl then they would have to use the perfect Pokemon to fit the cover of the game What game name will fit with Diamond and pearl? I just thought of one. Would Pokemon porcellin work? I am not sure how to spell that word because there are silent letters but I hope it will fit.:)
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

He's got point and yeah pokemon porcelain* sounds good. :)
But if Arceus could lead the next game what's stopping someone like Darkrai?
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

arceus created dialga and palkia but I vote for giratina when you get the dread plate the text says someting like three beings were created and a part says someting of spirit the myth exactly fits giratina for a version of darkrai should be a version with a cresselia int the box and in the other box version darkrai since the two have to do something with the moon
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

I think it will be giratina but that mespirt makes sence considering crystal but still i think giratina.
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

I hope the creators make the 3rd game and if they do then they can get there idea for the cover.:)
RE: Who will star in a third sinnoh game?

Any ideas of what the box art would look like?

I'm typing all this up on my new wii internet :D