Whoever makes pokemon games should make a new TCG game for DS.


1st Place Indiana Masters Regionals
I think that whoever makes the pokemon DS games (diamond,pearl etc..) should make a new pokemon TCG for the DS!! It would be a great idea. They could update and download the new cards that come out using WI-FI. I dont know why they wouldnt make one. They could put rare cards in the actual game case so people would buy it. It would pretty much copy yu-gi-oh's games but it would be pokemon! And you could battle people online via WI-FI.
( thought that this was the right forum )
What do you guys think?
That will fail.
What about people who buy the game later then the release will 2 other sets are already out and they can go on wi-fi?
I support this idea. Dont get me wrong, I love playing the TCG with actual cards, but having my ideal deck on the DS would eliminate alot of hassle involving any rule confusion. It would allow for a more portable TCG experience. However, with the online tcg simulator included in the Leafon vs Metagross deck might solve this for me whenever I get a netbook.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
That will fail.
What about people who buy the game later then the release will 2 other sets are already out and they can go on wi-fi?

That's what they'd have to do. Dowload new sets over wifi. The pronlem is that a game would take away the popularity of the TCG game, as some non-competitive players would have no further reason to buy cards. Nintendo wouldn't even take a chance with losing money.
I think it sounds pretty epic, I'd buy it. I loved the original TCG game.

To Dances with Ninjas, EPIC Minmoto banner. (do you even know what I'm talking about....)
I think this is a great idea 8) I'd buy it, maybe they could do something like MTGO(magic the gathering online) but for pokemon?
cApNhOwDy said:
but having my ideal deck on the DS would eliminate alot of hassle involving any rule confusion.

No, it would make it worse. When they made official card game rulings, people would say "but thats not how it worked on the DS!"
So they get it right on the DS the first time, and afterwards if there's any confusion then whatever the judges say, goes.
I'd actually love to see one. The top screen views your opponent's side, and the bottom screen views your side. In order to do your moves, you basically just have to touch something. For example, if you want to attach an energy to one of your Pokemon, just tap the energy and drag to the Pokemon. Retreat? Yeah, the possibilites are endless. With WiFi, we can battle people over the internet, and download newer sets. See Pokemon data? Prolly just double tap that Pokemon.
Juliacoolo said:
That's what they'd have to do. Dowload new sets over wifi. The pronlem is that a game would take away the popularity of the TCG game, as some non-competitive players would have no further reason to buy cards. Nintendo wouldn't even take a chance with losing money.

I could only see it helping the community grow. A lot of people are put off by card games because of the money investment, so giving them a place to try out decks before making purchases could bring new players in. Also, the GBC TCG had awesome music, so everybody wins.

Porygon Z.0 said:
I think it sounds pretty epic, I'd buy it. I loved the original TCG game.

To Dances with Ninjas, EPIC Minmoto banner. (do you even know what I'm talking about....)

Nintendo doesn't have the best track record with downloadable content. Everybody was demanding downloadable Brawl characters, and they got, "lol, how do we do that?" from Nintendo. They're consistently a generation behind (or further) the competition in the online department, and they don't really care about getting up to speed since they make mountains of cash regardless.
I know I'd buy it! And while the idea I'm thinking would cost money, it wouldn't be to bad. Just make it to where you can buy Special "Code Packs" and in each pack you got a pack of a set, and a Download Card with it for the set that the pack was. Maybeeee.... $7.99 for it wouldn't be bad.
I'd obviously buy it, but I think it would be better if there wasn't any downloadable sets. They could give us a game with all the DP- and Plat-sets (since they're all in modified together and stuff), and then make new games every once in a while with the new modified-sets (when all the sets from the last game has been rotated out).
That would be awesome.
It works for Yugioh so why wouldn't it work for pokemon? Yugioh is still popular and Konami releases Yugioh games all the time. Seems like it would be win/win for Nintendo. Maybe they don't make one because it would cut into the sale of other pokemon games.
Juliacoolo said:
That's what they'd have to do. Dowload new sets over wifi. The pronlem is that a game would take away the popularity of the TCG game, as some non-competitive players would have no further reason to buy cards. Nintendo wouldn't even take a chance with losing money.

I agree, Pokemon is one of the few popular TCG's out there besides Magic: The Gathering, World of Warcraft TCG, and Yu-Gi-Oh! (Is that game even still around?), making a DS game based on the Pokemon TCG and being able to download expansions on Wi-Fi would hurt the TCG itself ALOT.

The TCG market itself is already in a bad state as it is no thanks to the U.S. economy and the recession.
I love P-TCG, and I don`t have many friends in my area who play P-TCG and it`s sad because I can`t practice then. But if I hade it on DS I could practice and later beat my friends because I got better then them. hihi^^
Well P-TCG don`t loose money on this I really think they make a lot of money on this! The cardgame is a beautiful game and it`s more fun to play against friends than a computer:)!