Pokemon wht is your favorite version of pokemon ?

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crystal......but I think D/P will be better. Crystal was awesome though......so much things goin on.....good times!
Out of the Versions I have played, my favourite Pokémon Version is Emerald, followed by Gold, and then Red/Blue.
My favorite is yellow or ruby, yellow because it was my first and ruby because... well i just like it
Emerald(because of Rayquaza)or Diamond(its just cool)
I hate the name of the 3rd pokemon's version they just put it in the wrong way duh(no spoilers)
my favorites are pokemon blue, cristal,emerald, leaf gree and XD does are the best



Emerald is the best, cause thats the first version I got and the pokémon own, not to mention the Kyogre battling Groudon cut scene X3
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