Why did they change Rare Candy's art from JP HGU -> Eng HGU?


Japanese Art:


English Art:


Does anybody know why they changed it? Is there some symbol in the Japanese art that was deemed inappropriate for the American audience?

The Japanese one looks much cooler imo.
Wow, since they did that, I doubt we'll ever get the HGU rare candy. =(

Does anyone know the rule on having Japanese cards in your deck? I heard 10% of your deck is allowed to be Japanese, is that true?
festizzio said:
Wow, since they did that, I doubt we'll ever get the HGU rare candy. =(

Does anyone know the rule on having Japanese cards in your deck? I heard 10% of your deck is allowed to be Japanese, is that true?

For now that's okay with a translation, after rotation however you will not be allowed to play foreign language cards at all.
Alex(charm)ander said:
For now that's okay with a translation, after rotation however you will not be allowed to play foreign language cards at all.

Not even...BASIC ENERGY o_O
Alex(charm)ander said:
Now THAT surprises me. I do not understand why we can't use foreign basic energy.

Because stupid people exist.

The Japanese artwork is way better then ours.
I think the reason they're not going to allow JP cards is because the backs are different, and if your sleeves are even a little bit see-through then it can be considered cheating, so in that case it doesn't matter what card it is, whether it's an energy or whatever, as long as the back is different, it can be used to cheat.

Just my 2cents
festizzio said:
I think the reason they're not going to allow JP cards is because the backs are different, and if your sleeves are even a little bit see-through then it can be considered cheating, so in that case it doesn't matter what card it is, whether it's an energy or whatever, as long as the back is different, it can be used to cheat.

Just my 2cents

then don't you think there should be a ruling on what kind of sleeves you are and aren't allowed to use when there is foriegn cards in your deck? Me personally, I hate it when I can see the back of cards through sleeves, so I make sure mine are solid.
I'm pretty sure that they said using Japanese cards caused disruptions at tournaments because for anyone who can't read Japanese (which is almost everyone), they can't be sure that what the opponent is doing with the card is actually what's printed on the card. Of course, there are reference requirements, but those are a hassle as well. And you'd think "well everyone knows what Luxray GL Lv. X does", but that's really not the case, especially with newer competitors; when you start delving into the more obscure cards, it's just a big hassle in general, one that could easily be circumvented by just banning them outright.

Doesn't justify banning JP Energy, of course, but if you're going to make a ruling like this one, you might as well make it definitive.

(Disclaimer: Post does not reflect writer's personal opinion.)
Your still allowed to use 10% (6 cards) in any lang. until the rotation (which is after the Worlds~this year).
festizzio said:
Japanese Art:


English Art:


Does anybody know why they changed it? Is there some symbol in the Japanese art that was deemed inappropriate for the American audience?

The Japanese one looks much cooler imo.

We'll probably get the other art in a future set. I'm hoping next set (after Unleashed), but maybe a set or two after.
Vulpix Yolk said:
I doubt we'd get set with back to back candies as awesome as it would be
Especially if the next set doesn't suck, because then nobody would buy unleashed packs.
well looking at the future, we got Clash at the summit and Lost Link to look foreward to. It seems like Lost Link may be a big mixture of a set of everything we have lacked. so I would say probably Clash would be the other candy.
PheonyxXx said:
then don't you think there should be a ruling on what kind of sleeves you are and aren't allowed to use when there is foriegn cards in your deck? Me personally, I hate it when I can see the back of cards through sleeves, so I make sure mine are solid.
Ultra Pros are one of the most popular types of sleeves, and those are quite easy to see through on most of the colors. The ones that are completely solid, like KMC, Player's Choice or Dragon Shields stick together after a very short time, making them difficult to shuffle and thus mostly bad sleeves.
aw man, that japaneese one is soooooo cool looking! I want it so bad!

but yeah, we got the expert deck candys.
Why are people saying Unleashed sucks? Ninetales, both Kingdras, Lanturn Prime, Tyranitar Prime, both Crobats, Blastoise, pretty much every Supporter and Trainer..I admit it's annoying that there were literally no good pokemon in the common/uncommon slot but it's not a bad set overall. A decent chunk of the rares are playable, and almost every trainer pull is good.
Kittymew said:
Why are people saying Unleashed sucks? Ninetales, both Kingdras, Lanturn Prime, Tyranitar Prime, both Crobats, Blastoise, pretty much every Supporter and Trainer..I admit it's annoying that there were literally no good pokemon in the common/uncommon slot but it's not a bad set overall. A decent chunk of the rares are playable, and almost every trainer pull is good.

because in all honesty...it does

Ninetales...ok, but more than likely, after that Heat Accel...it's toast, that doesn't really make for a top notch card

Kingdra...the regular Stage 2 is ok, not exactly the greatest, but ok...the Prime is just tech worthy IMO

Blastoise...this is a decent one, there are three things that keep it from being better than decent...having only one attack, the cost of the attack, and the retreat cost

Crobat...the regular Stage 2 is yawner, the first attack is meh, and the 2nd attack is completely flippy, thumbs down there...the Prime is ok though, even though it lacks heavily in the damage capacity department, and the moment Special Conditions are nullified it's usefullness is useless

Laturn Prime...I like this one, no complaints here

T-Tar Prime...another one I like, has a huge enemy in a Prime from the previous set, but it's still a above decent card

Ursa Prime...this one is decent, the attack costs are a lil' high, and the HP isn't the best, but it's got some slight potential

TSS line-up...this is the best thing about the whole set, when the TSS line is the best thing about the whole, that doesn't bode well for the set

other Rares...I've looked at the list for this set time and time again, and I don't see what you're talking about...the rares, while there are some mildly decent ones outside of what's mentioned, for the most part they are lil' more than steaming piles...the set as a whole is lacking...most of the rares, while playable, have something that does the same job better, and will still be in the format after rotation (given any rotation prediction, except HG-on)...that is why the set sucks IMO

as for the topic...I could care less what art is on which card, as the art makes no difference...especially with a card like Rare Candy, in which the art for it, doesn't really change much
I don't understand what Kittymew is talking about; nobody said anything about Unleashed sucking until he came in here.

Art means a lot to me, I like the way my cards look as I am a collector as well as a player. I want something that retains value to me other than just, "Can I play it or can't I?"