It's an interesting story. A few of my friends and me wanted to start playing a Trading Card Game, but we didn't have enough information which one. As we didn't want to play it competitive, just for the fun, there were things we didn't care about - for example, if the game was still alive or not, or what are the special rules during the tournaments (rotation, for example). All we wanted to have is just some fun. That's when I found some of my old Pokémon cards what I collected (and also played) when I was younger, and it was obvious for me that we should play that. I did some research about the game and I realized that I check out 1 or 2 websites, and one of them was Poké Beach. For a long time, I just checked out the topics and threads as a guest, but later I registered in order to show the decks we build (they were Unlimited Decks).
The funny thing is, that I actually didn't post these Decks, instead I started several other themes, for my own works, fakes, and so on. Then I stayed, because of the community. For a while, I didn't post because I was really busy and uninterested in the game itself, but then now I'm back since a month or two with full of new ideas to share.