Why does Dustox get an EX card?

Which of these Pokemon should get an Ex card next?

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Tomokazu Komiya

He's cool. Sorta.
Why do they give this super-weak Pokemon, Dustox, an EX card?! Why not give a mighty Pokemon, like Rhydon or Nidoking, an EX first? Sure, the card is terrific, but the Pokemon is not. Cascoon evolves at level 10, for crying out loud. So please, don't give these weak Pokemon EX cards, Nintendo! Does everyone agree with me here?
hahaha that's rich, Mew deserving more than any other pokemon. sure it's a legendary, but they're all equal to the POP company and me i guess. . . . . Though Rhydon would be cool.

Arcanine out.
Yeah wen I first saw Dustoxe EX 2 things came to mind:

1). Holy Miltank! An EX that I'm weak to that has Safe Guard? That's just messed up. Geeese it can do 100 on turn 3????!!!!???!!?

2). Why is a Dustoxe EX this broken? Sure 2 Weaknesses, but just look at it! Someone made a mistake.
Oh yeah there is a third:

The TCG is the only place they are accepted as fellow Pokemon. At least the TCG isn't overrun with legendary Pokemon like the Anime and video games.
RE:  Why does Dustox get an EX card?

Water Pokémon Master said:
The TCG is the only place they are accepted as fellow Pokemon. At least the TCG isn't overrun with legendary Pokemon like the Anime and video games.
You're right, but how IS Dustox a legend?
Dustox IS NOT a legend. That's just it. Just because a set is named Legend Maker doesn't mean that all of the cards in the set are legendary. Such was the case of Hidden Legends. By the same token, Pokémon-ex classification aren't restricted to the powerful monsters. Look at Mightyena. Look at Wigglytuff. Look at Sneasel. All of them are not the sharpest monsters around, but they were made into Pokémon-ex. By the same arguement, why would Neo: Genesis Azumarill have an attack with the same effect as the first Promo Articuno, only with more damage, even though Articuno has higher stats than Azumarill?

Because if the legendaries were made to be more powerful than the rest of the monsters, the game would grow stale, since everyone would be using legendaries. That's why they make it balanced in the TCG. In the GB games, legendaries with stat totals above 600 are banned in many tournaments because if they weren't, people would use and abuse them, like they did (and continue to do!) at the Pokémon Journeys Across America. I know that the GB games and the TCG are different, but the point that I am trying to illustrate is that if there is no balance in any game, it grows stale much more quickly.

Just look at it this way. If only the most powerful monsters were made into Pokémon-ex, there would be less variation, and less balance, thus less life in the game. They would have to reuse the same monsters more frequently, once they run out of powerful monsters, and everyone would be using Tyranitar, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Salamence, Armaldo, Arcanine, and others, as opposed to Wigglytuff, Pidgeot, Linoone, Dustox, Butterfree, Raticate, etc.

This is my stance on the issue. Others may feel differently.
RE:  Why does Dustox get an EX card?

DocRobot_K-176 said:
Dustox IS NOT a legend.  That's just it.  Just because a set is named Legend Maker doesn't mean that all of the cards in the set are legendary.  Such was the case of Hidden Legends.  By the same token, Pokémon-ex classification aren't restricted to the powerful monsters.  Look at Mightyena.  Look at Wigglytuff.  Look at Sneasel.  All of them are not the sharpest monsters around, but they were made into Pokémon-ex.  By the same arguement, why would Neo: Genesis Azumarill have an attack with the same effect as the first Promo Articuno, only with more damage, even though Articuno has higher stats than Azumarill?

Because if the legendaries were made to be more powerful than the rest of the monsters, the game would grow stale, since everyone would be using legendaries.  That's why they make it balanced in the TCG.  In the GB games, legendaries with stat totals above 600 are banned in many tournaments because if they weren't, people would use and abuse them, like they did (and continue to do!) at the Pokémon Journeys Across America.  I know that the GB games and the TCG are different, but the point that I am trying to illustrate is that if there is no balance in any game, it grows stale much more quickly.

Just look at it this way.  If only the most powerful monsters were made into Pokémon-ex, there would be less variation, and less balance, thus less life in the game.  They would have to reuse the same monsters more frequently, once they run out of powerful monsters, and everyone would be using Tyranitar, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Salamence, Armaldo, Arcanine, and others, as opposed to Wigglytuff, Pidgeot, Linoone, Dustox, Butterfree, Raticate, etc.

This is my stance on the issue.  Others may feel differently.
You're right and I was sort of wrong. Wouldn't you agree for a Dustox EX it is broken?
It knows Safe Guard, Increases it's attacks by 30, and is T2 capable.
Somewhat. But at least it discourages people from playing Pokémon-ex intensive decks. Just look at what it does to LBS and ZRE. I think Dustox-ex is balanced, since it has lower HP and has double weaknesses (Psychic, Fire). As far as T2 capabilities go, Fossils work well in countering T2 decks, especially Root Fossils. Opponents do no get prizes, and even if it isn' KOed, you can discard it anytime and send out your main attacker. That, and the Fire/Psychic Weakness makes it vulnerable.

I guess I'm not exactly sure what you mean by it being broken. Do you mean that it has too powerful attacks, as in, a Dustox shouldn't be that powerful? If that is what you mean, compare it to the Azumarill/Articuno arguement. Why would Dustox-ex be stronger than say, the Regice-ex from Emerald? After all, Regice-ex has better stats in the GB game than Dustox. It is done so that the normally overlooked monsters in the GB games have a chance to see more play in the TCG.

Even some of the underused monsters in the GB games can pack surprises. In Pokémon Box, you can receive an egg that contains a Zigzagoon with Extremespeed. At first, this doesn't seem significant. What happens when it learns Belly Drum and has a Shell Bell attached? It suddenly becomes a force to be reckoned with, taking out many monsters before they even get a chance to attack.

Overall, my point is that monsters do not always have to be judged by their stats, and do not have to have attacks in the TCG that match their stats. Base Set Chansey does 80 damage with Double-Edge, even though in the GB game, its Double Edge is pathetic.

Does my point of view make sense?
That was a really good point.

Another thing is that if you need some powerful attack,you must have another 'weakness' in the card to balance it,so those two weakness type in the card will make dustox ex having difficulties in surviving...

We cannot compare the pokemon in gb with the one in TCG.They are totally 2 different aspect,only the type and the name are the same.Attack used in cards are mostly fake because it does not exist in gb games.Most of it are created for the use of the card game, so theres no need to compare.

IMO,i think every pokemon deserve a place as pokemon-ex, even if that pokemon are legendary or not.The first thing i knew dustox was an ex ,i just wonder what about beautifly?Both of them should come together,maybe beautifly had been in DX so now is dustox's turn.So when can i see Beautifly ex?

And every pokemon ex are powerful,thats why they called ex.so it was up to you to choose which one to use,whether based on the attack and power or based on which of the favorite pokemon of yours.

One more thing,in the gb game,if the pokemon you use were just meant to be the strongest but not your favorite team,no point playing the game and have fun,you will just probably won any battle the strongest pokemon of all ,not your favorite team pokemon...you won't enjoy it,unless those legendary pokemon are the only favourite pokemon of yours...
Dustox is a good pokemon in the TCG and in the show and I don't know about r/s/e but if you give it TM's and HM's it can be a good pokemon. I think that is why his attacks are not that good and it leaves room for those types of attacks so if you have him give him those attacks and then he will be a good pokemon.:)
Dustox became an ex becuase he has 3 letters that are also in "Chuck Norris".

If you don't get that, go to the nearest hospital and have yourself treated with a sickness-curing Roundhouse kick.
why not allow dustox be an ex? i mean i won't mind any stage 2 pokemon become an ex as long as it can do something... just don't print a milotic ex that has only one attack splash that only conuse the opponent if you flip 3 heads and nothing else... now, that would be a shame...
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