One of the main draws (in my opinion) of this game is that you can build a really good deck on a budget. Some people just want to be able to play the game at a decent level without spending an arm and a leg. Hell, I've quit Yugioh twice to go to Pokemon because it's cheaper, and it will probably be permanent this time due to various other reasons. Hell, I'll need 2 decks in Pokemon now because of Extended Format, but those 2 decks will still be cheaper than just my Extra Deck for Yugioh. And then there's the fact that I can just move certain staples around.
But that brings up an interesting point. A lot of people don't bling decks out because they don't want to get shafted by cycling. But now that Extended Format will keep tons of cards playable for a lot longer, I wouldn't be surprised if more people started picking up blinged out versions of cards.
Personally, at first I tend to just get what's available, and go from there. I pulled a FA Lysandre and was fully content to use a regular one for my other copy. But my locals only had FA. Reverse Holo MR. Mime cost less for some reason. I was able to get my hands on a Red Genesect box, so a bunch of my Supporters are RH. Some Yugioh player sold me a FA Raikou EX has was using as a token for 10 bucks which is less than what a non FA would have cost me. So yeah, a bunch of my stuff is blinged out without me ever really intending to bling my deck out. But, over time, I probably will try to upgrade most of my tuff to at least RH because I think it looks nice.