Why hasn't "Blaines Quiz" been answered in months?


I have been getting kind of mad that the same question has been up there for so long, especially since I think the answer is Family Guy when most think it's Heroes. I've seen every Family Guy episode multiple times and don't remember anythingabout Pokemon. I just want to know the answer!!!
Remember that WPM is very busy and all with the website, after all, it must be. Maybe if he has time in the future then he will be able to update, but until then, we'll just have to wait and see.

There are only opinions. Sure, its the majority vote and that but you could be right. ;)
We're also waiting for any new questions, so send them to WPM if they're good.

dmaster out.
Well Heroes isnt it thats for sure.
The name Pikachu has been mentioned in it.
Hope there will be a new one soon because I really enjoy these quizes.
A good question is required for that tho. ;)
I sent my poll idea to WPM a while ago, I guess he didn't get it. I'll send again I guess. The main site is probably focusing on card review and 5th hen anyways.