Just as a semi reply as i agree with Qnetykz here, make realistic conclusions and here are my predictions for Set rotation-
DP-on, 99.99 sure it won't be this as they said they would rotate this year.
LA-on, Hard for me to say yes too, but they could be changing and allowing sets 3 years of rotation in format.
PL-on, I think it will be this one, the main problem is Drapion LV.X w/out Drapion in play, again i think this is the one that "the players want" as this is logical and keeps decks alive and not breaking up a segment.
SV-on, This would mean a MASSIVE cut in sets but it would stick with the two years in format rule.
HGSS-on, I think this will be the format not this year, but the coming year, right now it would be somewhat inconsistent but with the cards out right now bears akin to EX format in terms of supporters.
I actually agree with you a bit on the LA-on rotation...considering that when the rotation after the DP sets were released, there were still some EX sets remaining in the format...but I think that's just wishful thinking, being that it looks as though the game is steering towards a slowing drawing direction, and keeping Uxie in the format doesn't really help that...I think SF-on would be more probable, it will still leave Drapion Lv. X with lower stages to be used...and not leave it the only card in the format that is unable to be while that would leave Machamp to run rampant on SPs and Gengar to wreck havok on alot, SPs would still have their Cyrus' engine and would still have their full payload of SPs to play with, not to mention they would still be faster due to not having to worry about drawing as much
PT-on is also another highly probable it removes the D&P sets from the format, therefore eliminating a total block...the Japanese opening Platinum set is also the set they rotated to in Japan, and it is highly speculated that POP is trying to get an even rotation with the Japanese market...however, that still brings me back to the Drapion Lv. X issue...last year, I speculated no rotation due to certain cards not be able to be used (Rhyperior Lv. X comes to mind)...I don't believe that POP wants cards that are available for use, to be left with no way to be while I do believe this is the most probable rotation, I'm not exactly sure if it will be a PT-on rotation
RR-on...this is one I've been thinking about lately, as it eliminates the D&P block, doesn't leave any cards unable to be used even though they are available to be used...and will even the playing field a bit more between EVOs and SPs, by cutting out the SPs coveted Cyrus still leaves some SPs and some of the SP specific helps to keep the format going into the slower drawing direction that it seems to be heading towards
your SV-on theory is kinda screwed though, being that D&P has been in the format longer than 2 years...not only that, rotating anything beyond RR seems more and more improbable as you creep more towards HGSS with HGSS-on being nearly illogical for this year's rotation...limiting more cards is much more stifling to an already mostly uncreative playing populace, and can easily upset others into making them want to quit the game, which is bad business, that would mean we would have rotated past the japanese, given they don't rotate to their equivalent I highly doubt that it will rotate upto that far