Why is Absol G Lv.X hyped?


Aspiring Trainer
Am I missing something? Personally, it doesn't seem that great. It gets PWNed by Machamp (two heads kills it), it has low HP, and it's maximim damage output is 60 damage. The only thing that makes the card any good is it's Poke-Power, which although it is pretty good, I just don't see the reason for playing this card. The Power can be Power Sprayed, after all. Hopefully, someone can enlighten me on how this card is supposed to be any good.
Its SP so it has all the combos to go with it, It abuses special dark energy, it does 60+ for 1, message of ruin can totally destroy your opponents high retreat cost pokemon (combined with LUX X, shining gaze their claydol+message of ruin=Destruction),tech in toxitank for machamp, the pokepower, minor sniping! Do I need to list more?
Rayquaza95 said:
Its SP so it has all the combos to go with it, It abuses special dark energy, it does 60+ for 1, message of ruin can totally destroy your opponents high retreat cost pokemon (combined with LUX X, shining gaze their claydol+message of ruin=Destruction),tech in toxitank for machamp, the pokepower, minor sniping! Do I need to list more?

Ah, I see. So really, would you say that it gains it's true power from Luxray GL?
PokeChamp said:
Rayquaza95 said:
Its SP so it has all the combos to go with it, It abuses special dark energy, it does 60+ for 1, message of ruin can totally destroy your opponents high retreat cost pokemon (combined with LUX X, shining gaze their claydol+message of ruin=Destruction),tech in toxitank for machamp, the pokepower, minor sniping! Do I need to list more?

Ah, I see. So really, would you say that it gains it's true power from Luxray GL?

Pretty much, most people overhype it without the luxray, but I think absol sucks without it.
Not just those, but remember that since Absol is an SP, it can be PokeTurned, so you can actually use the power a maximum of 5 times. [not including Aaron's Collection, Night Maintenance, or Pokemon Rescue.]
That's true, thanks for your input. I just never really understood what the deck was about.
Still I think that it can kill even battleing SP decks because who wants to waste a Poke turn on Absol's attack. Besides SP decks mostly have high retreat cost( Palkia G Dialga G).
70 damage is bad since when? Last I checked that's a 2HKO, and I don't see most decks dishing out OHKOs unless they have Weakness.

Absol G is maimed by Macheap, yes, but I can always run Toxitank or Dusknoir with Unown G for that "deck".

Absol G is mainly good because it can have sooo many techs in it, deals out decent damage (not a lot, but 2HKOs on a Basic isn't bad at all.) and can when a game with is Power alone. (I sent your Blaziken LV. X to the Lost Zone? I'm sorry.) Not only that, but he can be abused greatly by Poke-Turn and Luxray GL LV. X. Dusknoir FB also makes his drawback not so bad.

Message or Ruin + Luxray is hawt.
Like everyone said, Absol G has some many combos. I mean, with SDE on Absol G Lv.X he can do 70 for one (with Energy Gain.) Sure, you have to discard, but by discarding some SP's and stuff you can build up power for a Dusknoir FB or something. With Luxray GL Lv.X, you can combine that with Doom News to create a constant KO. I wouldn't run Palkia Lv.X though. Even if he is a decent idea with Doom News. I just believe there are other things you can do rather than running 4 Switch/Warp Point, Weavile/Moonlight Stadium, and stuff like that.

Next thing you know, Absol G will become like Flygon Lv.X before he came out.
Gliscor said:
Like everyone said, Absol G has some many combos. I mean, with SDE on Absol G Lv.X he can do 70 for one (with Energy Gain.) Sure, you have to discard, but by discarding some SP's and stuff you can build up power for a Dusknoir FB or something. With Luxray GL Lv.X, you can combine that with Doom News to create a constant KO. I wouldn't run Palkia Lv.X though. Even if he is a decent idea with Doom News. I just believe there are other things you can do rather than running 4 Switch/Warp Point, Weavile/Moonlight Stadium, and stuff like that.

Next thing you know, Absol G will become like Flygon Lv.X before he came out.

It seems that the Absol hype is dying down, though. I still think it will be at least Tier 1.5.

Anyway, Absol G just tears Gengar to shreds. Absol G does 100 damage with Special Dark to Gengar, and using something like Crobat or Skuntank would be great here. Gengar is a near auto-win if you play it right. G up your Active Absol and a Power user on the Bench and you can wipe the floor with Gengar.
Thanks for your responses, everyone! I now understand how it's a pretty good card, and why it so hyped.

So, it seems the popular variant is Absol with Luxray... interesting. I will have to keep this in mind.
Why isn't Luxray played alone? Because it's damage output just doesn't cut it. Absol is the same. It's a good card but not worth all the hype.
ze_draeck said:
Why isn't Luxray played alone? Because it's damage output just doesn't cut it. Absol is the same. It's a good card but not worth all the hype.

I would have to agree. I think Absol G Lv.X is a good card, now that I actually understand what it does, but overall it still has many weaknesses. If anything, this is just the release of the new and improved LuxApe. LuxApe did okay, so this should be slightly better. Really, all that hype is kind of silly. It's not the BDIF in many ways.
I think Absol G is good, it can ruin gengar, 1 bat (or Sp. dark) and skuntank, i 1 shot you w/o fainting spell.

Machamp can be 1 shotted by a G'd Dusknoir FB+Skuntank G+Lucario GL.

If I lost zone your LVL X attacker, i win.
ze_draeck said:
Why isn't Luxray played alone? Because it's damage output just doesn't cut it. Absol is the same. It's a good card but not worth all the hype.

The deck puts out plenty of damage as the deck foucuses on destroying your oppenets start more like Luxape except more consistent.
Only doing THKO's won't win you games anymore, you need the ocasional OHKO, and I don't see you dropping multiple Crobats and PokéTurn them while having a Sp. Darkness to Absol. It's Poké-Power is nice, and it will win you games (you should notice how bad that actually is for a deck) but the flip really ruins it. You would most likely play down Chatot G and now you've got a problem. Putting the good cards on top or on the bottom? If I would put it on top I have the chance to flip 3 tails and give them the good cards. If I put it on the bottom I have the chance to flip enough head to get rid of the bad cards. It's also sprayable and when you get into a Mesprit lock you will get a problem (suddenly, you're not disruptive anymore). As for it's attack, SP-decks are quite tight and can't really afford the discard. Absol/3 other corners is still the same. To become effectively (the occasional OHKO, only late-game) you would need atleast ±9 SP-Pokémon in the discard for Dusknoir. And what would you drop? Chatot G, a Luxray and that Empoleon? Maybe 1 or 2 Absol or the second Dusknoir, which would give you less attacking Pokémon, or are you going to wait even longer untill your attacker dies? An constant Discard from T2 and on will hunt you down all nightmare long when you can't afford it.

As for Machamp, I would love to see you get 6 SP-Pokémon in the discard pile and get multiple Dusknoir out with an Unown G and 3 Energies (the second one can have 2 though). Machamp will get early prizes, and when you KO one, Machamp would just bring up another, level up and throw 1 heads (or Level up and Revenge ftw). Now you have to get that other while the cycle will go on.

And if you Lost Zone our LV.X attacker, we would just attack with the regular attacker :/