Why the U.S. Stock Market Could Crash this Year...

Lol I thought that it already crashed died was reborn and then got shot again just for the fun of it.

Whether or not the U.S. Stock Market will crash this year due to the Turmoil in Greece and the European Debt Crisis is unknown at the moment.

However people right now are buying U.S. Dollars like they are going out of style when before they were dumping them left and right. The Euro is on a major decline and people are selling them off.

We had to extend a line of U.S. Dollars to sure up the Euro Market in that Greece Bailout. The problem here is that we are spending more money than what we are bringing in and the Obama Administration's Government Spending isn't helping the situation either whether it's the Health Care Bill or funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The current Debt level is almost that of our GDP and the current deficit is $1.6 Trillion. The thing about the U.S. is that it has a very robust economy that can take a hit. What needs to happen is a major cut in spending and revamp our tax system so that everyone is paying taxes.

Our tax system is out of date despite that taxes aren't a good thing, but it needs to be greatly updated. The biggest things is over hauling some of these entitlement programs, If things don't change and we keep on this same track then yes we will end up like Greece with an even bigger surge of Anti-Government protests especially in Thailand currently as well.

The Gold Standard might be a good way to financially support yourself in these hard economic times however it's VERY easy to manipulate the gold market.
I am no expert but I know that the econemy is not getting better like people say it is just trying to get better then burst

The euro is almost as much as the doallor lol

I wouldn't doubt that it would crash in 2012. People would probably see it as the end of the world, or at least the world with currency.
this is just the type of thing cardslingerj brings up alot lol

but other than that the market basically did crash
Do I know you 420masta1992? Not sure If I know you from another message board forum or not. Oh well, I was just curious that's all.

What we are in is a very Extended Recession, the numbers right now aren't even close to a Great Depression, despite that the Unemployment Rate is at 9.7% it's nothing compared to how it was back in 1929.

The Stock Market did fall during the Greece turmoil a week ago but we didn't lose 50% of it. There are a ton of things that haven't happened for us to be in a Depression. The numbers I was referring to earlier was regards to the Dow Jones and Nasdaq.
Well here is the thing people think that the econemy is getting better well it is but it is just about to fall for the last time for a while. I know that in Florida people have more unemployment then anywhere else there are not that many people comeing for the tourism. BUt CRASH

Card Slinger J said:
The current Debt level is almost that of our GDP and the current deficit is $1.6 Trillion. The thing about the U.S. is that it has a very robust economy that can take a hit. What needs to happen is a major cut in spending and revamp our tax system so that everyone is paying taxes.

Technically everyone is paying taxes. I'm assuming we all have a place of residence, so obviously you have to pay on that. Income tax is a very tricky thing because of all the loop-holes, but on average, most people pay tax on their income.

People who use 1031 exchanges can divert tax on the profit of the sale of a property (commercial property etc.). They would thus be getting out of paying for short term or long term capital gains.

Another avenue is using a Roth IRA. Let's say you put in 10k, and build it up to like 100k from stocks or whatever. From there, you pay for the down payment of a complex. All of the income of that income is non-taxable. Let's then say two years down the road you want to sell the complex for a 200k profit. All of the two year income plus the 200k profit on the sale is tax free.

The loop-holes of the rich are amazing. :D Thing is, if there weren't any "rich" people buying up all this extra inventory, we would never get out of this "slump".

Our tax system is out of date despite that taxes aren't a good thing, but it needs to be greatly updated. The biggest things is over hauling some of these entitlement programs, If things don't change and we keep on this same track then yes we will end up like Greece with an even bigger surge of Anti-Government protests especially in Thailand currently as well.

The tax system is fine, but since the taxes are based on the prices from when the market was cranking, they are inflated. A main problem here is that the majority of people don't know that you can fight your taxes at the tax tribunals. Thus, a lot of Americans are paying over-priced taxes. This doesn't even count that when you go to a tax tribunal, depending on the city, it could take up to a year to get your taxes changed. However, they do reimburse you from the time you bought the property. Also, when you buy a property, your taxes are practically raised from the previous person's taxes. Once again, this is a huge issue because you're most likely paying less for their property than what they paid for it.

Tristan said:
I am no expert but I know that the econemy is not getting better like people say it is just trying to get better then burst

Currently, the bank is releasing the second load of commercial property that they have on their books. They didn't want to release it all at once, otherwise the huge bulk of inventory would decrease the overall value of their stuff. After this second batch gets picked up, we should see an increase in the economy. Therefore, it is getting better.

Tristan said:
Well here is the thing people think that the econemy is getting better well it is but it is just about to fall for the last time for a while. I know that in Florida people have more unemployment then anywhere else there are not that many people comeing for the tourism. BUt CRASH

I assume we'll stay stagnant for another year or a little sooner, but after that, we should start seeing an increase in values across stocks and real estate. Stocks are already higher than what they were awhile ago. I remember when I bought Microsoft for like $16 per share. Now, it's floating at around $27.
Limitless do you study the stocks or something you just answered quite a few of my Q's thanks but I just hope it gets better soon

Tristan said:
Limitless do you study the stocks or something you just answered quite a few of my Q's thanks but I just hope it gets better soon


My parents and I purchase apartment complexes, residential houses, notes, stocks, etc. Basically, we use the government's system against them.

Anyways, it should start picking up within a couple years.
The stocks could crash
I could win $1,000,000
I could date Miley Cyrus
Platypus could take over the world

all of these have about the sam chance of happening. Except for the last one that is, that must happen.