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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

I saw that you played G-Dos for some of your Tournys. Did you play Call Energy in them???
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

I am making a Seed Gyarados Deck. If you did play them in your deck I would have wanted them. I asked you because I saw you were a good Gyarados Player.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

^2 things 1st do you want them 2nd I ran mesprit/dialgia gyarados to lock them out of all possiable speed outs, and used lookers to disrupt once I stoped power locking
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

Bump #3
I REALLLLLYYYY Need Gengar X!!!!
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

I have a Gengar X and Tyranitar Prime. Check my wants first; if we can make a deal tonight I will send out tomorrow.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

^ I only have a BFBX and a Smeargle UD
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

Alright, here's the cards I want with the approximate value:

Blaziken FB Lv.X $9
Smeargle UD $4
2x Crobat G $2 total
(Shaymin Lv.X $12
Lugia Legend Bottom $6
Rare Candy $1)

Gengar Lv.X $16
(Shipping via express mail; guaranteed to arrive by a certain date, either overnight or second day depending on where you live $18.30)

The items in parentheses are things that I would want if you want it to be guaranteed to arrive in time; I would ship via express mail which costs $18.30.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

Interested in:
1x Alakazam 4 LV.X (have the base forms too)
1x Infernape 4 LV. X (have the base forms too)

As well as others.
Please cml and lmk! =]
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

OK we are way off BFBX is $14 Smeargle is at least $7, but it should be $10, and shaymin is $18 so can you make another offer? But I will accept shipping extra.

what do you have from my wants?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

Troll and Toad's selling Smeargles for $5: http://trollandtoad.com/p306100.html

Landmin X completed auctions on eBay range anywhere from $10 to $20; blaziken also isn't consistently going for quite that much.

Can you make me an offer that you would like?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

^for CoL ones, the UD are worth $10 http://www.trollandtoad.com/p299567.html and I go by T&T because their prices are stable.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

Well, to me they're the exact same card except the CL one has a cooler picture. Could you please make me an offer; if we can get this finalized tonight I will get it out tomorrow
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

^ The UD one looks better, so that is just a battle of opinions, I propose we meet in the middle in regards to smeargle ($7.50)
I really do want to get this done, I think I can do the folowing deal:
1x Smeargle UD

For your:
1x Gengar X
PM me or counter
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

Do you want express, priority, or first-class mail? With express mail you WILL get it by Thursday, money-back if not, Priority probably will by Friday but there's no guarantee, and with First-class...you'll probably get it Saturday or Monday.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

^we can discuss this over PM so PM me.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly Need 1x Gengar X before regionals!!!!!!

^Azelf I need the card before regionals can you get it to me by friday?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub Want Pachirisu CoL baddly

Interested in:
2x Crobat G (2x Non-holo)

I have a HGSS RH Pokemon Communications thats not on my list, (in wifes deck but i think i can snag it :D) just CML for anything else! thanks!