Wii U Discussion

dmaster said:
You're pretty much spot on. Better graphics is kind of difficult when they're already at such a high level this long into the generation's lifespan. I suppose they'll just have to copy the only innovation out there right now and they'll probably come out with tablet controllers. ;p Just like they did with motion control.

dmaster out.

Oh trust me, they're already on it. Or at least Microsoft is, they already showed off SmartGlass last year which relegates the same functionality to one's existing tablet computer, and they're also developing their own brand of tablets. Now all that's missing is shovelware that no one cares about and they're set (seriously, for all the trouble they went through ripping off Nintendo, they don't really have any good games to take advantage of them).
Bolt the Cat said:
dmaster said:
You're pretty much spot on. Better graphics is kind of difficult when they're already at such a high level this long into the generation's lifespan. I suppose they'll just have to copy the only innovation out there right now and they'll probably come out with tablet controllers. ;p Just like they did with motion control.

dmaster out.

Oh trust me, they're already on it. Or at least Microsoft is, they already showed off SmartGlass last year which relegates the same functionality to one's existing tablet computer, and they're also developing their own brand of tablets. Now all that's missing is shovelware that no one cares about and they're set (seriously, for all the trouble they went through ripping off Nintendo, they don't really have any good games to take advantage of them).

I thought smart glass was an interesting idea, have all the extra stuff on there and fun facts. The thing they did with game of thrones where it would show on a map on your tablet exactly where they were on the map in the show while you were watching it was cool.

I think if Nintendo updates the online dashboard (I've heard it's bad) and makes things a little less buggy it will be a hit. (Right now it's like a release beta, people are complaining about the weird bugs and problems and then they will fix it and it will run smoothly. The wii wasn't always the for the most part the accurate and smoothly working thing it is now, I remember playing tennis when it first came out and getting annoyed by how bad it was....like the kinect now :p (kinect is buggy, it's just a fact)
I know the Wind Waker HD news has its own thread, but man, I thought the sudden activity here would be about the flood of news we had a few days ago:



It's all about the stuff in the future, but you can get Balloon Fight for $0.30 right now on the eShop (for a limited time). It's playable on the GamePad alone, and has customizable controls.
Meh, I'm still not impressed by the games they've shown off. The new Yoshi game looks like it could be okay (maybe a bit of a Kirby's Epic Yarn ripoff), but aside from that, still nothing to get excited about, and there won't be until E3 from the looks of it.