

WikiLeaks has been under tremendous media, mainly by American politicians as of late. Do you agree or disagree with their assertions? At which point is this "information warfare" and stops being simply media? How does this differ from, say, China blocking all information about the situation in Tibet to the Chinese people during the Tibet incident not too long ago?

At the moment, the founder of WikiLeaks is basically wanted in America. Is he guilty of being a terrorist, or is he simply a scapegoat to the destruction of journalistic integrity?
He's definetely not a terrorist.He just happened to stumple upon it and post it on the internet. Too much press nonsense.

You stole my username
This man should not be wanted.

As an Australian citizen he has the right free speech, implied from the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19, as long as Australian law does not prohibit the specific situation. He is not killing people, or hurting them, as long as people are fine, he should be fine to do the things that he already does. His site gets people who are interested in government a way that they would not have in any other place.
The real problem is that they have released classified documents as it stands, a totally different thing than "free speech", which is in fact by law a crime.

@Darkvoid57: More the other way around, noting that I made this account more than a year before you made yours. ^_-
This man is a hero. He exposed a lot of things that should be public to the people anyways. It may just be opinion but those documents should not have been classified, I thought the government was going to be more open now.
I gotta agree with hyperbeam, the man is a hero, he's letting the truth out. This is stuff we all want to know, we all want the truth. Its one reason why many younger people have turned against the government, there is too many lies and deception. Just let the truth out