Will Absol G Lv.X be useful?

^ Not a waste just recycle of the energy. ^^

Just tech in 1-1 absol g, 1 unown dark and 1 special dark energy (and maybe 1 sableye if you have the space). Thats 4/5 cards that will help to aether donk (if you run sableye) and/or to 1 hit gengar(s) But if you only run 1 special dark you have to be careful not to k.o gengar SF (fainting spell,, if you don't win on it) since you can't recover special dark. It should be used mostly to k.o gengar prime (and AR).

Now to enplane the sableye:
You can tech in 1 unown dark, 1 sableye and 1 special dark in almost any deck (mostly those who run crobat g). With 1 pokemon collector you can get sableye with special dark on it (even t1) to donk or to k.o damaged pokemon. Or just use impersonate if needed. But not every one will agree with me that it's worth teching this in some decks. And this combo should maybe be a thread on it's own...
