Pokemon Will Dawn Continue?

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I Just Can't Be Tamed
After getting so excited about the upcoming movie with Zorua and Zoroark, I thought about the 5th generation series to come but I wondered. Will Dawn continue? Will Brock continue?

We all know Ash will, but Misty stayed for two Generations, May for one, And Dawn for now, for one, but will she continue?

I love Dawn, I think she's great to watch..

What do you think.. new sidekick.. or stick with Dawn?
@TheGlaceonTrainer: It is possible but Ash's motto is "I'm gonna catch em' all!".

I think Ash will stay, Brock will stay and (hopefully) Dawn doesn't return. And what I do want
in Gen 5, a boy sidekick in the show and if it is a girl, make her a trainer not a contest person
Hmm :/

I definately think Ash will stay
I don't think Brock should stay, he is so boring and he doesn't do much.
Dawn on the other hand has a storyline and a reason to go on.

I think a new male friend should join them, probably a younger trainer, or one of Ash's old rivals.
Well, here's a thought...

When Generation One came out, the only option was a male trainer, i.e. Ash. They didn't introduce the concept of female trainers until Crystal in Gen Two, hence the creation of Misty for the anime.

Gen Two, as mentioned above, didn't have a female trainer until Crystal, and the anime was well into Johto at that point, so they kept Misty around, and the Crystal female trainer was in a couple Chronicle episodes.

Gen Three came around, introduced May as the female trainer and left Misty behind. May was around until Ash decided to go to Sinnoh.

Gen Four introduced Dawn for Sinnoh, and she'll likely be around until the end of the Sinnoh region, and perhaps a return to Johto (assuming they do one as they brought in Lyra/Kotone from the HGSS remake for a few episodes, which could do the trick if you don't count the Battle Frontier/Johto contest angle) but then will most likely be replaced by the female trainer in the fifth generation.

Personally I wouldn't mind Dawn staying around, but I wouldn't have minded May staying around either and she was replaced, so I see the same thing happening with Dawn, with a story arc in the new region to bring her back at least once. At best a new girl might be a dual trainer/contestant, but I suspect the contest angle is here to stay as long as the games use it, and I don't believe the games will stop using it.

Whether anyone likes it or not, Ash is the main character and he will be around until the end of this show. Case closed, end of story, move on.

As for Brock, could they replace him, perhaps. How successful it would be is another matter. They already tried it with Tracey and it was my understanding that it was not successful (I had no problem with it but I grew up watching Power Rangers, where the main characters got replaced basically every season after the third MMPR) and the odds of it being successful now is a million to one.

Especially in light of the threads you can find of Misty vs. May vs. Dawn vs...whoever else will come along in the future. And I imagine somewhere there are Brock vs. Tracey ones, do we really wanna add another person to that list? :(
Its hard to know if Dawn will go on to generation five. She has a reason: Pokemon Contests. But theres still a return to the Johto Region (that I know is going to happen after Sinnoh anime is done) They might introduce a new female lead for a new generation, most female leads stay for like two regions, but then leave. But I hope Dawn goes on. After all she has Piplup and I do like her.

But hey, theres a long time in between now and gen five, anything can happen.
I think they should make Ash older. He's been 10 for over 10 years....

Brock should venture off and do something at the gym, Tracy should come back and stay. There should also be a new girl sidekick, but as a trainer.
Ash is currently 13 years old.

Brock was replaced because the writers felt he wouldn't be well-received. They were surprised to find that Brock had a huge fan following, so they brought him back after Orange Islands.

Brock will probably stay with Ash when he goes to 5thgenland. He serves as the mature one of the group, the one who's been there and done that. He cooks for the group and also teaches the others about battling strategies, having been a Gym Leader.

He's also Ash's best friend, which is the main reason why he will probably stay.

In WPM's interview with the one dude, it was stated that the girl is replaced so the boys have someone new to look at, so Dawn will definitely not be returning to the main party in 5thgenland. Like May, she may cameo in a few episodes, but that's it.
I think Ash and Brock will stay, they have been stuck together since the start but 90% of me says that Dawn will go (YES!). Ash, obviously is one of the main mascots and nearly most recognised under the name of Pokemon, Brock, has brought attention to the show, and Dawn was the worst replacement ever! Seriously, she was not funny, boring and kinda suckish. I hate her girly-girl personality, it is so annoying. I think Lyra (Kotone) may be the replacement, which would make HG/SS more recognisable by promoting it in some way. I would also like another person to join.
I'm going to have to echo a lot of you guys here - Ash is obviously a must to stay. I think if he was removed, regardless of his 'frozen' age for so many years, they'd lose so many audiences and it would kill the whole franchise. Ash and Pikachu have been a team since the beginning and thwarting that will jeapordise it all to be honest. And Brock needs to stay being the older brother/father figure from the off. To lose those dynamics would lose the show.

As for the girl replacement, I quite like Dawn. I wouldn't mind seeing her stay. But I would really like Misty back, and I think it'd be so fitting for the re-release of Gold and Silver and all. Even though it may seem repetitive, I'd like Misty to come back in a way that she's back to go on a new journey, with a new goal or something. Have the original 3 back together would be fantastic. Of course, I doubt that'd happen.

I did like May also. She was cool to have around. Perhaps if they brought back Max (and perhaps May) being older - Max could train with Ash, being a mentor to Max or something. We all knew that Max at the time couldn't train.

Either way, I doubt any of these thoughts would really happen, but I'm not going to say never!
What about the main cast on the show? Since he had talked about how they like to “switch them up,” I explained to him that many fans want Ash, Misty, and Brock reunited again together. But, he reaffirmed what he said in the previous interview and said it wasn’t going to happen. I asked him what he meant in the previous interview about Pokemon Contests, and he said he just meant that characters like May have come back for a few episodes in Pokemon Contests, so Misty could come back too. He said, however, that Contests don’t appear to be her thing, so if she were to come back, it would probably be to join Ash in a battle or to just meet them somewhere. So then I said, “Why can’t you just ditch Brock, have Ash, have Misty, and then bring in a new boy? That would be switching up things instead of having a new girl.” His following answers made me laugh my head off I had to pick it up off the floor and reattach it. He stated that they like to switch up the girls because it gives the boys some new eye candy every once in a while. He also said girls are more customizable and you can change their outfits, like when they are in their bathing suits (yes, he specifically said that). He also said Ken Sugimori designs a new girl with each generation and that gives them another excuse to switch the girl, though I reminded him that there is also a new boy with each generation too, and it wouldn’t hurt to use them.

This explains why Misty, Dawn, and May won't be part of The Crew for 5thgenland.

Lyra won't come back because she's part of the 4th generation. Simple as that.
I hope not, they should bring misty back for a few episodes, at least to smack some sense into ash and brock X3
Yeah.I'mm getting kinda bored of the thirteen year old kid who wants to catch pokemon. I think they should start a whole new group that has Misty in it.
Brock is the best. Period. (Ok, I care about Ash, and the such, but I've related to Brock the most.)

I think the best girl companion (right word?) was May.

I just hope Dawn's replacement will have a lower pitched voice. I'm tired of the squeaky high pitched voices.

And yes, I think Kotone will be the replacement.
Porygon-X said:
Brock is the best. Period. (Ok, I care about Ash, and the such, but I've related to Brock the most.)

I think the best girl companion (right word?) was May.

I just hope Dawn's replacement will have a lower pitched voice. I'm tired of the squeaky high pitched voices.

And yes, I think Kotone will be the replacement.
I think may was a little too.. mature.. for them.
I think Brock is awesome!
I don't think Dawn will continue, probably somebody new will come, and take the place of Dawn.
A new trailer of Pokemon 13th Movie is on right now!
I like how no one read anything I said regarding Dawn (or Lyra, or Misty, or anyone, not named Ash and Brock) returning for 5th gen. >:[
PMJ said:
I like how no one read anything I said regarding Dawn (or Lyra, or Misty, or anyone, not named Ash and Brock) returning for 5th gen. >:[

I read it, and I agree. I kind of like lyra more than dawn but she probably won't replace dawn with lyra. I hope they replace her with crystal XD
but that probably won't happen either. whoever the female character is in 5th gen. will be will replace her.
I still miss misty XP
I really liked Lyra in the show. :)
Misty was really good in the anime, I think they should bring her back.
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