Pokemon Will Dawn Continue?

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I believe she won't stay, I also don't think we will be revisiting the battle froniter... 5th gen is too close to have another series about the battle frontier.
blazikenlv100 said:
Dawn could stay because I want to see her evolve that Piplup of hers

It's been everstoned. So that won't be happening anytime.

If there is a new female player characters (which there will) then she will not continue. The writers have established a pattern (one for "eye candy" from what I heard) and they intend to follow it.
Ash is about 14-15 right now.
I also know for a fact that they're scraping everybody, ash,brock,dawn, the entire gang. even pikachu!
The new main character is going to be the female in the new Black/white pokemon games.
For the new pikachu, we don't know yet.
It would be cool if the new main character runs into ash, brock, misty, dawn, may etc. once in awhile. or one of them will make a camo apearence.
dragonpokemonpwn said:
@TheGlaceonTrainer: It is possible but Ash's motto is "I'm gonna catch em' all!".

When has Ash ever tried to catch Pokemon? He just befriends them, and asks them to join his team, and that's not very often.

I don't see Dawn continuing, and Brock is a maybe. Ash will continue, like it or not, but he may get a new companion, or two. I would like to see both main characters in B/W be the focus of the anime, but if not, at least join Ash.
I don't think Dawn will go on. I hope Brock leaves though because his lovey dovey stuff is awful and thats why i hate him.
Dawn and Brock have been confirmed as leaving at the end of D/P. /Killjoy.

Source: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Blog_comment_releases_information_on_Black_and_White_anime

Yeah, it kinda sucks.
Srry 4 all the Dawn and Brock lovers :( . Because THEY GET REPLACED with a hwt dude, in my opinon, Cilan and a girl Iris.

About Cilan: Cilan is an A class conosusser, a person who tells the relsonship between pokemon and ppl, and a gym leader with his bro's Chili and Cress.
Cilan iz traveling with Pansage, Dweble, and Stunfisk. * LOOK UP HIS POKEMON PICTURES ONLINE OR SOMEWHERE!* Cilan is from Straiton City were his gym is. Cilan and his bro's r the 1st gym leader! Cilan is sorta like Brock exept: his eyes are'nt close, he does'nt fall in luv with girl he see's, or he is'nt annoying (well sometimes) But, he's the CHEF of the "family". He kno's how 2 cook bcuz he sorta has 2 jobs a waiter, OK WELL 3, chef, and gym leader, and pokemon conosusser ok well 4 now! He is a waiter and chef cause: His and his bro's gym is a restrunt 2!

About Iris: Ughhhhhh Iris.....I WOULD MUCH RATHER HAV DAWN THEN HER! :angry Ok sooo Iris is from the village of dragons and wants 2 become a dragon master! But, shes annoyin 'cause she callz Ash a "kid" 24/7! Like WAT THE HECK IRIS! But Iris has an Axew, Emolga, and Exadrill. You can look them up 2.

I will put links 2 pictures of Iris and Cilan 4 u guyz!


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