Will Gyarados survive?

No, he was saying adding Mew in LostGar, NOT Gyara:
"LostGar wins 5th turn
1st: LZ gengar, 1 energy
2nd: Use it's first attck, put in 2 pokemon w/ 2 energy
3rd: First attack, put in 3 w/ 3 energy
4th: First attack, put up to 4 pokemon.
5th: GG."
I assumed that first turn meant he was using Mew to LZ the Gengar.
I'm not sure if any Gyara deck could use Mew Prime as a tech against anything besides LostGar. It just has too little HP to survive against anything that actually does any damage to it.
Oh i thought you were talking to TDA not glaceon.

And yes, mew prime would only be a tech against lostgar, nothing else (well other lost zone variants like palkia g x and giratina x) in case the gdos gets LZ'nd. Then you can keep on 1hko with a belt, using ssu or warp energy/seeker to keep it alive
Even with a Belt, it's going to get OHKO'd against anything that does damage, so there's really not much that SSU/Seeker helps with besides if LostGar decides to attack it... which would be a bad idea. Might as well just keep LZing with the 1st attack.
@scizor:wel thanks for the wish but no thanks :p...by the time you lz my third dos i would have taken 3 prizes right?and mew can one shot the gengar primes after that..seeing as you only 2hko mew...i take 2 more prizes...you got 4 Pokémon in LZ..i have 5 prizes...guess whos got a better chance of winning? :p
@tamoo:you got it rite bro :D
@glaceon:the mewgar is a pretty decent deck..i do not disagree...but not that great against gdos as some players are paranoid....
^Well, no, you wouldn't have taken 3 prizes since the only way I could LZ your 'Dos is if I Warp Pointed/Cyclone Energied/Reversal'd it to an Omastar (or something else that devolved it; If I used Seeker, you would just pick up a different Pokémon) and then used its first attack. That way, you'll have taken about 1 prize by the time I'm through with your 'Doses (every turn you have a 'Dos out, I Seeker/SSU my Omastar, use Warp Point or sumthin to switch, and put down Omastar with BTS to get 2 Pokémon in your hand at the very least). And I'm probably not going to waste my time OHKOing Mew; I will probably have already won.
uhm and i dont attack you with dos at all?lol even by your own logic your have 3 Pokémon in LZ by the time mew hits it....uhm how is that even remotely a win???
I said you'll have taken about one prize. Evnen if you attack first, I then use Warp Point and Omastar combo to get it back to your hand and Hurl it Into Darkness (I attached Psychic first turn), or whatever the attack's called. Next Gyara the turn after? Now my Gengar's KO'd, so I send up a new one and do the same thing. If you get a third Gyara out and attack me, I can just repeat it all. And keep in mind, I'm using Seeker or SSU on the Omastar, so that's 1 more in your hand sometimes (given, I won't always have Psychic energy on Gengar to equal that, but it's okay). Meaning I've got... 4 in the Lost Zone, and you've taken 1 prize.
I say I'll probably already have won because it truly is a lot easier to get 2 Pokémon in the Lost Zone than to KO 5. But you can try. KO me with Mew, there's 4-2. I put up another Gengar (keep in mind I'm running 3 or 4) with a Psychic attached, put a Rescue Energy on it, and just place 4 damage counters on your Mew. Mew attacks, MAYBE gets the OHKO (4-3), but the Gengar goes back to my hand. I put it down on bench, put a Uxie or something to kill up, and attach a psychic energy. You KO it, 4-4. I attach another energy to Gengar and place 2 damage counters on your Mew for the KO (E-Belt, I place 4. No biggie). Now it's 5-4, AND you have no more attackers.
^no, just no. I don't like your theorymon.
Here's some of my theorymon.
T1. I start sableye and collector for karps/regice etc.
If you run tomb, then no, you will not get T1 Gengar prime.
T2: I proceed to set up and discard pokemon and just roll over your pokemon.

Now, if you got some gengar with Omastar...

T1: I start sableye. I see you have gastly and impersonate volkner/something so you don't lost zone karps.
You get gengar prime and attempt to lost zone a pokemon.
T2:If I have the collector I'll just set up and destroy gengar...or lets just assume I didn't and proceed to impersonate again.
You have to get a fossil out of your deck to do the omastar combo and the other cards just to even set up the omastar. You proceed to try to lost zone again. If you tried setting up using a supporter, then no seeker for you. If you had seeker, then MAYBE you lost zone two more pokemon.
@scizor:ever heard of luxray gl x?....i heard its a bit popular :p im not gonna sit there and not take a prize every turn....:p so what i first said still holds good...and its not like i have played gdos for a very short time(u can ask the poster b4 me to tel approximately how long)
Why would you need Spiritomb to have T1 Gengar? Gastly + Rare Candy = Gengar, you don't need to run Spiritombs or any Trainer lock for that matter.
and magi has 0 hp???or are you trying to say 40 on gdos first and then devo....if the karps belted it still survives...and 2 turns to try and ko gdos with a tm hoping he doesnt ssu or warp/seeker is not a great idea....and anyway the gar is koed by then....
@juliant:he said if you have tomb,you WONT get a t1 gar...
Another idea. DGX tech. Just Lv Up and attack a warp. It's not like LostGar runs Blaziken...
^...and that only takes away the Pokémon going to the LZ due to Gengar's 2nd attack. Big deal.
[sarcasm]@TDA: Oh boy, Luxray X. Well, darn, I guess you just get a KO while I have to attach an extra energy and have it take 1 less turn to get 6 in the LZ. And now I have another turn to use Gengar before it gets KO'd. And you know what really stinks? Eventually, I have only Gengar on my bench so that your Luxray doesn't matter. And Gyara decks now have to run Luxray; too bad for LostGar. I guess LostGar's not going to do too well, especially after Luxray goes out of format.[/sarcasm]
There is some awful very highly situational theorymon going on in this thread that I highly disapprove of.

Most of scizorlicious's posts seem to be under the assumptioin that you can set up four gengars and an omastar on turn 1 and claim an easy win with no barriers. /minor exagg

Do you realise, the quicker you get your first gengar out, the slower the others will come? You will waste all your speed resources very quickly and have trouble setting up later on in the game. You can't just keep on regurgitating gengars like you can gyarados.

The only way I can see gengar getting a true hold of the match is by lost zoning two magikarps, but if that happens, the gdos player isn't smart enough to use his resources wisely to get around that.
^You won't have to go for the T1 Gengar. If I were running this, I would probably use Spiritomb as a starter, to get at least 2 set up. Omastar is NOT a must T1, because it's better late-game when your opponent's already evolved his 'Mon. T2, maybe 3 Gengar gives you good time to get at LEAST 1 more on bench and plenty of time for another (drawing into it, Communications, etc.). And as far as going against Gyara, there will be very very few barriers.
Scizor, as mentioned previously, your theorymon is just bad. This isn't hatter... this is PB. The faster your deck is, as mentioned previously, the slower your game will be. Like I said before, if you run a turbo-speed build, you will only be able to get 2-3 gar out at most. You will be completely choked on resources and completely reliant on Huntering Uxie. You won't have time to Omastar search or anything of the sort. It is sad to say, but Twins is actually subpar for Gengar. If you play twins, you will not get a chance to Hunter, and thus you will not get as much as you would like out of the turn. I do like the concept of Devoluter (why didn't I think of that?). I will test it out, but I would say that in theorymon, it would be bad because I have to set up spread and then devolute. IMO it would be better to just end the game quickly rather than trying to LZ magikarps. How about this Scizor, to fully shut up the thread and prove your point, play a best of 3 games and post them on youtube. If your plan really works, you will have everything to show. I highly doubt you have tested this very much, and are just going off of 100% theorymon. If you are correct, show us up. I may post my own YT vids of a few builds of LostGar to show the world how the matchup plays.
^seconded...and btw erl+bron is another thing that could work...it did work against pluff...and gengar can pretty much have the same bench...
Um... no ERL+Bron cannot work. Bronzong is a very bad card. It has high retreat, low HP, and costs an energy to attack. You'd be better off playing something along the lines of Sableye if you want to search a legend... and even that isn't optimal. Is Pluff even a real deck anymore? This metagame has had zero pluff of what I've seen so far... why would you even compare any deck to Pluff anymore? Gengar is a much different deck than pluff, and it has its own unique circumstance. ERL may work, but Dos teching ERL is blashphamy. It will not help against any deck really... and it will usually get and give 2-3 prizes per game.