XY Will Pokémon other than Fairy have their types revised this generation?


Wild War Dance
This thread is created for those who are eager to discuss the chance of Pokémon other than the new Fairy-type to have their type(s) revised this generation. Feel free to discuss what Pokémon you think that could or should have their type(s) revised! Make sure to use good argumentation to support your point of view.


I'm just going on a hunch here and might be completely off, but I think Jirachi might have Steel because for some reason they relate Light to Steel. If you look at the description of the move Flash Canon it says the user gathers Light energy, yet it's a Steel-type move. Stars shine Light, so if they relate Steel to Light, that might be why they Jirachi is part Steel-type.

Edit: Even Jirachi's signature move is a Steel-type attack, based on Light.
"The user blasts the target with a bundle of concentrated light"
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

I think the only reason people are defending Jirachi's steel type is because they think that all of GameFreak's decisions are the best thought out that they could possible be and they could not have possibly made a better decision.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

I know that you guys kinda steered away from the topic, but I just wanted to put it out there that maybe, JUST MAYBE, Jirachi is part steel because it's actually made of steel? JUST A GUESS. <_<
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Jakeremix said:
I know that you guys kinda steered away from the topic, but I just wanted to put it out there that maybe, JUST MAYBE, Jirachi is part steel because it's actually made of steel? JUST A GUESS. <_<
Well, personally, it always did look like it was made of steel to me, particularly the starshaped head piece...
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

I apologize beforehand if this has been asked before. Do you guys thing there is a chance pokemon will be retyped not only with the fairy type? I mean if there ever going to be a half dragon starter pokemon it shoukd be charizard imo. I would love to see pokemon being retyped more accordingly to their looks, like Gyarados ie, which doesn't look flying at all.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Jaime Runt said:
I apologize beforehand if this has been asked before. Do you guys thing there is a chance pokemon wol be retyped not only with the fairy type? I mean if there ever going to be a half dragon starter pokemon it shoukd be charizard imo. I would love to see pokemon being retyped more accordingly to their looks, like gyarados ie, which doesn't look flying at all.

Do these not look like Flying type either?

But regardless, look doesn't necessarily have to make its type obvious...or rather what people think a typical pokemon of a certain type should look like.
And all types cover plenty of abilities and concepts too, so Flying for example is not just about the capability of flight, but its also kind of the pseudo-wind element.

All it needs is a storm-based Flying type Outrage variation on its learnset.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Jaime Runt said:
I apologize beforehand if this has been asked before. Do you guys thing there is a chance pokemon wol be retyped not only with the fairy type? I mean if there ever going to be a half dragon starter pokemon it shoukd be charizard imo. I would love to see pokemon being retyped more accordingly to their looks, like gyarados ie, which doesn't look flying at all.

Gyarados is Water/Flying partially because of the myth behind its design (a carp able to leap, or "fly", over the Dragon Gate being turned into a dragon, also those carp wind sock things), and to keep its power in check by giving it more weaknesses, including a 4x weakness to Electric.
Charizard isn't a Dragon type because a Dragon-type starter would have a clear and unfair advantage over the other two, since Dragon resists Fire, Water, and Grass.

Just as not every Dragon type looks like a dragon (think Altaria, Kingdra, Vibrava...), not everything that looks like a dragon needs to be a Dragon type.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Jaime Runt said:
I apologize beforehand if this has been asked before. Do you guys thing there is a chance pokemon wol be retyped not only with the fairy type? I mean if there ever going to be a half dragon starter pokemon it shoukd be charizard imo. I would love to see pokemon being retyped more accordingly to their looks, like gyarados ie, which doesn't look flying at all.

looks =/= type.

Gyara's myth also has a very good reason for it being Water/Flying:
-carp leaps over Dragon Gate
-carp becomes dragon
-dragon abuses it's powers
-dragon gets its dragon status taken away from it

I don't think that they'll retype other Pokemon. There might be a small chance that they rectify a pure type to have a dual type (I can't even think of an example), but it's probably gonna just be Fairies getting retyped.

I also highly doubt Charizard will be changed, at any point. Both it's types are appropriate for it, and I think that if it was ever going to be retyped, why would they do it now, and not before? If they've seen it being a perfect Fire/Flying for 6 generations, it's not like they're gonna wake up one morning and decide to change it.
(I'm in the minority that thinks Fire/Flying suits it more than Fire/Dragon, at least I think it's a minority)
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Fire/Flying makes perfect sense for Charizard to me too.

I mean, imo the change from Charmeleon to Charizard doesn't make it go from something completely non-dragon-like to something that suddenly looks like a dragon (and yea I know theres cases where types are added without obvious design-shift towards them, but) the main difference is that it goes from no wings to fully functional wings. That's the interesting twist about this pokemon.

Just like Shelgon->Salamence, except that their primary element is "Dragon" instead of Fire.
Dragon type=/=Dragon egg-group.
One is the element they excel at, while the other is what kind of creature they are.

I don't think its the "it would be unfair to the other starters" case though. If gamefreak wants to, they will some day make a starter that gains the Dragon type. The classic type advantage triangle only plays a significant role at the early moments of the games anyway.
So its more about whether gamefreak thinks a type is appropriate for a starter to gain...and if it wasn't for Empoleon, I would think of Steel as one of those special types that they wouldn't simply hand out like its no big deal (but its still easier done than say Bug, Ghost and Dragon). And then there is also the two types that might be too "fancy" and steal the main types show instead of adding a technique on top of it (Ice and Electric).
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Seriously, you guys do not want to me to jump in this "charizard should or shouldn't be a dragon-type" discussion...

Looks is different than type? Types should reflect the look of the pokémon! You're not gonna give the Bug-type to a dog-like pokémon for example... Bug, Dragon, Rock, Steel, Ghost (maybe a few others) are types given to reflect the "biological" aspect of the pokémon. So, if a pokémon looks like a dragon, it should be Dragon-type!

I don't give a damn if it would be unbalanced or if Flying also fits, what about Reshiram and Zekrom? Airbone Dragons that fly but are not flying-type (They don't even have Levitate).
The Reshiram case is even more noticeable because it is Dragon/Fire. Some people say "Dragons spit fire and fly, so Fire/Flying fits." That's gotta be one of the most stupid arguments ever! There shouldn't be the Dragon-type then, because if dragons spit fire and fly, Dragonite, Salamence, Altaria and Rayquaza should be Fire/Flying too. In fact, every pokémon that is dragon-type should be changed to Fire then.

Plus, it's not even the case of "both of its types fit". Dragon would fit too. So, again, if Reshiram can be Dragon/Fire and still fly without being a Flying type, who cares if Charizard is not Flying type even though it has wings? Changing it to Dragon-type would simply make it a better pokémon and its draconic appearance is much more prominent than its airbone features (even Reshiram looks more Flying-type than Charizard) and those are the most important points in this discussion.

In conclusion, yes, Charizard most likely will never be changed but it SHOULD be changed. period.

PS: And for you not get the impression that this is just butthurt about Charizard, I also think Gyarados should be Dragon-type. For similar reasons. I only stress this question about charizard more than with gyarados because a lot of times, people kinda agree about gyarados but not charizard which is something I don't really understand...
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

I think Charizard and Sceptile both resemble reptiles with connections to their own respective types. Because Dragon-type Pokémon share similarities with reptiles, they can have similar looks and it is also why they can learn so many Dragon-type attacks. Based on their design, they do look like Fire and Grass types to me.

If there is any single pokemon that would be THE candidate to have its type changed, it's

The only one in the line that has anything to do with Poison is Gastly,but besides that, everything about it screams Dark. Heck it doesn't learn any Poison moves but plenty of Dark ones too.
And it'd be interesting to have 4 immunities as the only Ghost/Dark with Levitate.

If Dark existed in gen I, there is no way this guy wouldn't have ended up being one back then.

Besides that guy, there are some other seemingly obvious cases, and some that I'd simply find more interesting.


Normal/Fighting would have made it more unique.


I don't think anyone would be surprised if it turned out that someone at gamefreak missed this when entering the types from paper or something.


Extremespeed STAB would be welcome.



Coolness +9000
(just add a serious Poison move to its learnset, like one that does Poison damage but causes burn lol)


just because of its supposed origin being a literal take on the butterflyfish. Its not like it has to be an insect for Bug as secondary...at least I think so, but we haven't seen these nearly as much as secondary Dragon types. I mean Kingdra gains Dragon for pretty much the same reason as this would gain the Bug type.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

P.DelSlayer said:
Jaime Runt said:
I apologize beforehand if this has been asked before. Do you guys thing there is a chance pokemon wol be retyped not only with the fairy type? I mean if there ever going to be a half dragon starter pokemon it shoukd be charizard imo. I would love to see pokemon being retyped more accordingly to their looks, like gyarados ie, which doesn't look flying at all.

looks =/= type.

Gyara's myth also has a very good reason for it being Water/Flying:
-carp leaps over Dragon Gate
-carp becomes dragon
-dragon abuses it's powers
-dragon gets its dragon status taken away from it

I don't think that they'll retype other Pokemon. There might be a small chance that they rectify a pure type to have a dual type (I can't even think of an example), but it's probably gonna just be Fairies getting retyped.

I also highly doubt Charizard will be changed, at any point. Both it's types are appropriate for it, and I think that if it was ever going to be retyped, why would they do it now, and not before? If they've seen it being a perfect Fire/Flying for 6 generations, it's not like they're gonna wake up one morning and decide to change it.
(I'm in the minority that thinks Fire/Flying suits it more than Fire/Dragon, at least I think it's a minority)

I know look=\= type all the time but in general, in the majority of the cases it does. Hence why most grass types have leaves and flower, many electric types are yellow or have some sort of thunderbolt design incorporated, etc. Gyarados screams dragon and so does charizard even if many like them wi th their current types. God, charizard is the only poke who resembles a dragon that is not one if I'm not mistaken (and even charmandeleon kind of resemble dragons, not less than axew at least)

^ the above list is a good example of pokemon that could be retyped with ease. I'm not saying it will happen. Most likely they'd never even consider such thing, but for charizard getting the dragon type would be a nice improvement I would say. Also the reason I proposed some pokes might be retyped with something not named fairy, was not because I was convinced it would happen, but because they're making other changes to the games. Marill has been pure water since gen 2 so my logic tells me if that could be changed why not this other thing? If there's a good moment to go bold is this LOL

Also some bug/flying could lose their secondary type. I mean, heracross and venomoth have wings and are not flying. I know their other secondary type makes more sense on them, but they could easily have given them the flying type as well and many people would have ever think they could have had a different typing. So I'd say many bug/flying qualify to be just bug or bug/normal to give an example. To finish, and hopefully you will understand my point, I wouldn't like GF to go changing zillions of pokemon types, but in cases in which makes sense and in cases in which the pokemom are seriously held back for lack of a better typing (or for having a terrible one) they should do it in my humble opinion. Yes players would curse and kick and protest but they'll get use I'm sure.

Anyway is not likely they'll do it. I'm just speculating lile everybody else.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Jaime Runt said:
God, charizard is the only poke who resembles a dragon that is not one if I'm not mistaken


Or perhaps even [animate]lugia[/animate]

But definitely
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Mitja said:
Jaime Runt said:
God, charizard is the only poke who resembles a dragon that is not one if I'm not mistaken


Or perhaps even [animate]lugia[/animate]

But definitely

True, lugia and thundurus resemble dragons and even tyranitar comes to my mind now. Aerodctl not so much imo. I see him more like a pterodactyl with a mammalian head.

Again, my point stands in that they could (if they cared to) improve a couple of pokes by means of updating their types since they're doing the same with the fairy type. I wouldn't see it as crazy
Like, some dragon-types are not even dragons... Haxorus was confirmed by Ken Sugirmori to have been based on some herbivorous dinosaur... Dinosaurs are not dragons... Hence why aerodactyl doesn't resemble a dragon to me at all... Even with its head not matching the typical head of a pterodactyl, it still looks more dinosaur-like (btw, I know pterodactyls are not dinosaurs).

As for Lugia and Thundurus... Lugia is based on the Ryujin but it looks like a mix of a bird, a plesiosaur, something else I don't remember and only some vague draconic features... It's very similar to Reshiram in that way, but they actually gave Dragon-type to Reshiram...
Thundurus-T on the other hand may be based on the Azure Dragon of Chinese mythology, but that face doesn't convince as a dragon, just like Tornadus-T and Landorus-T faces disrupt their looks as a bird and a tiger respectively...

I think what Jaime Runt meant was that Charizard is the only pokémon that looks fully and completely like a dragon (it's a very obvious European dragon appearance and basis, I must say) that is not Dragon-type... But then there's Gyarados which is totally an asian dragon, so it counts too.
[split] Learnable moves revision

professorlight said:

Vibrava is an adult antlion, it looks like a dragonfly, it's sleek as hell. why doesn't it learn u-turn or quick attack? extremspeed might be a little extreme, but awesome nonetheless.
Bug buzz is ovbious, vibrava can generate sound waves by flapping it's wings and flygon's sound like music, they even learn sonicboom, supersonic and screech, why not the only bug type move that uses sound to cause damage? I would have thought it would be a staple of the duo.


I know tail glow's japanese name is "firefly light", but WHY? WHY IN THE FLIPPIN' F*** CAN'T THEY LEARN IT? phione learns it, and it's not a firefly, it's a marine creature with some bioluminiscence, so why can't the light giving sheep pokemon shine like one of the few real world animals that can give light? they even learn signal beam...
And giving them a unique sp. attack double boost can make them competitively viable, as a bonus.


Mismagius's movepool is shameful. Seriously. It's crap. she learns some good moves as misdreavus, but she doesn't have an incentive to evolve besides the stats and looking freakin' awesome and classy. Oh, sorry, she has one: lucky chant. That's it. Lucky m******** chant; does anybody even uses that move? (not that it doesn't fit, but it's so useless...) magical leaf also (which fits, I guess), but if you want to give it a grass move it's better to go with energy ball (gains the ability to learn it through TM after evolving).
Mismagius is a witch, for arceus's sake! she should learn all the tricky moves that leave your opponent calling you names under their breath: nasty plot (currently egg move, only accessible through spiritomb), wonder room, magic room, trick room, ominous wind, magic coat (hell, it should have magic guard as ability, rather than levitate), wish, and other magical moves, can't think of any more right now.

Those cases really piss me off. And if it weren't for BW2, vibrava and flygon's list would be much bigger.
If the language is too much let me know and I'll edit it, but only swears can communicate my righteous indignation (besides, I already heavily edited it).
I would also just change Vibrava and Flygon to Bug/Dragon. That would be sick!

Oh, and your colorful language cracked me up :p
[split] Learnable moves revision

Yeah I guess I just wanted Torterra to get the move XD. Personally, I want Flygon to be bug / ground. It kicks up sandstorms in the pokedex description, so that makes sense. I also don't like how it's inferior to the other Hoenn dragon in basically everything. Despite being described as fast, its the same speed as Mence. Salamence has higher attack, HP, and the same defenses. Flygon strikes me more of a bug/ground than dragon/ground, but I understand both typings on it
RE: Learnable moves revision

Chrono said:
I would also just change Vibrava and Flygon to Bug/Dragon. That would be sick!

Oh, and your colorful language cracked me up :p

Thetwiggy13 said:
Yeah I guess I just wanted Torterra to get the move XD. Personally, I want Flygon to be bug / ground. It kicks up sandstorms in the pokedex description, so that makes sense. I also don't like how it's inferior to the other Hoenn dragon in basically everything. Despite being described as fast, its the same speed as Mence. Salamence has higher attack, HP, and the same defenses. Flygon strikes me more of a bug/ground than dragon/ground, but I understand both typings on it

In the case of the trapinch line, each typing has an explanation:

trapinch is an antlion, so it being ground makes perfect sense. It should be bug, too, but my best guess is that they didn't want to give it an extra type that would change later.

Vibrava is the adult (or was it larval?) stage of the antlion, it is ground because it continues from trapinch, it is dragon because it looks like a dragonfly, it should be flying becaus it can fly and it should be bug because it continues from trapinch and because vibrava itself looks like a bug (a particularly cool one, at that).
Flygon is ground because it continues from vibrava, it's dragon because physically, it's inspired in a parasaurolophus (a dinosaur->dragon) it should be flying because wings and , well, it has no reason to be bug, really.

I think GF messed up here, they should have made trapinch and vibrava in a line and flygon in other, since the radical metamorphosis trapinch/antlion-vibrava/adult antlion is faithful to the inspiration, while the radical metamorphosis vibrava/adult antlion-flygon/winged parasaurolophus is not.
That, or change their types:

trapinch bug / ground
vibrava bug / flying
flygon dragon / flying

This makes more sense physically, but those are a lot of types, and it messes up STABs. Maybe more logical:

trapinch ground / bug
vibrava ground / bug w/levitate
flygon ground / dragon w/levitate
RE: Learnable moves revision

professorlight said:
This makes more sense physically, but those are a lot of types, and it messes up STABs. Maybe more logical:

trapinch ground / bug
vibrava ground / bug w/levitate
flygon ground / dragon w/levitate

This is basically what I meant in a way, although Flygon could go either way. As it is visually based on a dragonfly, it does make sense in that way. Although it is solely in the Bug Egg Group as well. Even starters such as Sceptile are placed in the Dragon Group. That's why I realize how both work, yet I think ground / bug with levitate could work more.

professorlight said:
In the case of the trapinch line, each typing has an explanation:

trapinch is an antlion, so it being ground makes perfect sense. It should be bug, too, but my best guess is that they didn't want to give it an extra type that would change later.

This is what confuses me. You say Game Freak didn't want to give Trapinch an extra type that would change, however look at Swablu. It's Normal/Flying and loses Normal-typing for Dragon later on. Scyther goes from Bug/Flying --> Bug/Steel.

Personally, I think that they could have made Trapinch Ground / Bug, and then Vibrava Ground / Bug with Levitate, and then, like you said, either the Flygon we have now or the ground / bug with Levitate evolution of Vibrava.

To make a long story short, Flygon could be either Ground / Dragon or Ground / Bug, both make sense to me.

Competitive Idea of Ground / Bug
Competitively, Ground / Bug with Levitate would be amazing. With immunities to electric, ground, and key resistance to Fighting (and, to a less extent, Poison), Flygon could be able to come in on an ever-present fighting-type attack and begin sweeping. Bug lets it hit stuff a lot harder, like Slowbro and other psychic-, grass- and dark- types. While weaknesses to fire, water, ice, and flying are bad, Flygon could manage. It can outspeed fire-types with a scarf. Water types will always be bulky enough to survive and KO. Ice has always been a weakness, but at least Flygon would have only a 2x. Flying isn't as common offensively as the others. Despite having more weaknesses, it will have key resistances and an offensive presence on things that would normally wall it. Flygon could be a beast in competitive play without its Dragon- typing in my opinion, but I just don't like dragon-types usually.

Okay, maybe I'm going too far o.o