XY Will Pokémon other than Fairy have their types revised this generation?

InstantBacon said:
Anyone else think Ninetales should be Psychic type? Or that Granbull and Ursaring should be Dark type? They seem to fit those types pretty well...(Plus STAB Psychic/STAB Crunch for them would be awesome!
Ninetales is already too similar to Fennekin, who according to our reliable rumor provider is going to evolve into Fire/Psychic, which would just make their obvious simularities even more obvious.

Neither Granbull or Ursaring are particularly Dark in any way... Granbull, while monstrous looking, is said to be gentle, while Ursaring is just a bear, one of the most timid of carnivorous animals in the world.

Ohman177 said:
professorlight said:
But now I ask you, what does flygon looks like more?

[img width=300 height=]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlZ6MW29WfFvwdQviTBqqJmyKSFwfQv5NmS_Qc2saAfNZQmuZWgQ[/img]

or this:
[img width=300 height=]http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/RGWU5nf496c/hqdefault.jpg?feature=og[/img]

TBH i think flygon looking like that dinosaur is a coincidence and not intentional at all. I think they stuck with basing it off what THEY THOUGHT was an antlion as I explained in my previous post. And even so, I don't actually see the resemblance to the dinosaur that much anyway.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Flygon resembles a dinosaur because it's suppose to be an ant-lion crossed with a dragon. It's the vague resemblance to a Parasaurolophus that's coincidental.

Chrono said:
I think Druddigon should be Dragon/Rock.
I really like Druddigon's design, and I think he should be Rock because he's based on a Gargoyle.
I agree with the typing, but I'm pretty sure Druddigon is suppose to be a cave dragon, not a gargoyle.

Thetwiggy13 said:
I have another possible retyping, although you may not like it as much: Absol is known for sensing disasters to happen, can learn Future Sight through level-up, and has abilities that other Dark-types do not have.
Absol's fine the way he is. I always thought a potential Absol evo should be Dark/Psychic... or Dark/Fighting.
J.D. said:
Absol's fine the way he is. I always thought a potential Absol evo should be Dark/Psychic... or Dark/Fighting.

Well I just thought that if Absol can sense something and can learn Future Sight that it has psychic abilities. A Dark/Psychic typing would make sense to me, although Dark is fine the way it is.
Thetwiggy13 said:
J.D. said:
Absol's fine the way he is. I always thought a potential Absol evo should be Dark/Psychic... or Dark/Fighting.

Well I just thought that if Absol can sense something and can learn Future Sight that it has psychic abilities. A Dark/Psychic typing would make sense to me, although Dark is fine the way it is.

So do Whiscash, Dusclops, Golduck, Lapras, etc. Moves aren't, and shouldn't, be the sole indicator of a Pokémon's typing.
J.D. said:
InstantBacon said:
Anyone else think Ninetales should be Psychic type? Or that Granbull and Ursaring should be Dark type? They seem to fit those types pretty well...(Plus STAB Psychic/STAB Crunch for them would be awesome!
Ninetales is already too similar to Fennekin, who according to our reliable rumor provider is going to evolve into Fire/Psychic, which would just make their obvious simularities even more obvious.

Neither Granbull or Ursaring are particularly Dark in any way... Granbull, while monstrous looking, is said to be gentle, while Ursaring is just a bear, one of the most timid of carnivorous animals in the world.

Ohman177 said:
TBH i think flygon looking like that dinosaur is a coincidence and not intentional at all. I think they stuck with basing it off what THEY THOUGHT was an antlion as I explained in my previous post. And even so, I don't actually see the resemblance to the dinosaur that much anyway.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Flygon resembles a dinosaur because it's suppose to be an ant-lion crossed with a dragon. It's the vague resemblance to a Parasaurolophus that's coincidental.

I agree with the parasaurolophus being coincidental, but I don't think they combined dragonfly and antlion on purpose. I think they were working with antlions, very similar to dragon flies, found out that dragonflies are called desert dragons, confused the two (something very common), and decided they'd work with the dragon part in that even though it's technically talking about a different species. Besides, the existence of yanma and yanmega means they probably didn't base flygon off the dragonfly purposefully seeing as they went on to create a 100% dragonfly line.
Pokequaza said:
Thetwiggy13 said:
Well I just thought that if Absol can sense something and can learn Future Sight that it has psychic abilities. A Dark/Psychic typing would make sense to me, although Dark is fine the way it is.

So do Whiscash, Dusclops, Golduck, Lapras, etc. Moves aren't, and shouldn't, be the sole indicator of a Pokémon's typing.

Well I've always though Golduck should be part Psychic too. I'm not just basing off of the moves, Absol are known for sensing disasters before they happen, warning everyone in sight. In my eyes, I see Absol as a candidate for being part Psychic. Just my opinion, though, and I think there is some reason behind it. I'm not just using the move itself, it actually has 'Future Sight.' Sorry for the inconvenience...didn't mean to frustrate you :/
Thetwiggy13 said:
Mitja said:
I think you missed my point. I wasn't doubting that Flygon has a strong association to the desert, I know my stuff. What I was questioning is the idea that desert implies Ground type.
Using the picture of Tyranitar, I wanted to show the pokemon that actually does cause sandstorms in the game, while NOT being Ground type. Heck even the move Sandstorm isn't Ground type.

Sand is not Rock and its not Ground, its just one material that is useful to those types of pokemon and might very well be a part of design on pokemon who are neither of those types in future.

So I'm not implying that because it lives in the desert that it is ground/rock/steel or whatever. Look at Cacturne with Sand Veil. What I'm saying is that if it kicks up dirt with its wings, that means that it will benefit from the move that it makes (Sandstorm). Sandstorm is beneficial to ground, rock, and steel, (and some abilities), and because it can even learn the move through level-up. Other than the already-said Cacnea line, the only Pokemon to learn Sandstorm through level-up are those beneficial to it through typing.

Sand isn't a "type," it just distinguishes those who can thrive in the desert versus those who cannot. (And Hippowdon is Ground-type with Sandstream too). With that information, one can see that with the benefits of sand, living in the desert, and learning Sandstorm through level-up that Flygon has a good reason to be part Ground in its typing.

But again, the point I'm making is that sandstorm relation doesn't imply Ground. It seems fitting, but its not anymore of a solid basis for giving it the Ground typing than it is for giving it Rock (or perhaps any type at all).

extremely simplified:
"But Flygon is known to live in and produce sandstorms ---> so ground-type is a must."
The arrow is what I'm objecting at.
Mitja said:
But again, the point I'm making is that sandstorm relation doesn't imply Ground. It seems fitting, but its not anymore of a solid basis for giving it the Ground typing than it is for giving it Rock (or perhaps any type at all).

extremely simplified:
"But Flygon is known to live in and produce sandstorms ---> so ground-type is a must."
The arrow is what I'm objecting at.

When I said that, I meant that its ground-typing is a must to change in the chance of a retyping. I think that Dragon could be replaced. Sandstorm furthers the reasoning of why it is part Ground. Plus, Flygon is primarily Ground, and then Dragon as secondary. Sandstorm tells us that because it is in the level-up, the Pokemon will most likely benefit this in some way. With that, we can narrow it down to Ground, Rock, Steel, or an ability (Sand Veil, Rush, Force, etc). Because it learns this move through level-up, and not TM, means that it learns that move for a reason. While it does learn Dragon-type moves as well, like I said, Ground is Flygon's primary type and it should stay that way. I'm not saying that Dragon makes no sense, and I'm not saying that Sandstorm determines the type. I'm saying that based on its climate, basis, and habitat, Flygon has a reason to be primarily Ground and not Dragon. I hope this clears it up. If not, can we just agree to disagree? I'd like to move on :D
Ohman177 said:
I agree but I'm not sure as to whether Ninetales should get psychic or ghost.

Hmm, yeah...It is based off the Ninetails, a fox that inflicts curses...Ghost works for the cursing part, but Psychic just fits Ninetales' design.
Thetwiggy13 said:
Well I just thought that if Absol can sense something and can learn Future Sight that it has psychic abilities. A Dark/Psychic typing would make sense to me, although Dark is fine the way it is.
Thetwiggy13 said:
Well I've always though Golduck should be part Psychic too. I'm not just basing off of the moves, Absol are known for sensing disasters before they happen, warning everyone in sight. In my eyes, I see Absol as a candidate for being part Psychic. Just my opinion, though, and I think there is some reason behind it. I'm not just using the move itself, it actually has 'Future Sight.' Sorry for the inconvenience...didn't mean to frustrate you :/

I'm with you on this one. A lot Pokémon can learn Psychic, but Absol and Golduck have Pokédex entries that put an emphasis on their special Psychic abilities. I believe these abilities are sufficient to give them the Psychic-type.
Let's keep the discussion positive and friendly. Even in disagreement you should remain respectful. You can always ask for clarifications if you do not understand something/someone.

One of the previous messages has been removed.
Drohn said:
Thetwiggy13 said:
Well I just thought that if Absol can sense something and can learn Future Sight that it has psychic abilities. A Dark/Psychic typing would make sense to me, although Dark is fine the way it is.
Thetwiggy13 said:
Well I've always though Golduck should be part Psychic too. I'm not just basing off of the moves, Absol are known for sensing disasters before they happen, warning everyone in sight. In my eyes, I see Absol as a candidate for being part Psychic. Just my opinion, though, and I think there is some reason behind it. I'm not just using the move itself, it actually has 'Future Sight.' Sorry for the inconvenience...didn't mean to frustrate you :/

I'm with you on this one. A lot Pokémon can learn Psychic, but Absol and Golduck have Pokédex entries that put an emphasis on their special Psychic abilities. I believe these abilities are sufficient to give them the Psychic-type.

I totally agree as well. They even have the gem-lke protrusion in the forehead that is so common in psychic types. From three posts above however, considering ninetales ghost because it makes curses doesn't seem like an enough reason for making him a ghost in my opinion. For example I don't believe it is exclusive of ghost to do this and magicians, witches, fairies, even gypsies have been known for using curses, so psychic type, even if shared with fennekin's line looks more appropiate to ninetales in my opinion (bedides ninetales' looks don't have the"ghost" vibe that characterizes the type LOL) but even the new faity type could work I think.
Ninetales would be a secondary Ghost if it had 9 flames dancing around its neck or something. without that I'm not seeing it.
I understand that it learns both Psychic- and Ghost-type moves (because of what it's based on), but I think Ninetales is fine the way it is. Maybe if it had a darker Pokedex entry or something; all it says is that Ninetales lives long and has supernatural abilities. There needs to be more proof for anything else in my opinion.
Thetwiggy13 said:
I understand that it learns both Psychic- and Ghost-type moves (because of what it's based on), but I think Ninetales is fine the way it is. Maybe if it had a darker Pokedex entry or something; all it says is that Ninetales lives long and has supernatural abilities. There needs to be more proof for anything else in my opinion.

Well you said all there is needed;) "It has supernatural powers" which sounds a lot like psychic I think and to a extend, fairies. It would be cool for the gorgeous looking wolf to get a secondary stab too.
I thought of many. But Absol could also be.
If dark is evil and the good fairy, Absol represents yin yang.
It's a bad image because when it appears it is a sign of a natural disaster. But he only appears to warn of disasters (the good side).
I always wanted fire/ dragon charizard and I kind of want water/ dragon gyarados.

EDIT: Also Fire/ Ground Typhlosion and Dragon/ Steel Haxorus
I never was a big fan of Dragon Pokémon, they were just too powerful. I welcomed the Fairy type. But now this montrous mutation of Mawile is revealed, I feel sorry for those poor Dragons out there; 170 Attack, and Steel/Fairy. Actually I feel sorry for every Pokémon that doesn't quad resist this thing.
TokenDuelist said:
I'm happy Ampharos is Electric/Dragon like it should be.

And Mold Breaker?

Or Lucario with Adaptability? GameFreak just broke the games.

Hey GameFreak, why not MegaRampardos with Huge Power?
We don't even know if the game will be broken or balanced. Their whole focus is balance with this gen so until we actually get the games - there is no reason to complain about breaking a game you haven't even played yet and have no clue what the metagame for it will be until it's actually out.