Will pokemon catcher make SP not as good?

Best new Black and White Card

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • No. Explain others.

    Votes: 9 40.9%

  • Total voters
I believe so; the ruling will probably just be changed. I'm more curious about whether cards tat say "Poké-Powers or Poké-Bodies" will be changed to include "Abilities" also.
Wow, you guys, just run Vileplume w/ Mismagius, literally the same thing just no power and it doesn't autoloss to Umbreon.
btw @DNA: If you're talking about Gochiruzeru, it has 130 HP... just a correction...
How on earth could I possibly confuse "Gochiruzeru" with "Jumpluff HGSS"? Not to mention I've never even SEEN the new B/W collection list.
Furthermore, Dark Vileplume from the original Team Rocket set DOES have 60 HP. Do your homework.
^Lol, what?

DNA said:
But even so, back in the day, there were not a lot of good consistent trainer locking cards. They only had Dark Vileplume, a stage 2 with only 60 measly HP. Now it's effectively been reprinted, although it does not control Su/St play; however, it has 120 HP, which can last quite a lot longer.

If you're not talking about Gochiruzeru, then I don't know what you could possibly be talking about...
I personally don't believe that trainer look will be that big anyways. I mean now vilegar supposed to be So good but, most if not all BDIF are very trainer driven. Dos, insert a sp deck. And based on the BW scans there isn't anything that attacks are simlar to Gengar. And talking about Gengar once lost world come out people will too worried about that to even think about Vileplume IMO.

And hold up to all the people that are voting that this card isn't the best in the new set as far as competitive plays go. Please explain why. The reason why it is the best card is because Luxray Gl X is huge.
HAHAHA Garchomp SV is so broken now. DCE? LOST REMOVER! Lightning? HAMMER, HEADS, BYE BYE!!! 5 energy on Steelix? POKEMON CATCHER, bring up that stupid Blissey! Garchomp by itself is going to be BDIF if it can get around Gochirizu lock, another contender for BDIF. Assuming SPs will see no play.

On topic, yea, SP is gonna have too many hardships. Gengar Prime, Machamp, Trainer lock, etc. are all decks that can beat SP. Even now I refuse to run SP. Pokemon catcher is gonna make everything so much easier. THANK YOU BW!!
I still think SPs will see play as techs. Blaziken is IMO one of the best techs and can't be passed up.

Dang, this set makes a huge format change btw. Scizor Prime, Gochirizu, Garchomp, and T-tar are gonna be really popular.

Also, Garchomp can get out of Gochirizu lock--Cyclone Energy.
Also, Garchomp can get out of Gochirizu lock--Cyclone Energy.
Before or after the rotation is over? Cyclone Energy is Stormfront, so unless Call of Legends reprint, it'll be out the new rotation. But it should be fine for now.
Garchomp SV is one of the most underrated cards ever...
^Ah, ok. I knew Vileplume Undaunted locked trainers but you said "Now", and what set was just released? BW... So, I thought you were talking about Gochiruzeru...
Luxray's price isn't going to drop overnight. It'll retain its $60 price tag for at least another 3 months, and probably even into nats/worlds
Why would Luxray GL Lv X not be any good because of Pokemon Catcher? Pokemon Catcher is gonna make cards like Vileplume, Spiritomb and the new BW card that blocks trainers when active huge. Luxray GL Lv X helps you get around all of those, and has a bunch of other benefits.
But Luxray GL Lv X is still going to be needed if everyone puts Vileplume and Spiritomb in their decks to stop it.