Will Raikou-EX make Eelektrik even more Broken?

RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

Nope it isnt. Raikou EX will only effect slower decks and mirror matches
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

it helps it, but certainly doesnt break it
a searchable put 100 anywhere you want is nice
and is actually good against mewtwo
but it can still get beaten, its far from broken
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

It's not an amazing card in standard ZekEels. With Catcher in the deck too, it doesn't do much regular Zekrom or Zekrom-EX can't. I'm sure it will get decent play as a 1-of in some versions that deck as a way to have a searchable Catcher of sorts (and because it's much better against Mewtwo and Zoroark than normal Zekrom is). So it can be argued that it makes the deck better, but not significantly better.

There is a ridiculously good deck that has Eelektrik and Raikou in it though, it's just not known to most people yet.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

Celebi23 said:
It's not an amazing card in standard ZekEels. With Catcher in the deck too, it doesn't do much regular Zekrom or Zekrom-EX can't. I'm sure it will get decent play as a 1-of in some versions that deck as a way to have a searchable Catcher of sorts (and because it's much better against Mewtwo and Zoroark than normal Zekrom is). So it can be argued that it makes the deck better, but not significantly better.

There is a ridiculously good deck that has Eelektrik and Raikou in it though, it's just not known to most people yet.

What is the deck? I am eager to know. Tell, me please. :p I will play it... unless.... Is it Raikou Eels?
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

I don't see much purpose in a deck revolving around Raikou. 100 damage a turn? No thanks, I'll just stick with Zekroms. BUT, it is a phenomenal tech against the mirror and will definitally be played as a 1 of. Its probly not goin to get 1hkoed unless they run terrakion, and actually, its first attack is a decent staller.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

It looks like it'll help Zekeels because it's a searchable basic pokemon (in comparison to a catcher which is more difficult to find). It would most likely be one per deck and should help consistency.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

I personally don't think Raikou EX will be of any great signifigance to the game or the deck, since you could just run 4 Catcher if you're worried about hitting the bench that badly. I'd rather run double the Catchers and try to hit one with a draw supporter than run a searchable basic you have to put three {L} energies on to do 100 anywhere, and completely recharge every turn. Not to mention that just puts on more thing on your field that has the possibility of giving up 2 prizes, and can be Catchered when the opponent sends up a Terrakion.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

I'm still not sold on raikou EX, it seems like a glass cannon.

Zekrom EX does a fine job without raikou EX and is compatible with DCE, meaning it is less expensive to keep fuel with energies. play raikou if you must, but be careful of prize exchange. terrakion will screw you over very quickly
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

raikou will def help against a mewtwo, because you discard the energies attached to him. making mewtwo have to load energies.
so in that aspect it's a decent card, as well as the 100 damage snipe.

but he is still an EX and easily KO'd by a Terrakion.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

I could see him played as a tank, using max potion or Blissey Prime + Eviolite to heal every turn with no downside. As for terrakion I could see it running spiritomb (snipe all 4 then spread for 3 turns), Shaymin EX or Virizion EP + prism. Maybe Plusle/Minun DEX for spreading instead of spiritomb, but if they run eviolites you're screwed...

Another way to play it is Vileplume/Eel/Raikou EX or Zebstrika/Eels/Raikou EX, to remove the EXP. Share aspect. Or Crushing Hammers. Or Rocky Helmets and +Powers. Honestly Eel decks are so variable it wouldn't be hard at all to find a version that had good matchups across the board. In its most basic Raikou/Eels for it already annihilates other Eel decks and Mewtwo/Tornadus EX AND Zoroark (all of them). If you found a deck that had a great matchup against 3 of the 4 most played decks in a format, with a workable weakness to the fourth, would you play that deck?

I know I would. Looking forward to this deck for spring BRs

@27th Wonder: I played Zebstrika/Eels at States and had no problem whatsoever loading the energy every turn. With Skyarrow, 3 Eels and 2 Raikou you'll have zero problems. Even 2 Eels can keep this loaded up every turn, or 1 Eel and a Rescue/DCE on Raikou
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

If you haven't tested Raikou EX

You're gonna have a bad time

It's really good vs the mirror and even darkrai rush and zoroark rush.
You can Disaster Volt and EX earlier and then get 2 prizes later
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

Raikou EX will not live up to the hype that Mewtwo EX gained, like I said before it relies too much on the Double Dynamotor and it always comes down to taking advantage of it before your Opponent draws into a Catcher to shoot it down for good. In some aspects it's better than Zekrom EX since it has free retreat with Skyarrow but like others have said Raikou is only good against Setup decks which very few are played at best nowadays. You will rarely come across any Stage 2 decks topcutting at events right now even EelZone cause they are too slow, Rare Candy errata makes them not as good, and 1st Turn Rules killed them.

Lilligant/Vileplume is one of the few Setup decks that is pratically meta nowadays, as google just can't keep up with the speed of the format since it's only disruption is Item Lock where as Lilligant/Vileplume can basically Status Lock and Item Lock at the same time with such efficiency and the fact that TyRam is dead just boosts the decks' popularity even more. Raikou is a Glass Cannon that is too frail to rely on most of the time and it's just not as reliable as Zekrom EX which can take a hit with Eviolite and Strong Volt on something more efficiently. If it were up to me I'd rather run
Tornadus EX in ZekEels but most players are strongly against that decision because the risk of your opponent getting a 2 prize advantage in the mirror is too great even against weakness.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

Card Slinger J said:
Raikou EX will not live up to the hype that Mewtwo EX gained, like I said before it relies too much on the Double Dynamotor and it always comes down to taking advantage of it before your Opponent draws into a Catcher to shoot it down for good.

Raikou is a Glass Cannon that is too frail to rely on most of the time and it's just not as reliable as Zekrom EX which can take a hit with Eviolite and Strong Volt on something more efficiently. If it were up to me I'd rather run
Tornadus EX in ZekEels but most players are strongly against that decision because the risk of your opponent getting a 2 prize advantage in the mirror is too great even against weakness.
Raikou is not at all a Glass Cannon. He dies to Terrakion, just like every other Lightning Pokémon, but still has 170 frekken HP which, surprise surprise, is shared by Tornadus EX. Also, Raikou EX can survive vs Terrakion with an Eviolite as well, and both still get OHKO'd with a +Power.

I don't see how Raikou needs a Double Dynamotor if you're playing its deck right. It's just like when playing Zebstrika: Attach a Rescue Energy and you only have to discard 2 lightning, meaning the next turn you can dynamotor once and attach from hand for the other. Sure two Eels makes it 10x better, but the same can be said of any Lightning Pokémon with {L}{L}+ Energy cost, ESPECIALLY Zekrom EX.

You seem to think every deck is like Quadrakion and only their main attacker is in it. CMT hardly ever hits over 100 and it does just fine (one of the co-BDsIF), and that's without the capability to snipe. In every meta or soon-to-be-meta deck save Quadrakion, there are support Pokémon with less than 100 HP to steal prizes from, and without a catcher at that. Zoroark, Eelektrik, Celebi, Shaymin, Oddish/Gloom, Absol, Smeargle, Cleffa, Aerodactyl, I mean I could go on for a bit but I think you get the point. Every deck needs support of some kind

Is Raikou/Eels a good deck on its own? I'm not sure, I haven't tested it. But I HAVE tested it in Zebstrika and I must say it's easily Tier 1, winning every CMTEX and being positive in the ZekEels and Dark.dec matchups. (Quad)Terrakion/Landorus is harder, but winnable with Raikou EX sniping turns 1-4(or 6) and Minun spreading the next 3 turns for the win. Crushing Hammer helps this deck a lot too.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

Yeah but Rescue Energy is rotating out soon, so what can Raikou run to replace it? Prism Energy? You're expecting a KO on Raikou with nothing to make up for it. I get what you're saying though. I can test Raikou over Zekrom EX and see how it goes but yeah Raikou from what I understand from rumors truly shines more in the Zebstrika variant of Eels more than in the Zekrom variant.

That way you basically have Item Lock with Disconnect from Zebstrika and bench snipe with Raikou thus resulting in a new Eel Variant in the format other than Zekrom. I'm starting to think Zebstrika will end up replacing Zekrom in the format but it's very hard to say, Zekrom is much faster as a Basic while Zebstrika is a Stage 1 and is reliant on getting energies accelerated on time just like Raikou.

So here's a list I'm thinking of for Zebstrika/Eels Post-Dark Explorers:

Pokemon (17)

3-3 Zebstrika ND
4-3 Eelektrik NV
2 Raikou EX
2 Mewtwo EX

Trainers/Supporters (29)

4 Professor Juniper
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Sage's Training
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Level Ball
3 N
2 Eviolite
2 Switch
1 Pokégear 3.0
1 Super Rod

Energies (14)

10 Electric
4 Rescue Energy

Deck Total (60)

Zebstrika/Eels > ZekEels ?
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

It makes it better but not epically broken. Raikou is good but not great. It won't make Zekeeels alot better just a bit when played well.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

Card Slinger J said:
Zebstrika/Eels > ZekEels ?

Unfortunately, no. If you're not using Disconnect, it means your opponent is going all out with their Trainers meaning you'll lose. No Raikou or Mewtwo in the world can save you at that point. Not to mention it has a horrible Darkrai matchup as well...

dmaster out.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

Yeah, Zebstrika being OHKOd by Darkrai means it won't be better than ZekEels - there's also tech Terrakion, and really no need for two snipers. Disconnect is just too weak. I love the deck idea, it's just lacking and will need a lot more power to be better than ZekEels.
RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?

Card Slinger J said:
Yeah but Rescue Energy is rotating out soon, so what can Raikou run to replace it? Prism Energy?

Um, DCE? Almost all good lists of every deck in the format already runs 4.