RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken?
Card Slinger J said:
Raikou EX will not live up to the hype that Mewtwo EX gained, like I said before it relies too much on the Double Dynamotor and it always comes down to taking advantage of it before your Opponent draws into a Catcher to shoot it down for good.
Raikou is a Glass Cannon that is too frail to rely on most of the time and it's just not as reliable as Zekrom EX which can take a hit with Eviolite and Strong Volt on something more efficiently. If it were up to me I'd rather run
Tornadus EX in ZekEels but most players are strongly against that decision because the risk of your opponent getting a 2 prize advantage in the mirror is too great even against weakness.
Raikou is not at all a Glass Cannon. He dies to Terrakion, just like every other Lightning Pokémon, but still has 170 frekken HP which, surprise surprise, is shared by Tornadus EX. Also, Raikou EX can survive vs Terrakion with an Eviolite as well, and both still get OHKO'd with a +Power.
I don't see how Raikou needs a Double Dynamotor if you're playing its deck right. It's just like when playing Zebstrika: Attach a Rescue Energy and you only have to discard 2 lightning, meaning the next turn you can dynamotor once and attach from hand for the other. Sure two Eels makes it 10x better, but the same can be said of any Lightning Pokémon with {L}{L}+ Energy cost, ESPECIALLY Zekrom EX.
You seem to think every deck is like Quadrakion and only their main attacker is in it. CMT hardly ever hits over 100 and it does just fine (one of the co-BDsIF), and that's without the capability to snipe. In every meta or soon-to-be-meta deck save Quadrakion, there are support Pokémon with less than 100 HP to steal prizes from, and without a catcher at that. Zoroark, Eelektrik, Celebi, Shaymin, Oddish/Gloom, Absol, Smeargle, Cleffa, Aerodactyl, I mean I could go on for a bit but I think you get the point. Every deck needs support of some kind
Is Raikou/Eels a good deck on its own? I'm not sure, I haven't tested it. But I HAVE tested it in Zebstrika and I must say it's easily Tier 1, winning every CMTEX and being positive in the ZekEels and Dark.dec matchups. (Quad)Terrakion/Landorus is harder, but winnable with Raikou EX sniping turns 1-4(or 6) and Minun spreading the next 3 turns for the win. Crushing Hammer helps this deck a lot too.