Will RR rule the land

oh ok, Well it seems great but a tad slow as im used to Gs and they very fast but I can get empoleon lv X running on T2 so maybe I can do that for flygon? I just hope I get one at the preleases! :)
I think Flygon, Hippodown, and DGLVX will be played no doubt.

But, I think that there are some rogue decks (you figure them out) that could cause some havoc in the format.
Wow, just wow, no one has mentioned Infernape 4 lvl X? 2 energy and 1 energy gain auto KO on Dialga G lvl X? Amazing. Even better, his power. they have to switch pokemon, which means they will have to either A. Sacrafice it B. Waste an Energy retreating C. Waste a Switch/Warp Point. Although I do not doubt that Flygon will be a HUGE part of the Meta.
but flygon would one hit ko your infernape and Dialga G lv X would hadly be played for its attacking purposes now probably for the body so it can stay on the bech but for infernape do you get to choose which bench comes out?
^no. people are just not seeing that flygon loses steam in a little while. if their not playing X's you hitting for 110 max (OK, that's like impossible, in MOST scenarios you will hit for 80, not bad but not great either) it's a graet deck, but it falls to things that outspeed it, or that can hit for 60 and are colorless. (lucario GL) winkwinkrotom fan formwinkwink
I hope people do play flygon cuz i am going to play luxray gl x. Ohh u say it does 150 to x well i use lighting impact or watever his attack is and i put that damge on my friend delcatty and yeah boom goes flygon but i will propally play flygon too if luxray fails.
I want a MotorStorm Deck (MY NAME!). And a TurtMin for RR. RR will me my best set probably!

/me hugs Rotom and Turtwig :3

Honestly, my favorite part about flygon is not so much the damage it does, but the discarding it does.
elekid957 said:
^no. people are just not seeing that flygon loses steam in a little while. if their not playing X's you hitting for 110 max (OK, that's like impossible, in MOST scenarios you will hit for 80, not bad but not great either) it's a graet deck, but it falls to things that outspeed it, or that can hit for 60 and are colorless. (lucario GL) winkwinkrotom fan formwinkwink

You got to be kidding me. In most scenario's you will hit for 80? With cards like Claydol and Gardevoir together with Rare Candy and Broken Time-Space it will be so easy to do 100+. Flygon has 3 main versions, control (e.g. Palkia V.X), meta-counter (e.g. Mewtwo LV.X) and beatdown (Power Swing). Control migh have some problems with hitting for 110, but should still easily do 90. Meta-counter depends on their build, since Mewtwo LV.X and SP versions should have some problems with hitting hard (then it would be 70/80 max, depending on their Claydol/Benched Flygons) and Beatdown should have no problems htting for 100 at all. And their support differs so much.
Look at this small list of Evolutions which would benefit the deck:
Claydol (2-2 atleast in a Beatdown version)
Gardevoir (together with the Level X, PL one and Gallade, you also gain control; might be an options to tech Palkia LV.X in anyway, though Azelf isn't a tech I would play. Palkia G LV.X sounds nice though, drop Palkia G ad Azelf/Uxies in the Lost Zone and play evolutions wth Candy/BTS)
Dusknoir SF/DP (draw and disruption? Yes please)
Metagross LA (not better than Palkia, but it's an Evolution)
Nidoqueen RI (heal and abuse the name Queendom IV just like my Queendom III :O? Awesome)
This is just a small list. Uxies/Azelf should be in most versions, except for Beatdown IMO. The same for Palkia. In my opinion, Beatdown is the best. It just looks like people are hinking the Level X is going to win the game for them, well it's not. You should see it as a bonus, unless your going the discarding way; or possibly a meta-counter (though it depends on your meta)

I am SO gonna play Flygon now. Beatdown ofcourse, and I'll call it Queendom IV :] with or without Nidoqueen.
i guess flygon can work. im going to test it with weavile because then your hitting automatically for 90 damage for 3 which is nice. anyone know a card to get rid of weakness?
elekid957 said:
^no. people are just not seeing that flygon loses steam in a little while. if their not playing X's you hitting for 110 max (OK, that's like impossible, in MOST scenarios you will hit for 80, not bad but not great either) it's a graet deck, but it falls to things that outspeed it, or that can hit for 60 and are colorless. (lucario GL) winkwinkrotom fan formwinkwink

If you play the right cards, you can EASILY hit for 130. ;)
Flygon'll be great. You can fill up your bench with evos like other Flygons, Weaviles and Claydols to do a lot(especially since Weavile'll make him dark and boost his power) and he can also 1HKO almost any lv.X.
^Good idea, do 20 to your opponent in between turns.
Shiftry is a huge trouble for most decks, if you just depend on flipping on your turn, I would try to swarm Shiftry.

I don't think Flygon will be good, I made one last Christmas, and was a bad deck IMO. If a smart player makes it work, then that's different. Because I tested with Weavile SW.