Will We Recieve New Sun & Moon Expansions in the TCG?


Aspiring Trainer
Sorry if this has been asked before but does anyone know if we will we get a new release of cards for the new games/gen. I would assume so right?
Sorry if this has been asked before but does anyone know if we will we get a new release of cards for the new games/gen. I would assume so right?
Just like all new generations we will get a new set of cards shortly after the games come out like about 1-2 weeks. Hope that helps
Japan's November set right? Which will probably be our March set
Sounds good. Yea I recently started to collect them again and want to stay up to date this time. Used to when I was a young lad when only the first 150 were out with red and blue and then just grew up and onto other things and now trying to get the older stuff out of print is rediculiously expensive... Like 500-1300 dollars for a box and 500 being on the lucky side if u can get one.
So what is our November set going to be? The final XY series set, or the first Sun Moon series set? Will it be like last time with Legendary Treasures when they have no theme decks, but have the Kalos Starter Sets instead? If so, I hope they don't construct the decks like the kalos starter set decks, but instead, build the deck like the other theme decks, and include cards from the final XY series set, while having some exclusive Sun Moon series cards in the deck, that may or may not be in the first Sun Moon series set released in February 2017.

Maybe the November 2016 set can be the first time they overhaul the theme deck to include theme deck exclusive cards.
Hopefully this year will be xy's last most probably, so next year's february will be a new tcg set and hoping a new tcg gameplay to the series
Definately not this Xmas. They will give us the game let us get familiar with the mons and then release the base set and rotate. I wish they would make a huge set, 300 or so cards and rotate all the way up to BreakThrough, redefining the game.