XY Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B / W?

RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

They might just abandon HP calculation entirely and have it work via a different method.

What method? I'm not sure, nor do I care considering how I dislike the move anyways.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Mitja said:
I've never even thought about it as a possibility at this point, but something just occurred to me....

Hidden power type is dependant on the same data as IVs, ability, nature..
Its safe to assume that Hidden Power should be able to be Fairy type now too, right?

That means at the very least how Hidden Power is calculated will be changed. So even if you can transfer your precious HP Ice Heatran and co, they won't have that Hidden Power anymore, unless they change it to something that is not fixed (in which case the transfered hidden power Pokémon aren't that special anyway).

Also, at E3, Masuda mentioned they encountered issues with making them compatible but are looking for solutions, which I haven't expected at all.

For a solution, look no further that PokeRadar. It connected to the DS games and was on the 3DS. I can imagine making a 3DS app that transfers pokemon from BWB2W2 to the app, the data is stored there, then it transfers to XY (wow just realized that we don't have to abbreviate). I don't see this being a serious problem and they are almost definitely going to come up with a solution.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I'm pretty sure backwards compatibility is present. I mean genesect was shown in the game trailer for mewtwo. And speaking of mewtwo confirms the backwards compatibility. unless mewtwo is obtained in game somehow or through event
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

TheFirePenguin said:
I'm pretty sure backwards compatibility is present. I mean genesect was shown in the game trailer for mewtwo. And speaking of mewtwo confirms the backwards compatibility. unless mewtwo is obtained in game somehow or through event

At the E3's Q&A, they said that the DS and 3DS can't communicate but they are working on something so we can't really be sure for the time being. =X
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Drokas said:
TheFirePenguin said:
I'm pretty sure backwards compatibility is present. I mean genesect was shown in the game trailer for mewtwo. And speaking of mewtwo confirms the backwards compatibility. unless mewtwo is obtained in game somehow or through event

At the E3's Q&A, they said that the DS and 3DS can't communicate but they are working on something so we can't really be sure for the time being. =X

To be clear, the systems can communicate just fine (I trade pokes back and forth all the time).

The games can't however, so they need an alternative. Worst case scenario, we have to pay for some eshop app to transfer our pokes.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Sky Pillar said:
They might just abandon HP calculation entirely and have it work via a different method.

What method? I'm not sure, nor do I care considering how I dislike the move anyways.

I'm all for that.

But the people who bred Pokemon with IVs for certain Hidden Powers won't like it xD
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

DrEspeon said:
Mitja said:
I've never even thought about it as a possibility at this point, but something just occurred to me....

Hidden power type is dependant on the same data as IVs, ability, nature..
Its safe to assume that Hidden Power should be able to be Fairy type now too, right?

That means at the very least how Hidden Power is calculated will be changed. So even if you can transfer your precious HP Ice Heatran and co, they won't have that Hidden Power anymore, unless they change it to something that is not fixed (in which case the transfered hidden power Pokémon aren't that special anyway).

Also, at E3, Masuda mentioned they encountered issues with making them compatible but are looking for solutions, which I haven't expected at all.

For a solution, look no further that PokeRadar. It connected to the DS games and was on the 3DS. I can imagine making a 3DS app that transfers pokemon from BWB2W2 to the app, the data is stored there, then it transfers to XY (wow just realized that we don't have to abbreviate). I don't see this being a serious problem and they are almost definitely going to come up with a solution.

I'll just assume you meant to say Dream Radar. But yeah, I don't think it would be that hard for them to just make an app for transfer. I mean, if you're gonna have a system with apps, make one that's useful for your biggest franchise!
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

AdamLambert said:
DrEspeon said:
For a solution, look no further that PokeRadar. It connected to the DS games and was on the 3DS. I can imagine making a 3DS app that transfers pokemon from BWB2W2 to the app, the data is stored there, then it transfers to XY (wow just realized that we don't have to abbreviate). I don't see this being a serious problem and they are almost definitely going to come up with a solution.

I'll just assume you meant to say Dream Radar. But yeah, I don't think it would be that hard for them to just make an app for transfer. I mean, if you're gonna have a system with apps, make one that's useful for your biggest franchise!

Yes, I did. Sorry about that.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

How about...

-Create a downloadable 3DS app
-Use that app to transfer your Gen 5 and maybe even Gen 4 Pokemon (by inserting the game into the 3DS. The app will recognize the cartridge inserted within the system)
-The app replicates the old Pokemon, filling up the space within the app with your old Pokemon.
-While playing with X and Y, connect to the app and transfer Pokemon instantly.

Essentially the app can function as a storage. That way transferring will be similar to that of Gen 4 transferring from Gen 3. Even better the stored Pokemon could simply be copied and not be extracted completely from the Gen 5 game. That way you never truly lose your Pokemon!
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I think they mentioned they were working on the backwards compatibility during the E3. If it is not possible, I will definitely play the new games, but I will also keep using my older games for regular Wi-Fi battles.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I don't think the 3ds can communicate with the DS, it might be like RSE all over again. I hope if they can't tyen I want all Pokemon in these games even if there going be game exclusive
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

To be honest, I'd prefer a complete reboot like with ruby/saphire. It would have such a benificial impact on the "Pokemon-economy"...just think about all the hacked pokemon and the sheer abundance of shinies thats the case nowadays.

Since the 3DS is, at least up to now, hardly hackable the value of shinies and rare Pokemon would be back to normal and how it should be.

Sure, I would miss my pokemon from BW2 and SS, though its only two games, but i think its annoying how many people on the GTS do have obvious hacked Pokemon
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Ghost King said:
I don't think the 3ds can communicate with the DS
It can, the games can't

CubicDonut said:
To be honest, I'd prefer a complete reboot like with ruby/saphire. It would have such a benificial impact on the "Pokemon-economy"...just think about all the hacked pokemon and the sheer abundance of shinies thats the case nowadays.

Since the 3DS is, at least up to now, hardly hackable the value of shinies and rare Pokemon would be back to normal and how it should be.

Sure, I would miss my pokemon from BW2 and SS, though its only two games, but i think its annoying how many people on the GTS do have obvious hacked Pokemon
People will always hack the games.
Just like the transition into R/S didn't increase or decrease a pokemon's value, neither will this.
If you don't like seeing cheated pokemon in the GTS, than don't look. And you said those are just 2 games; So why do you care if somethings hacked or not? It's just 2 games right?
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I completed my pokedex and I have pokemon all the way from RSE. I know there's nothing I can do about it, but it just wouldn't be fair to all the people who've actually spent the last 10 years completing the dex, but I will get over it just like I had to get over the transition from the 2nd to the 3rd gen.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Ghost King said:
I am glad this is a 3ds game therefore no DS action replay :D

It seems like this time gamefreak might actually have a shot at keeping event legends secret till they're revealed....well probably not, but that would be interesting.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I thought I'd posted in this thread already. Weird.
My input is this: Of course X/Y are going to have importing. That's been an established standard since Gen 4 and you can bet it'll be necessary to fill up some of the PokeDex.
I'm not worried about it at all, because they always figure something out. My best guess is that it'll be a system that utilizes a secondary app installed onto the 3DS that reads data from your DS cart, takes the Pokemon it needs from your file, and temporarily stores them for transfer to the X/Y cart (or the X/Y digital download if that's what you're using). Sort of the way the Pal Park worked in Gen 4.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Frezgle said:
I thought I'd posted in this thread already. Weird.
My input is this: Of course X/Y are going to have importing. That's been an established standard since Gen 4 and you can bet it'll be necessary to fill up some of the PokeDex.
I'm not worried about it at all, because they always figure something out. My best guess is that it'll be a system that utilizes a secondary app installed onto the 3DS that reads data from your DS cart, takes the Pokemon it needs from your file, and temporarily stores them for transfer to the X/Y cart (or the X/Y digital download if that's what you're using). Sort of the way the Pal Park worked in Gen 4.

I would love a system like this, definitely.

Also could give us the option of not using a mini-game, just straight-up transfer.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

TokenDuelist said:
Frezgle said:
I thought I'd posted in this thread already. Weird.
My input is this: Of course X/Y are going to have importing. That's been an established standard since Gen 4 and you can bet it'll be necessary to fill up some of the PokeDex.
I'm not worried about it at all, because they always figure something out. My best guess is that it'll be a system that utilizes a secondary app installed onto the 3DS that reads data from your DS cart, takes the Pokemon it needs from your file, and temporarily stores them for transfer to the X/Y cart (or the X/Y digital download if that's what you're using). Sort of the way the Pal Park worked in Gen 4.

I would love a system like this, definitely.

Also could give us the option of not using a mini-game, just straight-up transfer.

Transfer without a game would be nice. I know they try best their to make them fun, but it gets old after the 3rd transfer. I love how the PokéTransfer guy would say PokéTransfer testing is complete, and then digress and say it's almost complete. lol Pokémon World logic...
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Frezgle said:
I thought I'd posted in this thread already. Weird.
My input is this: Of course X/Y are going to have importing. That's been an established standard since Gen 4 and you can bet it'll be necessary to fill up some of the PokeDex.
I'm not worried about it at all, because they always figure something out. My best guess is that it'll be a system that utilizes a secondary app installed onto the 3DS that reads data from your DS cart, takes the Pokemon it needs from your file, and temporarily stores them for transfer to the X/Y cart (or the X/Y digital download if that's what you're using). Sort of the way the Pal Park worked in Gen 4.

I don't know, when Junichi Masuda was recently asked about this in an interview all he said was "We're working on it", but I got a terrible feeling that he's hiding the truth that you won't be able to import your Gen V Pokemon from BW2 over to XY. Part of the reason I think is because they are making it impossible to import cloned and hacked Pokemon into the XY games because of how people have been hacking the Gen V games like crazy with perfect EV/IV's, Stats, and Movepools making Wi-Fi Battles really unfair and unbalanced. Also there isn't a cheating device like Action Replay for the 3DS like there is for the DS's other incarnations. So what does that mean for the majority of Pokemon players like myself that never used a cheating device to breed Pokemon and obtained Legendaries that want to import Pokemon over to XY?

Nintendo I feel is on their last leg after a terrible showing at E3 this year when it's obvious that they failed miserably with the Wii U despite the success of LEGO: City Undercover, and they've resorted to wager their ENTIRE handheld video game market on the success or failure of Pokemon XY on the possibility that you may or may not import Pokemon from previous games onto it. The stakes could not be any higher for both Nintendo and Game Freak at this point cause If they fail with XY on not being able to import Pokemon from previous games then I fear that it could spell the end for them in the video game industry. This sounds worse than the flop of the Virtual Boy back in '95 and could force Nintendo to go from being a hardware company to a software company which is what happened with Sega when the Dreamcast failed in the early to mid 2000's. Infact Sega made the same mistake twice with the Saturn back in the 90's.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Card Slinger J said:
Frezgle said:
I thought I'd posted in this thread already. Weird.
My input is this: Of course X/Y are going to have importing. That's been an established standard since Gen 4 and you can bet it'll be necessary to fill up some of the PokeDex.
I'm not worried about it at all, because they always figure something out. My best guess is that it'll be a system that utilizes a secondary app installed onto the 3DS that reads data from your DS cart, takes the Pokemon it needs from your file, and temporarily stores them for transfer to the X/Y cart (or the X/Y digital download if that's what you're using). Sort of the way the Pal Park worked in Gen 4.

I don't know, when Junichi Masuda was recently asked about this in an interview all he said was "We're working on it", but I got a terrible feeling that he's hiding the truth that you won't be able to import your Gen V Pokemon from BW2 over to XY. Part of the reason I think is because they are making it impossible to import cloned and hacked Pokemon into the XY games because of how people have been hacking the Gen V games like crazy with perfect EV/IV's, Stats, and Movepools making Wi-Fi Battles really unfair and unbalanced. Also there isn't a cheating device like Action Replay for the 3DS like there is for the DS's other incarnations. So what does that mean for the majority of Pokemon players like myself that never used a cheating device to breed Pokemon and obtained Legendaries that want to import Pokemon over to XY?

Nintendo I feel is on their last leg after a terrible showing at E3 this year when it's obvious that they failed miserably with the Wii U despite the success of LEGO: City Undercover, and they've resorted to wager their ENTIRE handheld video game market on the success or failure of Pokemon XY on the possibility that you may or may not import Pokemon from previous games onto it. The stakes could not be any higher for both Nintendo and Game Freak at this point cause If they fail with XY on not being able to import Pokemon from previous games then I fear that it could spell the end for them in the video game industry. This sounds worse than the flop of the Virtual Boy back in '95 and could force Nintendo to go from being a hardware company to a software company which is what happened with Sega when the Dreamcast failed in the early to mid 2000's. Infact Sega made the same mistake twice with the Saturn back in the 90's.

While I agree with your first paragraph, and I also think its a good idea to prevent transferring due to those exact reasons- I have RNG'd mons which are legal (the pro's use them, like Ray Rizzo- our current champ) and those are OK. Action Replay'd mons are the issue, as well as people that clone with AR or use the fakeGTS to get mons that are clones. Just wanted to state the difference between those there for no apparent reason.. o_O

Now, your second paragraph- Nintendo is not hurting for money, nor is it about to sink just because the WiiU had a crappy start. They are in no way wagering anything on Pokemon X/Y. Nintendo has a huge line up of 1st rate titles for the WiiU and 3DS, with the WiiU starting out with Pikmin 3 in August. They have several Zelda and Mario titles(LttP sequel, WW remake, Mario Kart, and Smash) that will more than carry these systems without Pokemon. Comparing it to Sega is a terrible point- Sega made HORRIBLE decisions and failed with 4 straight consoles/adapters before finally bowing out (32X, SegaCD, Sega Saturn, and the final nail in the coffin- Dreamcast) and Nintendo made such an insane amount of money on the original Wii and DS, one slow start or even failed console is not going to put the company out of business, Game Freak or no Game Freak. Also, the Virtual Boy was a flop, but the WiiU already has more of an install base- VB only sold 770,000 while the WiiU has sold well over 3 million. The 3DS itself has shipped over 31 million and probably has an install base roughly 2/3rds of that.

Plus, Pokemon, transferring or not, is a system seller and ANY true Pokemon fan- especially those that made the jump from G/S to R/S will buy the game regardless, because its a time tested fantastic and deep RPG. Play for fun, or play for competition- the games will sell, and sell well.