XY Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B / W?

RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

NoDice said:
While I agree with your first paragraph, and I also think its a good idea to prevent transferring due to those exact reasons- I have RNG'd mons which are legal (the pro's use them, like Ray Rizzo- our current champ) and those are OK. Action Replay'd mons are the issue, as well as people that clone with AR or use the fakeGTS to get mons that are clones. Just wanted to state the difference between those there for no apparent reason.. o_O

I get your point however, mind you I've spent nearly 6-7 years EV/IV Training 20+ Pokemon (without a cheating device) since Pearl/Platinum back in 2008 and for those Pokemon to go to waste with Game Freak saying, "Okay you've got all these Pokemon that you're now emotionally attached to, say goodbye to them, you're going to have to start your new adventure." With that much time spent getting the best Natures, Movesets, and Stats for all the Pokemon I've worked really hard on I'd rather stick with the old adventure screw the new one. I would lose a great deal of faith in Game Freak If there's no backwards compatibility, heck the Pokemon video game franchise is the 2nd best selling video game franchise in the world next to the Call of Duty video game franchise by Activision. I do still agree that the people who have been hacking and cheating through the video games have been ruining the spirit of the Pokemon video games as a whole but to me it doesn't justify having to do a square one reboot with the franchise.

I remember renting Pokemon Yellow at my local Blockbuster (before they went out of business) a decade ago and several years after realizing that the technology to battle anyone in the country and the world wasn't there yet especially when I found out that you weren't able to import Pokemon from Gen I and Gen II to Gen III due to a major overhaul in game mechanics and design made me lose interest in the Pokemon video game franchise at least that was until the franchise made a huge comeback with Diamond/Pearl/Platinum in Gen IV with the Gen II remakes of Gold/Silver with HeartGold/SoulSilver. It seems to me like alot of people are fed up with the current direction the franchise is going and they want Nintendo and Game Freak to create an official MMORPG for Pokemon which they won't do to where you can still play it on the go via smartphone or tablet device. Most of them are unofficial however Pokemon Showdown seems to be the most popular as you're not required to spend as much time putting together a solid competitive team and just battle on the fly as easy as it was back in Gen I and II.

NoDice said:
Now, your second paragraph- Nintendo is not hurting for money, nor is it about to sink just because the WiiU had a crappy start. They are in no way wagering anything on Pokemon X/Y. Nintendo has a huge line up of 1st rate titles for the WiiU and 3DS, with the WiiU starting out with Pikmin 3 in August. They have several Zelda and Mario titles(LttP sequel, WW remake, Mario Kart, and Smash) that will more than carry these systems without Pokemon. Comparing it to Sega is a terrible point- Sega made HORRIBLE decisions and failed with 4 straight consoles/adapters before finally bowing out (32X, SegaCD, Sega Saturn, and the final nail in the coffin- Dreamcast) and Nintendo made such an insane amount of money on the original Wii and DS, one slow start or even failed console is not going to put the company out of business, Game Freak or no Game Freak. Also, the Virtual Boy was a flop, but the WiiU already has more of an install base- VB only sold 770,000 while the WiiU has sold well over 3 million. The 3DS itself has shipped over 31 million and probably has an install base roughly 2/3rds of that.

Plus, Pokemon, transferring or not, is a system seller and ANY true Pokemon fan- especially those that made the jump from G/S to R/S will buy the game regardless, because its a time tested fantastic and deep RPG. Play for fun, or play for competition- the games will sell, and sell well.

You're right there are very good titles being released for the 3DS in 2014 like Super Smash Bros. 4 featuring Mega Man with hopefully Classic Sonic over Modern Sonic (doubtful though), and of course you still have your Mario and Zelda remakes but that just goes to show that Nintendo only seems to be relying on what's already successful instead of coming up with something innovative and brand new because they are playing it way too safe with a terrible global economy right now, the American Film Industry is doing the same thing as well too If you haven't already noticed. As for Nintendo as a company even If they do fail with the 3DS and Wii U, Nintendo would just end up becoming a software company like Sega is right now developing titles for Sony and Microsoft unless they have enough revenue to develop another console or handheld which would take about 4-5+ years to develop while still falling behind the PS4 and XBox One.

Back to the Pokemon video game franchise as it is now, it wouldn't take much to break the series depending on the amount of changes and developments being made for it. I know a former PokeTuber known as MTGXerxes who is apart of that Pokemon niche who refused to go from Gen IV to Gen V due to how 75% of the Unova Region Pokemon designs were very uninspired and lazy. The same result happened with my LGS who used to play the Pokemon TCG before BW - Emerging Powers came along. Gen VI with XY seems to be stepping away from that thank God but still If you're not able to import old Pokemon over to XY then I can definitely see the games as a rental via GameFly or Redbox but If you're able to transfer then I can definitely see it as a must buy. I would still like to see Nintendo to get rid of region locking for the majority of their Japanese made video games to import over to North America but sadly that's not going to happen because of how the center of the video game universe has shifted in the last 3 decades over from East to West with more Westen game developers when Japan overall makes better video games than America does although America did make better games in the 90's than they do today.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Though I would be sad to lose my Infernape, shiny Electivire, Swampy (Swampert), Zoroark, and Skarmory, I would be perfectly okay if we had to "start over." The GTS is flooded with hacked mons and the "economy" is pretty unstable because of it. I also believe that X/Y will have a tremendous national dex.
Re: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I would only like a fresh start, ONLY if they all a method to retrieve all the old pokemon via DLC or postgame areas.

Otherwise I don't really care if backwards compatibility came back because I hated the hackmons.

Besides Nintendo lately during Pokemon Tournament had been getting stricter in their policies towards hackmons and flashcarts.

Sent from my HTC One
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Inferchomp said:
The GTS is flooded with hacked mons and the "economy" is pretty unstable because of it.

By what definition of "economy" are you referring to? -__-
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Card Slinger J said:
Inferchomp said:
The GTS is flooded with hacked mons and the "economy" is pretty unstable because of it.

By what definition of "economy" are you referring to? -__-

The Pokémon virtual economy.

It's harder to do with the GTS (because you cannot ask for an ultra specific pokémon), but in other games where trading is involved (Let's go with WoW) certain items (a certain type of rare gem/ore; or with Pokémon Games: shiny pokémon, and rare pokémon) have higher value over other easier to get items (such as a low-level ore anyone can mine; or the always easy to get 2-stage normal pokémon).

Too many shinies reduces their value overall and it's hard to use that Electivire shiny as a bidding chip for that Rayquaza you want if everyone and their brother has a shiny Electivire. I just don't like hacked mons, really.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

It has to, my hacked pokemon from b/w are waiting to be transfered.

[private] edited post for not capitalizing or punctuating, already sent a PM and PC since the tracking functions show he hasn't read my PM yet. *Drohn [/private]
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Inferchomp said:
Card Slinger J said:
By what definition of "economy" are you referring to? -__-

The Pokémon virtual economy.

It's harder to do with the GTS (because you cannot ask for an ultra specific pokémon), but in other games where trading is involved (Let's go with WoW) certain items (a certain type of rare gem/ore; or with Pokémon Games: shiny pokémon, and rare pokémon) have higher value over other easier to get items (such as a low-level ore anyone can mine; or the always easy to get 2-stage normal pokémon).

Too many shinies reduces their value overall and it's hard to use that Electivire shiny as a bidding chip for that Rayquaza you want if everyone and their brother has a shiny Electivire. I just don't like hacked mons, really.

I don't like hacked Pokemon either, but I get what you're saying.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

tomotaku said:
it has to, my hacked pokemon from b/w r waiting to be transfered

Not sure if trolling....

BUT this is a prime example of why transferring shouldnt happen.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

NoDice said:
tomotaku said:
it has to, my hacked pokemon from b/w r waiting to be transfered

Not sure if trolling....

BUT this is a prime example of why transferring shouldnt happen.

Meh, it seems pretty unfair that people who raised their Pokemon from an egg, fully EV'd it and got it to level 100, and got it a good moveset and all, to not be able to use it in the 6th generation because of some stupid hackers.

What would be really good would be a hack-check implemented in the transfer-thing. If the Pokemon is hacked, then there could just be a simple 'This Pokemon is unable to be transferred!' message. That way, it means that people who (like I said earlier) raised all their Pokemon properly, get to use their Pokemon; the cheaters don't.
It means we all win (well, except for the hackers, because cheaters never prosper)
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

On the subject of hacked Pokemon, I really could not care less if people do it. If that's how they play, that's how they play. It doesn't affect anyone else if they don't attempt to surreptitiously trade away or battle with hacked Pokemon (and most people will quickly figure this out). A small minority is not a big enough reason to not have a key feature that's been implemented since D/P.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

P.DelSlayer said:
What would be really good would be a hack-check implemented in the transfer-thing. If the Pokemon is hacked, then there could just be a simple 'This Pokemon is unable to be transferred!' message. That way, it means that people who (like I said earlier) raised all their Pokemon properly, get to use their Pokemon; the cheaters don't.
It means we all win (well, except for the hackers, because cheaters never prosper)

There is no difference between legit pokemon and well-enough-hacked pokemon.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

^That is true. There are ways to create hacked pokémon that have no real difference from legit pokémon... They will pass on the hack check or wtv it's called...

Like, I only use fake GTS to get events that I missed in the past (gen 4) or ones that were only available in Japan... IMO, cloning is not as bad as hacking... I also prefer way more having legit pokémon than cloned but if I can't get the event, well, I'm not gonna let that stop me from getting it...
If you guys are pissed because people trade hacked pokémon, just do what I did in gen 4... I got the starters I didn't chose (Piplup, Turtwig, Bulbasaur and Squirtle), bred them and released the ones I got from the trade...
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

P.DelSlayer said:
NoDice said:
Not sure if trolling....

BUT this is a prime example of why transferring shouldnt happen.

Meh, it seems pretty unfair that people who raised their Pokemon from an egg, fully EV'd it and got it to level 100, and got it a good moveset and all, to not be able to use it in the 6th generation because of some stupid hackers.

What would be really good would be a hack-check implemented in the transfer-thing. If the Pokemon is hacked, then there could just be a simple 'This Pokemon is unable to be transferred!' message. That way, it means that people who (like I said earlier) raised all their Pokemon properly, get to use their Pokemon; the cheaters don't.
It means we all win (well, except for the hackers, because cheaters never prosper)
Now tell me this, would you rather- have to face hacked Pokemon in 1/3 of your battles and either get the loss by quitting or getting beat, OR start training up some new Pokemon, and possibly some old favorites (since they will probably get new egg moves and what not ANYWAYS that make them more awesome than before) and play against those hackers on a level playing field since there arent any true cheat devices for 3DS yet?
Im just like everyone else. I have Pokemon I trained up and bred for IVs dating all the way back to R/S/E- Heal Bell Dragonite being one of them- BUT then Multiscale had to happen lol. I understand your frustration!

BUT I see how this is good for the game
! Hell, even RNGing will be impossible for the first few months this game is out, since nobody will know how it works. So the time and effort you put in on X/Y (Im taking a 5 day weekend off work just to play it too!) will be rewarding, just like all those Pokemon you trained in the past, and maybe down the road once people get settled in they can unleash the hack fest inducing 3DS app to upload your old stuff. Also, as I mentioned before, old stuff will probably get new tricks so you will most likely need to re breed to get new moves to have up to date battle strategy and what not anyways- IF they dont make the app.
Frezgle said:
On the subject of hacked Pokemon, I really could not care less if people do it. If that's how they play, that's how they play. It doesn't affect anyone else if they don't attempt to surreptitiously trade away or battle with hacked Pokemon (and most people will quickly figure this out). A small minority is not a big enough reason to not have a key feature that's been implemented since D/P.
Except for 20 bucks a kid can get an Action Replay and DL PokeGen for free and hack away, upload to XY and go nuts.

THE ONLY WAY I can see a way for GF to combat hacked mons at this point, is to flag all uploaded ones and disallow them for tournament or ranked matches. Having RANKED battles be "Kalos caught/hatched only" would be the only true way to stop hacked mons (at least until a stupid cheat device has been created).

Mitja said:
P.DelSlayer said:
What would be really good would be a hack-check implemented in the transfer-thing. If the Pokemon is hacked, then there could just be a simple 'This Pokemon is unable to be transferred!' message. That way, it means that people who (like I said earlier) raised all their Pokemon properly, get to use their Pokemon; the cheaters don't.
It means we all win (well, except for the hackers, because cheaters never prosper)

There is no difference between legit pokemon and well-enough-hacked pokemon.
Metalizard said:
^That is true. There are ways to create hacked pokémon that have no real difference from legit pokémon... They will pass on the hack check or wtv it's called...

Like, I only use fake GTS to get events that I missed in the past (gen 4) or ones that were only available in Japan... IMO, cloning is not as bad as hacking... I also prefer way more having legit pokémon than cloned but if I can't get the event, well, I'm not gonna let that stop me from getting it...
If you guys are pissed because people trade hacked pokémon, just do what I did in gen 4... I got the starters I didn't chose (Piplup, Turtwig, Bulbasaur and Squirtle), bred them and released the ones I got from the trade...
Its not just the starters though, people trade all sorts of hacked mons all the time. Also, people use the fakeGTS to get copies of Pokemon with moves that havent been available for generations, event moves and lots of other stuff they shouldnt be able to get. I can see using fakeGTS to get flawless stuff to breed your own I guess, but I still believe putting in the effort should be a requirement. If you dont want to put effort into playing the game the way its supposed to be played, then just use a simulator.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

This picture explains the problem I mentioned in an earlier post.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

It will be interesting to see how Hidden Power Fairy is implemented into the XY games although it might change the code of the Pokemon's data from previous games to where you might not be able to transfer over through migration since every Pokemon from the previous Generations up to Gen III could only attain any Hidden Power except Fairy which was most likely in years of development by Game Freak considering that there are Pokemon that should've counted as Fairy Type like Clefable for example.

Gen V did sort of get players to re-breed and re-EV/IV Train their Pokemon with the introduction of the Dream World and Hidden Abilities that you could attain and got more players to trade on Wi-Fi for them as well. There's even some Hidden Abilities for specific Pokemon that were never released outside Japan such as the Kanto Starters with Bulbasaur having Chlorophyll, Squirtle having Rain Dish, and Charmander having Solar Power. Shame we might not get them in time before XY with Gen VI, especially Zapdos with Lightningrod.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

The Hidden Power problem is easy to solve. Instead of multiplying the sum by 15, multiply it by 16, and stick Fairy into the 16th slot. It's just coincidence that the number of types Hidden Power used was 16 - the formula doesn't actually rely on that number being a power of two.

I have to wonder if they won't entirely overhaul how Hidden Power functions, though, now that Fairy is forcing their hand into changing it somehow. It's never been particularly equal in its distribution: Fighting, Bug, and Grass Hidden Powers are slightly more common, and Dark only pops up 1/64th of the time. The solution I suggested would shuffle that around a little, but it would still be unequal, and Fairy would be left holding the 1/64th bag instead of Dark. The 3DS is powerful enough that it wouldn't surprise me at all if they just made Hidden Power's type and power into completely random, hidden stats that have nothing to do with IVs. That would allow them to make the chances of getting each type and power completely even.

And so I'm at least partially on topic: I'm with NoDice. I've been on board for another clean slate with regard to backwards compatibility for a while. It would sync up nicely with a RSE remake pair, and it'd at least temporarily solve so many of the problems that have plagued GTS for so long just in time for the new, more usable version of it to come online.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Sure they can just stick Fairy in there somewhere, especially when the formula is so random and uneven to begin with, but the main issue here is that even if we can transfer, at least hidden powers won't remain the same.

So if you transfer some pokemon with an ICE HP, it very likely won't be ice anymore. And there is no way to prevent that unless there was extra data specifically for hidden power (but then it might as well be random and not IV dependant anyway..)
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I think that maybe Hidden Power should be dependent on EVs somehow instead of IVs. That way, the way you train your Pokemon has a direct influence on its "Hidden Power".
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

or just forget hidden power ever existed and giv unown psychic....or splash : D
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

tomotaku said:
or just forget hidden power ever existed and giv unown psychic....or splash : D

Lots of people use hidden power for coverage in competetive battles, it's more important than just being on unknown