XY Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B / W?

RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

tomotaku said:
or just forget hidden power ever existed and giv unown psychic....or splash : D

Hidden Power isnt just for Unown. Most Pokemon can learn it, and most competitive battlers use it to close up type coverage gaps (since they know how to breed/RNG to get the max power level and type they want). But I guess YOU just HACK whatever you want onto your mons, so your Galvantula has V-Create instead of HP Fire? Right?
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

NoDice said:
tomotaku said:
or just forget hidden power ever existed and giv unown psychic....or splash : D

Hidden Power isnt just for Unown. Most Pokemon can learn it, and most competitive battlers use it to close up type coverage gaps (since they know how to breed/RNG to get the max power level and type they want). But I guess YOU just HACK whatever you want onto your mons, so your Galvantula has V-Create instead of HP Fire? Right?

nope, u fail
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I would actually like Nintendo and Game Freak to unable pokemon x and y to transfer pokemon so if there are new players to the franchise they won't lose to someone that just randomly leveled up there pokemon by hacking them to max all there pokemon iv's and ev's, when the other player works hard on there pokemons evs in short its unfair to battle some one that only needed a few seconds to hack there pokemon than a person that only needed a lot of time training there pokemon. Seriously? No one has a lot of time on there hands to be training there pokemon like that, some do some don't. Or nintendo can make a "special app" like many pokemon fans would like. the pokemon app transfer's pokemon from the other games, but where it scans the pokemon that the player want's to transfer the app will simply make a notification saying that the pokemon is a glitched "digimon" (lol XD couldn't resist, sorry digimon fans i ment no insult) and will simply not transfer it to pokemon x and y. well it's just an idea.:p i thought about an idea like this because nintendo said something like that like if people go to a pokemon game championship and are found to have a hacked pokemon that person will be banned from any future events.

Also i wanted to say well message in this case that I would atleast like pokemon x and y to enable players to actually grow berrys again in the game and not only in the Global Link bcause not everyone has access to the internet neither a computer. (I do but still) If nintendo, Game Freak, The pokemon campony, etc. Deside not to do this, then can i atleast be able to find more spot's to grow berrys? It was annoying how i didn't have that many spot's so i couldnt grow many berrys. pokemon d/p/pt let me the hg ss came out don't get me wrong i really liked these games but there were now less spot's to grow berrys an i only had a few pots. then pokemon bw came out and pokemon made the global link.:(
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

If these games are not backwards compatible, I won't buy them. I have every Pokémon in White 2 in my PC, from Bulbasaur to Genesect, ready to be transfered over. I spent about 50 hours to complete my PokéDex on White 2, with the intent to be able to transfer every Pokémon over and fill my dex on X/Y easier (I'll just have to catch and train every new Pokémon). I didn't spent all those hours to learn that I can't transfer my Pokémon over.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Yea, not only do I have EVERY Pokemon on my White 2. I've spent months training EVERY one of them to at least lvl 50....I'd personally fly to Japan and smack everyone involved with Game Freak if they didn't include backwards compatibility...But I'm sure they will
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

My pokemon video game experience only goes up to gen. 3 and One time I rented platinum for awhile. My DS broke so I wasn't able to partake in any of gen 5. But I recently just got a 3DS and was wondering whether or not to buy BW2 or not since XY will be here soon enough. If I was to have BW I'm sure I would want backwards compatibility, but since I don't I rather not due to the economy of the game. I just want there to be some way to complete the pokedex without having to get hacked 'mons.
Nintendo could release an app that isn't pokemon specific, but could be implemented for other game sequels as well.
Re: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Thing is; it's a double edge sword.

Would you like hackmons and turn away the online community.


Have your own pokemon collection for your and make the collectors/solo players happy.

Sent from my HTC One
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

ryter78 said:
My pokemon video game experience only goes up to gen. 3 and One time I rented platinum for awhile. My DS broke so I wasn't able to partake in any of gen 5. But I recently just got a 3DS and was wondering whether or not to buy BW2 or not since XY will be here soon enough. If I was to have BW I'm sure I would want backwards compatibility, but since I don't I rather not due to the economy of the game. I just want there to be some way to complete the pokedex without having to get hacked 'mons.
Nintendo could release an app that isn't pokemon specific, but could be implemented for other game sequels as well.

The economy of the game? lol
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Jakeremix said:
The economy of the game? lol

Inferchomp said:
Card Slinger J said:
By what definition of "economy" are you referring to? -__-

The Pokémon virtual economy.

It's harder to do with the GTS (because you cannot ask for an ultra specific pokémon), but in other games where trading is involved (Let's go with WoW) certain items (a certain type of rare gem/ore; or with Pokémon Games: shiny pokémon, and rare pokémon) have higher value over other easier to get items (such as a low-level ore anyone can mine; or the always easy to get 2-stage normal pokémon).

Too many shinies reduces their value overall and it's hard to use that Electivire shiny as a bidding chip for that Rayquaza you want if everyone and their brother has a shiny Electivire. I just don't like hacked mons, really.

yes, read the thread.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

The trading system in Pokémon is too clumsy to have any sort of economy. Even without hacked Pokémon, people would still ask for a Rayquaza when they put a Zigzagoon up for trade on the GTS.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

This is how I see it.

There will always be hacked Pokemon in the video games and I don't think X Y will be an exception, nor should it. Action Replay for the 3ds or not, people will find a way to hack and get what they want regardless. If someone wants to transfer a full national dex from bw/bw2 over to X Y, why do you care if they actually caught all those Pokemon or if they hacked them? It is their game, why can't they do what they want?

Oh wait. Yeah. Fighting a team of hacked Pokemon isn't fun, is it? Then don't battle people who hack. Battle people you know don't use hacked Pokemon. I don't battle random people for that very reason. Getting a hacked Pokemon via GTS shouldn't be able to happen, and if it is a hack that makes it through (i.e. has proper moves/abilities/PID/whatnot) then what is the problem then? Breed a new one, and release the traded hack. Or better yet find a trading community full of trusted members, and set up trades with them!

The Pokemon virtual economy? I understand trading in Pokemon games, but if it is just going to be people wanting to trade version exclusives for ridiculously high level Pokemon, then what is the point. (And don't say people won't do that, at the start of gen 5 people were demanding lvl 50 Golem for a level 22 Gothita as an example). In other Pokemon trading communities what I have seen is if you have anything remotely rare or somewhat valuable, you are allowed to make outrageous demands for it. It should be, I'll breed a Chespin for your bred Froakie:), not I'll breed a Chespin for a lvl 50 Garados:(. But you give people that right, you can't really stop them from trying.

Pokemon X Y will be backwards compatible with bw/bw2 at the very least. It may not be ready at the launch, but I hope it will be. I hope they will implement some type of legality checker when transferring Pokemon. I know I am not the only one that wants a system in place to make sure you can't ask for impossible Pokemon on the GTS. I look forward to a better GTS and no one wanting < lvl 9 Resharim.

TL;DR Hacked Pokemon will always be around, sorry but it's true. Don't battle or trade with them if you don't want to. The virtual Pokemon economy has been broken forever, and I hope they can fix it in gen 6. Backwards compatibility will be implemented, they already said they were working on it. I hope XY will be as awesome as we are all wanting it to be.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Acid_Bot said:
This is how I see it.

There will always be hacked Pokemon in the video games and I don't think X Y will be an exception, nor should it. Action Replay for the 3ds or not, people will find a way to hack and get what they want regardless. If someone wants to transfer a full national dex from bw/bw2 over to X Y, why do you care if they actually caught all those Pokemon or if they hacked them? It is their game, why can't they do what they want?

Oh wait. Yeah. Fighting a team of hacked Pokemon isn't fun, is it? Then don't battle people who hack. Battle people you know don't use hacked Pokemon. I don't battle random people for that very reason. Getting a hacked Pokemon via GTS shouldn't be able to happen, and if it is a hack that makes it through (i.e. has proper moves/abilities/PID/whatnot) then what is the problem then? Breed a new one, and release the traded hack. Or better yet find a trading community full of trusted members, and set up trades with them!

The Pokemon virtual economy? I understand trading in Pokemon games, but if it is just going to be people wanting to trade version exclusives for ridiculously high level Pokemon, then what is the point. (And don't say people won't do that, at the start of gen 5 people were demanding lvl 50 Golem for a level 22 Gothita as an example). In other Pokemon trading communities what I have seen is if you have anything remotely rare or somewhat valuable, you are allowed to make outrageous demands for it. It should be, I'll breed a Chespin for your bred Froakie:), not I'll breed a Chespin for a lvl 50 Garados:(. But you give people that right, you can't really stop them from trying.

Pokemon X Y will be backwards compatible with bw/bw2 at the very least. It may not be ready at the launch, but I hope it will be. I hope they will implement some type of legality checker when transferring Pokemon. I know I am not the only one that wants a system in place to make sure you can't ask for impossible Pokemon on the GTS. I look forward to a better GTS and no one wanting < lvl 9 Resharim.

TL;DR Hacked Pokemon will always be around, sorry but it's true. Don't battle or trade with them if you don't want to. The virtual Pokemon economy has been broken forever, and I hope they can fix it in gen 6. Backwards compatibility will be implemented, they already said they were working on it. I hope XY will be as awesome as we are all wanting it to be.

Im against transferring if-
A: They dont flag Pokemon transferred and make them unable to compete in Ranked battles.
B: They include all Pokemon with some shape or form of obtainability in the games.
C: They dont fix the GTS.
D: They dont find some concrete way to make Pokemon data marked and have the game realize its a hack-keeping it from GTS and Ranked matches/Tournaments.

See, I understand people want their mons transferable for their dex, teams, etc etc. Your point of "only battle **** or **** if ****" doesnt really work if youre trying to compete. Ranked matches cannot discriminate a "well enough" hack and a legitimate mon... which is where my main issue lies. If the games become able to sense these types of issues in game, from a GTS or Ranked standpoint- more power to the ability to transfer and thats fine and dandy.

I have loved this franchise for 15 long years now, and I want to be able to enjoy it to MY fullest extent- which is clean and clear trading and battling- THE BASIC PREMISE BEHIND THE GAMES. The advent of the wifi trading/GTS definitely wasnt handled properly in that GF didnt put enough checks and balances in Gen 4 or 5 to fend off the problems of hacks.

This is not specifically aimed at anyone-----------

Also, remember that- transferring Pokemon is NOT a RIGHT- its a LUXURY. The premises of the game is trade, battle and collect. Collecting can be done many times over, and if youre OCD about completing the dex, it can be done again! Being able to transfer Pokemon between 4 different generations of games has apparently spoiled new and old fans alike. If GF takes a serious approach to combating hacks, and all the issues they create with the community, and if transferring is the one thing to not be included to help their solution- so be it.

If transferring is excluded and thats the sole reason you wont buy the game, then dont. I will sit here and play and enjoy the game, as will many others, and you can move on to something else. Just remember, Pokemon is an experience you wont find anywhere else. There are imitators, copycats and piggy-backers... but nothing will ever come close.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Why can't you guys just keep enjoying all those Pokémon you already have while keeping them on those games, and have fun with starting fresh with a new game? It's not like Game Freak's gonna come around to your house six months after release and confiscate all your Gen. V game cards.

(And I don't believe any of you who are saying this would be a dealbreaker for a second.)
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

A,B,C, and D I would be perfectly content if all of these things were implemented.

Look, I am not for or against hacking with the exception of people using those Pokemon in tournaments, trades, and random battles. See, I am not really trying to compete. I understand it must be frustrating to battle competitively against legit-looking 'mons against your home-grown Pokemon team, and I am not advocating such hacking. But a Pokemon trainer such as myself doesn't want to battle your fully legal IV bred and EV trained Pokemon anymore than you want to battle a team of hacked Pokemon. That's just my preference, that is how I want to play the game.

I have loved this franchise just as long as you have, don't get me wrong. A clean and clear Pokemon community would be great, but given the popularity of Pokemon X Y, whether we have the luxury of importing previous Pokemon or not, people will still find a way to abuse the system. And you are correct, it is not a right, it is a luxury. I'm not trying to be pessimistic or negative in any way, I am just stating what I believe to be realistic. This is how some people play the game.

I see hacks in Pokemon as cheat codes in any video game. If you want to turn on god-mode or have infinite ammo that's up to you, have fun. I loved these aspects of video games when I was younger, but I did find it diminished the overall experience of the game, and I would abandon them a lot quicker. As a single player Pokemon game, I say if you want to hack, then do it. Pokemon as a multiplayer game, you can hack, but please leave them in the PC. That's how I see it. It's their choice, and if it goes against the premise of the game, I think it's up to them to decide if it's what they're going to do.

I don't know how important it is for GF to combat hacked Pokemon, because I know some people really enjoy the Pokemon games because they are able to hack it and get their favorite Pokemon without going through all the "hassle" that it takes to normally get them. (Here comes the teacher side of me) And if you say "that's not fair" then yeah, that isn't fair. Fairness is not about giving everyone the exact same thing, it is about giving everyone what he/she needs. Some people don't have the time to grind and breed and soft reset for hours and days on end, and some people shouldn't have to.

I will get Pokemon X regardless of the ability to transfer my old Pokemon over. However, I would honestly be disappointed if Game Freak did not make a transfer app or system to transfer their favorite Pokemon. I have special Pokemon from past games that I would really like to see in 3D and to use the Pokemon-Amie with them. I know a lot of people are excited about Pokemon-Amie for this specific reason, because they already have certain Pokemon they love. My favorite Pokemon being a shiny Ursaring named Rumble that I caught in SS. I am super excited for Pangoro to join my team with Ursaring, Beartic, and their pre-evolutions and I hope Game Freak will allow me to make this team in X Y.

TL;DR (man I make long posts lol). More legality checks = good. I don't compete because I don't want to. I <3 Pokemon. Hacks are like cheat codes, do them if that's your style but keep it out of wifi. Can game freak stop the hacked Pokemon??? Same =/= Fair. Excited to transfer already loved Pokemon for Pokemon-Amie.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

The main reason I think as to why people hack their own Pokemon to get near perfect stats and movesets especially with stuff like PokeSav is because it's more convenient to get a team built in a very short amount of time instead of having to do it for several months. That being said I have to strongly disagree in regards to importing Pokemon from previous games as more of a luxury than a right. It's a right because PEOPLE WORKED REALLY HARD to get the kind of Pokemon they amassed in the last 3 Generations including all the Mystery Gifts and Events that have been released prior to that. There are people who have EV/IV trained 200+ Pokemon that they most likely still carry in their PC Boxes without the use of cheating devices, PokeSav, and Action Replay.

Sure the people who hacked the games kind of ruined all that hard work and effort for those that haven't in the games and that I feel isn't a substitute for why people would want a fresh new start with Gen VI. Do you think the people who have grinded their Pokemon in the last 3 Generations will have the patience to do it all over again starting in Gen VI? It depends on their point of view however I don't think so because it's a major time sink just like every other JRPG. Do you even know how many hours and days that go into grinding through building good teams without even using a cheating device? ALOT. Give me a good excuse as to why that's bad for those people who have spent so much time playing the Pokemon main series video game franchise.

As for the new Pokemon-Amie feature in Gen VI, I heard a rumor that it could increase the Pokemon's evasion and critical hit ratio which would be terrible game design. Something like that would make Pokemon too powerful in competitive battling especially for Pokemon with movesets that have +1 priority moves or max EV/IV's in Speed, let alone abilities like Prankster and Speed Boost that contribute to that sort of power creep. I'll admit that there were alot of broken Hidden Abilities in Gen V, but whether or not If they will be transferrable to Gen VI like with the Pokemon caught in the Dream World that would all go to waste If you couldn't transfer. As for me I didn't spend much time in the Dream World in Gen V let alone using the Dream Radar since there are people online that have those Pokemon for trade already.

One thing I wanted to point out is that If you aren't able to transfer Pokemon from Gen V to Gen VI in XY then that would mean that Game Freak is doing away with Pokerus as well. Pokerus has been a vital mechanic in the Pokemon main video game franchise by allowing you to max out the stats on your Pokemon, infact it's not even a cheat since Nurse Joy tells you about it in the games whenever you have a Pokemon infected with the disease at a Pokemon Center for the first time in whatever version of Pokemon you're playing in. We haven't had competitive Pokemon without the use of Pokerus since Gen I and Gen II I believe since Pokerus was a in-game mechanic in Gen III unless If Game Freak wants to do away with it for a Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald remake in Gen VI which alot of people are hyping up on these days only to re-introduce it again If they want to.

DorianBlack said:
Why can't you guys just keep enjoying all those Pokémon you already have while keeping them on those games, and have fun with starting fresh with a new game? It's not like Game Freak's gonna come around to your house six months after release and confiscate all your Gen. V game cards.

(And I don't believe any of you who are saying this would be a dealbreaker for a second.)

Because once Gen VI with XY kicks in, nobody is going to want to have a Gen V Wi-Fi Battle in BW and BW2 anymore. Infact they'd rather do Pokemon Showdown online than have a
Gen V Wi-Fi Battle anyway because it's more convenient to them than having to grind their team when the work is already done for them. It's sad but true, there's probably more people from Smogon who actually play Pokemon Showdown online than doing traditional Wi-Fi Battles on their DS and 3DS. Why you ask? Part of the reason is because you aren't allowed to have Lv. 100 Flat Battles on Wi-Fi which is a key feature that Gen IV had in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum though I'm not sure If it was intact with HeartGold/SoulSilver though. Game Freak took that away in Gen V, although I'm still disappointed that you aren't allowed to have 6 on 6 Random Matchup Battles on GTS. It's always 4 on 4 due to how VGC's are stuck doing Double Battles exclusively instead of other battle formats such as Singles and Triples with 6 on 6 Single Battles being one of my favorites whether or not If it's Lv. 50 or Lv. 100 Flat.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I wouldn't be against raising them or catching them allover again. It isn't that difficult of a task if you know what you're doing.

I would be sad about the Pokemon I've raised the past couple years not being transferred. But that's because my original platinum is gone, and Pokemon I spent most of the third gen life onward are gone with it. So in a way I guess you could say right when Gen 5 rolled around I had to go through all that again. It wasn't a difficult task, but then again I still had the other previous gens to work with. So if you aren't able to transfer, I hope there is a way to have access to all the Pokemon.

I am not against the idea because like many say - it could help balance the game - and maybe there will be alterations to the stats to accommodate fairy-type. There are likely going to be major changes to the stats, or they are telling us they are having difficulty as an excuse to balance the hackers and cheaters out of the game.

They won't say it because calling all of you on yer crap is not professional.
So if they don't allow transferring from Gen 5 they are either: Making heavy alterations to the stats (which doesn't seem to be the case) or simply their way of getting the cheaters to either slow down or stop.

It's sad to admit - hacking the game is a huge problem, and personally I see it as a lousy excuse to claim your Pokemon legitimate because of whatever program you used.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

TokenDuelist said:
I wouldn't be against raising them or catching them allover again. It isn't that difficult of a task if you know what you're doing.

I would be sad about the Pokemon I've raised the past couple years not being transferred. But that's because my original platinum is gone, and Pokemon I spent most of the third gen life onward are gone with it. So in a way I guess you could say right when Gen 5 rolled around I had to go through all that again. It wasn't a difficult task, but then again I still had the other previous gens to work with. So if you aren't able to transfer, I hope there is a way to have access to all the Pokemon.

I am not against the idea because like many say - it could help balance the game - and maybe there will be alterations to the stats to accommodate fairy-type. There are likely going to be major changes to the stats, or they are telling us they are having difficulty as an excuse to balance the hackers and cheaters out of the game.

They won't say it because calling all of you on yer crap is not professional.
So if they don't allow transferring from Gen 5 they are either: Making heavy alterations to the stats (which doesn't seem to be the case) or simply their way of getting the cheaters to either slow down or stop.

It's sad to admit - hacking the game is a huge problem, and personally I see it as a lousy excuse to claim your Pokemon legitimate because of whatever program you used.

Another reason why people hack the Pokemon games is because they hate the current direction Game Freak is taking the Pokemon franchise, they want the video game franchise to EVOLVE instead of being the exact same game every generation with terrible spin-offs like Mystery Dungeon. That's pretty much Nintendo in a nutshell, they pump out remake after remake of franchises that have already been proven successful being Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby, etc. instead of coming up with something brand new and innovative because they don't want to take a risk from losing money on something that might not sell. That's also part of why 3DS and Wii U sales are terrible right now. I want to see Pokemon XY succeed but it might already be too late cause hackers will find a way to convert all the Gen VI Pokemon from XY onto Pokemon Showdown regardless that it doesn't use the 2D Pokemon Sprites from the previous generations.

If Game Freak is trying to purge out all the hackers and cheaters in the Pokemon video games by not allowing any sort of transfer of Pokemon from Gen V to Gen VI with XY then that also heavily effects people who have spent countless hours grinding, amassing countless Pokemon, and Pokemon Events over the last several years that haven't hacked or cheated in the games themselves. In other words the hackers and cheaters screwed the series over for those that have played the games without hacking and cheating themselves. Cloning is a different story, it does make it easier for people to attain specific Legendary Pokemon easier. I remember one time I had difficulty getting a Mew I wanted with a specific Nature and found someone online to trade one to me on Wi-Fi in Gen V that was cloned.

As you mentioned before TokenDuelist, Pokemon Showdown has ruined the video games in terms of competitive battling for people who have worked hard breeding and EV Training their teams compared to those that don't have the time for it that have all the tools necessary to do it in a very short amount of time. In one aspect it puts everyone on an equal competitive level but at the same time it's a slap in the face for those that have worked hard compared to those that haven't. There's also a new unofficial Pokemon MMO that's popular right now called "PokeMMO" which has Gen III graphics but Gen IV Pokemon sprites for battling so it's only a matter of time before Nintendo and Game Freak cracks down on that fan-made game due to copyright infringement issues. It's really gotten way too far, I've seen people on YouTube playing Pokemon bootlegs like "Pokemon Ash Gray" and "Pokemon Liquid Crystal" versions and the list just goes on and on.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Well I have friends who play the World of Warcraft MMO (official btw) that I hang out with on Friday's and Saturday's however I never bothered getting into the MMO for World of Warcraft because MMO's just aren't my thing so I could probably say the same thing about Pokemon I suppose. Maybe it's because I prefer playing traditional video games since I got my first NES as a kid back in the 80's with the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt bundle containing the NES Zapper. As for Nintendo and Game Freak cracking down on fan-made Pokemon games I agree.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Card Slinger J said:
Well I have friends who play the World of Warcraft MMO (official btw) that I hang out with on Friday's and Saturday's however I never bothered getting into the MMO for World of Warcraft because MMO's just aren't my thing so I could probably say the same thing about Pokemon I suppose. Maybe it's because I prefer playing traditional video games since I got my first NES as a kid back in the 80's with the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt bundle containing the NES Zapper. As for Nintendo and Game Freak cracking down on fan-made Pokemon games I agree.

It's really only PokeMMO and Pokemon Showdown that are the problem...

kind of upsetting :'C
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

That and people building Pokemon teams using computer programs like PokeSav in under 5 minutes to upload onto BW2 via emulator to post on YouTube for subscriber counts compared to how it would take weeks and months to do the same thing through breeding normally on BW2 without the programs and emulators while using a video camcorder to record the battles with your 3DS which nobody does anymore. I also feel like YouTube LP's kill the value of buying video games depending on it's price tag like Earthbound (Mother 2) for the Wii U Virtual Console costing around $300+.