XY Will You Nickname Your X / Y Team? What Will You Call Your Pokémon? Why?

Since my last post on this thread I've gotten several new Pokes including but not limited to:

Lassie the shiny Arcanine
Triton the Kingdra
Echo the Noivern
Skipper the Swampert (unoriginal yes but i like it)
Thermite the Typholsion
Nacho the Hawlucha
Trinity the Hydreigon (hail hydra)
Flutterpuff the male Azumarill
Krankenstein the Electivire
Stevie Nox the Umbreon
Antitanic the Avalugg
Ariel the Milotic
Ursa Major the Ursaring
Acorn the eventual Simisage
Flux the Magnezone
Pinball the Scolipede
Sparks the Yanmega
Mason the Conkeldurr
Jagger the Golem
Fiona the female Drapion
Hades the Houndoom
I was going to name an Alakazam, but then i got Pix on WT
Plessie the Lapras
Porknugget the Mamoswine
Berserker the Pangoro
Melinda the Gengar
Zachary the Tyranitar, and Niblet the Garchomp from WT
Checkmate the Bisharp
Mary Poppins the Leavanny
Gourdzilla the huge Gourgheist
Saria the Leafeon
Kopaka the Glaceon
Gypsy Danger the (obvious) Golurk
Ra the Volcarona
Red Skull the Druddigon
Hindenburg the Drifblim
Salad the Vileplume (my Sweet Scent user)
Lorde the Vespiquen
Beach Boys the Exeggutor
Of course Zoroark is named Loki
Fish Cannon the (awesome hilarious named) Remoraid/eventual Octillery
Lancelot the Escavalier
Sakura the female Accelgor
Buggle the Crustle (inside joke)
Shamouti the Slowking
Malus the Adamant Contrary Malamar
and I couldn't help but name a female Eevee Madoka so I could evolve to Sylveon
Here's all the nicknames of my Pokemon of the top of my head:

Greninja: Kermit (the frog)
Hawlucha: Randy (I love this guy most of all)
Florges: Flora (I was lazy)
Malamar: EGCVS (Evil Genius Candy Vampire Squid)
Aurorus: Coldstone (cause why not)
Aegislash: Hexcalibur (a speculated name of which I loved)
Venusaur: Martyn (one of the Yogscast)
Metagross: GLaDOS (super computer with high intelligence)
Heliolisk: Sunna (it's a sun goddess)
Clawitzer: Shrimpette (again, why not)
Golurk: Gurlok (funny mis-spell my friend made that I decided to stick with)
Magmortar: Parry Hotter (it's funny, that's why)
Noivern: Sub (sub woofers)
Omastar: Squishy (I named it as an Omanyte)
Simisage: Brocco (Brocco-li)
Accelgor: Benja (for reasons unknown)
Escavalier: Hilde (from Soul Calibur)
Axew: Gimli (and my axe! *note, I will evolve him later)
Zubat: Vladimir (sounds vampiric *note I will evolve him later as well)
Whirlipede: Michelin (tires *note I will again evolve him later)
Trevenant: Grimm (seemed fitting)
Abra: Chakra (everybody loves chakras! *note still, will evolve later)
Diggersby: Helga (big hairy foreign lady)
Magikarp: Flipperz (someone else named it and I like it *note will evolve later)
Lickilicky: Steve (inside joke with friends)
Quilladin: Amy (the hedgehog *note will evolve later still)
Mudkip: Jed (Beverly Hillbillies *note will yet again evolve later)
Houndoom: Fluffy (was so funny I kept it)
Vaporeon: Spritz (should be somewhat obvious)
Litleo: Blitz (came with the name *note still evolving it later)
Heracross: Hercules (he's a Hercules beetle)
Altaria: Celinda (another inside joke with friends)
Ursaring: Yogi (more violent than the average bear)
Tauros; Load of Bull (it let me get away with it)
Sigilyph: Agh (he's scary)
Magnezone: Eric (after Magneto)
Hydreigon: Medusa (suggestion from a friend)
Tyrunt: Parker (Jurassic Parker *note will evolve later)
Rhydon: The Boulder (Avatar reference *note will evolve later)
Sneasel: The Daywalkr (caught it in a dusk ball in broad daylight *note will evolve later)
Vivillon: Pie (I don't know)
Duskull: Hollow (Bleach reference *note will evolve later)
Dunsparce: Awesomeness (cause he is awesome)
Dwebble: Peach (my brother and I name our hermit crabs after fruit)
Lucario: Aaron (Sir Aaron from the movie)
Mantyke: Ray (classic nickname *note will evolve later)
Croagunk: Deadpool (Jolly nature and can kill you with a smile *note will evolve later)
Meditite: Jeannie (I dream of her *note will evolve later)
Pancham: Po (for obvious reasons *note will evolve later)
Sylveon: Lacey (after a friend)
Mewtwo: Paul (also after a friend)
Moltres: Jean Grey (X-men)
Xatu: Chris Angel (a friend thought of it)
Cottonee: Puffee (It sounded cute *note will evolve later)
Gulpin: Booger (it's just a funny name *note might evolve if I feel like it)
Snorlax: Beardlax (another inside joke)
Yveltal: Veorfelnir (name of the Norse eagle)
Zygarde: Ragnarok (also from Norse mythology)
Tirtouga: Crush (Finding Nemo reference *note will evolve later)
Chingling: Jingle Jack (wonder trade gave it to me *note never evolving this one)
Skiddo: Milkman (it will know Milk Drink as a male *note will evolve later)

That's all of them so far. Eventually I will have a Sceptile named Jimmy as well. I just think Treecko looks like a Jimmy.