Win 16 'BREAKpoint' Booster Packs!

Sweet giveaway! There are plenty of cards I want from this set and I'm too broke to buy them, so of course I entered! :)
Twitter is a normal type, basic pokemon with base HP of 170.
Has the TwitUP Ability that says: once during your turn ( before you attack, you may switch as many pokemons (yours and your opponent) anyway you like.

example: you could switch any opponents pokemon to the active without lysandering it.

his attack: for Double colorless energy you could swing a 130 damage if you have a benched Natu.
I also made a twitter account just to sign up for this give away. Ofcourse that means I don't have any followers :/ I hope that's not a must. I think it's really cool it's also open for international.
Twitter is a normal type, basic pokemon with base HP of 170.
Has the TwitUP Ability that says: once during your turn ( before you attack, you may switch as many pokemons (yours and your opponent) anyway you like.

example: you could switch any opponents pokemon to the active without lysandering it.

his attack: for Double colorless energy you could swing a 130 damage if you have a benched Natu.
You are thinking of his pre evolution tweet. Twitter has 200 hp and is an emoji :))) type. He has an ability, hashtag, where you can put an energy type on one of your pokemon, that is the same type of that pokemon one during your turn, if twitter is active. His attack, for 3 emoji :))) energy called follow, it does 100 damage and you can see their hand and whenever they get a card from their deck or draw a card you can choose to look at it, even if they play a card that says you don't have to show your opponent.
Lol if this were an actual card for a real pokemon, it would be really good. I might just make a fake card for Twitter, lol.
there you go twitty