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Wind Breaker (Plasma Tornadus)

Shining Armor

Rapid Trainer
4 Tornadus EX (Plasma)
2 Landorus EX
2 Bouffalant
1 Keldeo EX
1 Mewtwo EX

Pokémon: 11

4 Skyla
3 Juniper
2 N
2 Shadow Triad
3 Random Receiver
4 Pokémon Catcher
4 Colress Machine
3 Ultra Ball
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Virbank City Gym
1 Plasma Frigate
1 Max Potion
1 Energy Search
1 Scramble Switch
1 Switch
2 Float Stone

Items: 36

4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Plasma Energy
5 Fighting Energy

Energy: 13


Basically, the idea is to rain Plasma Energy down to Tornadus ASAP. Usually, I can get him hitting for 120 turn 2. Skyla for Colress Machine, attach, then dump my hand with Windfall. Landorus is to cover Tornadus's Lighting weakness in case of Thundurus EX. Basically every card in the list has some sort of purpose, if you're curious feel free to ask.
Well, you might want to switch Life Dew for Scramble Switch, it's really useful to switch from a charged Tornadus to another or to Mewtwo.. And maybe change 1 Bouffalant and a Tornadus for 2 Shadow Triad, to recover those Plasma Energy lost.
-1 Life Dew
-1 Tornadus-EX(Team Plasma)
-1 Bouffalant
+1 Scramble Switch
+2 Shadow Triad
The thing is that it is basically an all EX deck so Life Dew is really the better option since the opponent will only get 1 prize card instead of 2 for an EX.

With 2 Float Stone I think you can safely drop 1 Switch for another draw Supporter.
Here's my only strife with Plasma Tornadus: He needs four energy (or more, if you attached a DCE early on) to attack, meaning Deoxys is a huge threat to you. I would actually recommend running one or two Plasma Badge so you can Colress Machine to Mewtwo to counter the Deoxys that may OHKO your Tornadus, or to Bouffalant to deal quick damage. Also, if you get KO'd, you are going to be in a tight spot without the Shadow Triad. In using Shadow Triad, you aren't necessarily setting up quicker (although if you Shadow Triad'd for the Colress Machine turn 1, you could get the turn 1 attack), but late game it will be much better for you. Here are my suggestions:

-2 Random Reciever: You only really need one of these, otherwise you'll be dead-drawing into them late game.

-1 Life Dew: Even though your opponent takes only one prize card for KOing an EX, there are much better Ace Specs out there that, in using them, are much easier to get the turn 1 Jet Blast or late game Jet Blast, such as Scramble Switch and Computer Search.

-1 Landorus: Okay, even though this guy is really good for you against Thundurus, I wouldn't run so many of them. Remember, if you start with him, getting him out of the active spot and a powered up Tornadus quickly will become problematic. So if it were I building this deck, I would take one out as not to start with him as much.

-1 Switch: Keldeo + Float Stone really makes this card not as good to have in this deck in high numbers. Unless you are wanting to go for an early game thing, then by all means, keep it. However, in order to put some of the things in that you need, some things, even important things, need to be taken out, so keep that in mind, I guess.

And then in their place, I would:

+1 Juniper: This is a must. Juniper and N are such good cards right now, and in using them, you'll draw into things like Colress Machine and the energy you need for your attacks. Furthermore, they'll almost definitely get you out of a dead-draw.

+1 N: Given above, except this one also kind of messes with your opponent a lot, too. :p

+1 Scramble Switch/Computer Search: Computer Search is to find your Colress Machine, Juniper, whateveryourheartdesires when you need them. An overall good card. Scramble Switch, however, is a much different card entirely. In fact, in using it, you can clutch Max Potion when your opponent has either used a Kyurem to do a lot of damage to you or Darkrai to do... well, a LOT of damage to you. But, this also get's your damaged Tornadus out of the frying pan and out of the fire altogether, as you could swap him with a benched Tornadus, dumping all energy onto him and completely decimating your opponent's active.

+2 Shadow Triad: This is an overall good card. Think Junk Arm, but only for Plasma stuff, and you don't have to discard cards from your hand to play it. It's a must to have in these kinds of decks. Not only does it add to your consistency early game if you have played a Colress Machine, but it also adds to your power late game, being able to retrieve Hypnotoxic Lasers from your discard pile to take the KO on things when you need it. Very clutch, very good, and a must.

Remember, these are my thoughts and opinions and should be taken as such. Remember, expert I am not, and own thoughts and opinions you must use.

In other (non Yodaspeak) terms, this is my opinion, and use your own judgement when deciding for your deck. It is your deck, after all.
King Arceus said:
The thing is that it is basically an all EX deck so Life Dew is really the better option since the opponent will only get 1 prize card instead of 2 for an EX.

With 2 Float Stone I think you can safely drop 1 Switch for another draw Supporter.

But tool scrapper
* Revisions Made *

-1 Life Dew
-1 Landorus EX
-1 Switch

+2 Shadow Triad
+1 Scramble Switch

Thanks for the advice so far everyone. Going to test this out ASAP.