Afraid you're a touch late, the August tournament ended a while back The September tournament is just about to wrap up, so keep an eye on the front page for an announcement for the October tournament, which will contain a good overview, and instructions on how to sign up!
HI GUYS Remember we are Still in Daylight time until November 6th (US)
Europe ends October 30th
Australia starts DST on October 2nd
Challonge Link Here: Going to be redone cause of Premium Members
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING YOUR TIMEZONE if you give your opponent the wrong time zone you may get a GL.
I suggest using the World Clock.
Use of the wrong time setting is highly discouraged, as in using Standard Time when it isn't Standard time (aka using the term EST, when you live in EDT)
ADDED RULINGS (NTANEL): If a specific card becomes legal after the start of registration, but before the deadline to submit the deck list, can I have it in my deck?
No, it must be legal before the start of the event. May I use previously printed versions of cards legal in the current format?
Yes, but be mindful of the changes in errata.
What timezone do you live in? If you do not know your time zone, check out the World Clock. For example, California’s time zone is “Pacific (GMT/UTC-8).” Pacific
Did you participate in last month’s tournament? If so, were you dropped from it? No
Did you make at least two discussion posts on the forums during last month? (Such as replying to a news story, commenting on a forum discussion thread or etc…) no
Do you promise to make at least two discussion posts on the forums during this month? Yes
Is the e-mail address on your PokeBeach account up-to-date? Yes