All completed matches have been entered into Challonge. You can see the standings here.
Round 5 ends December 29, 2016, at 11:59 PM EST. That's tomorrow. There are still a few stragglers. Someone needs to report to me about the status of your match before the deadline (preferably like three days ago, but what can you do) or you will both be dropped from the tournament.
Myself & @THEJOOGSTER can't seem to find a time that works for both of us with the holidays etc. Since it's mostly my timezone that's getting in the way, I'll conceed and let him have the win. Happy Christmas and GL with the rest of the tourney.
PMJ, I just realized that 2-1 matches aren't being logged in as 2-1, and simply 2-0. My second round match resulted in a 2-1 loss but I wasn't awarded with a win in the scoreboard. Do those not matter?