I would like to hear from the TO that BreakPoint cards are not allowed in this tournament. I am confused by the wording used up until this point. Since TCGO allows them currently as part of Standard format, they should be legal, right? Especially since people are posting SS's using cards from BP. Although in a TPCi sanctioned event, the cards would not be legal until 2 weeks after the release date, someone mentioned that this is not a sanctioned event. So I am confused regarding the use of BP cards that were clearly accepted in decklists submitted prior to the Round 1 start date, and will await to hear from Ntanel.
P.S. The cards in question are in BreakPoint, but were reprints of an older card that would normally be considered in Expanded. I'm running 4x copies of the card in question, and I can easily swap it out for something else in Standard, but I will await an answer since I already won my first Round. Thanks!
There is a hierarchy in PokeBeach. @Machamp The Champion is one of my supervisors. He overruled my ruling because, like you, I thought that we were following the PTCGO's standard format since this was not a sanctioned tournament. On the plus side, if anyone has a deck with reprinted cards in BreakPoint that also exist in XY through BreakThrough, they do not have to resubmit anything. However, if anyone has a deck with reprinted card in BreakPoint that does not also exist in XY through BreakThrough, they need to replace those cards submit an updated deck list.
Again, I am sorry about the confusion and deeply apologize. I typically make these types of decisions myself without oversight when I run tournaments for my own organization. This is the first time that I have ever been asked to reverse a ruling.