Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

grantm1999 won vs. Game_Loss (thats the actual username he didn't actually get a game loss)
Tuesday ~8:15 PM EST-9 PM EST
I managed to beat Rippin717 2-0!

Thanks for the games :)

Games were played at the following times:

G1: 5:00 - 5:16 PM Pacific
G2: 5:17 - 5:33 PM Pacific
ironcladmerc vs scourge188

ironcladmerc won 2-1

games were played between 8:10 - 9:10pm Eastern.

Good game, scourge188. That first game went down to the last card in both decks.
Rd 4 macboy02 vs SummerDaze

macboy02 won 2-0. Games played from 9:35 - 10:00am CST.
Good games.
If you have an issue viewing the Challonge bracket in FireFox, the Chrome, Edge and Safari browsers seem to display the brackets just fine.
Match: Serpens vs Gabking5458. Played today, between 8.05 PM GMT and 8.20 PM GMT
Game 1: Serpens
Game 2: Serpens
Conclusion: I win.
Good games both of them.
Round 4 : My Little Keldeo vs Wil Yates

My Little Keldeo wins 2-1

Games played on March 25 from 9:10 PM to 10:00 PM

Very close match, good game!
SaliosGnome vs. TheUltimateAbsol
TheUltimateAbsol Wins 2-1
Games played 8:00AM - 8:40 AM EDT.

I forgot to report them yesterday :p