I, Coolpilot, defeated Lanstar 2-1 after a series of unfortunate events followed by one
hell of a set of matches.
NOTE for Ntanel: Before the proper matches started, we had 2 failed attempts at Game 1. The first (at 7:00 pm PDT) failed due to a weird bug where Lanstar got stuck on the coin flip where I was deciding to go 1st or 2nd, even though I had made that choice, mulliganed, saw their 3 mulligans, and placed my starting Pokemon, despite the fact that their 2nd & 3rd mulligans normally wouldn't happen until after confirming they saw mine, which was... odd. Anyways, we decided to ignore all but the coin flip. Lanstar re-logged, we restarted for try two (at 7:10 pm PDT), but Lanstar accidentally made me go first when I had decided to go second when I won the toss initially (and I had such a good starting hand that attempt q.q). We restarted once again, and the games after that (time-stamped below) are the
actual games we played. Just for your records when/if you look at the match log.
Anyways, times!
L Game 1: 7:11 pm (DONK!)
W Game 2: 7:17 pm
W Game 3: 7:50 pm
So, uh, yeah. Game 2 (and 3) took quite a while...
I will say, that was my favorite match of the tourney. A deck that I have a terrible match-up against, and I donk in Game 1 thanks to a terrible opening hand, starting Shaymin with nothing behind it but one Pokemon? And with a hand I can't whittle down to use Shaymin? Ouch. Still had less-than-stellar starts to the next two games, but man, where those games difficult, long, and fun! A mixture of bad RNG & prized cards, with unfortunate timings on both ends, decks almost running out, me trying to whittle my prizes down one at a time and stall out as much as possible while Lanstar desperately tries to keep me from doing so while also trying to take the big kills on my EXs to win quick as I keep shuffling them around, picking them up, and re-setting them... all the while, one wrong move could spell doom.
Like when I did the completely wrong thing in Game 3 by puzzling a DDE & something else, then having to use the DDE to retreat when I should've puzzled DDE & Switch. I lost my last DDE the next turn because of that. I only needed one more Prize at that point, with Lysandre as an option to get an easy KO on a weaker Pokemon. Left me with only
one out - a Pokemon that could be pretty much insta-KO'd to weakness by Lanstar if I didn't hit for the 170 I needed in one, single attack... and I only had enough energy to do it with a Giovanni adding 20, thanks to my tools being in the discard. Then I draw a clutch Super Rod to shuffle 2 energy back in, Sycamore, attach ALL THE ENERGY just to be sure (didn't want to screw up my math!), and barely -
barely - squeak out a win. Granted, Lanstar was close to decking out anyways, with 4 Prizes left, but there was still an opportunity if they had the energy to do it quick (not sure on that).
...I don't think I'm gonna have as intense a match as this one for some time, thanks to those last two games. Though you may have lost, Lanstar, a massive tip-o-the-hat to you. Hell of an effort, even when you were about to deck-out both games. Rarely saw a mistake from you in either of those games. You put up one hell of a fight!
Anyways, rambling aside, GGs to everyone, and good luck to all in future tourneys!