Current Registrants:
Format is PokeBeach username - PTCGO username
Premium Members
1. Coolpilot - Coolpilot
2, Robert Belli - TheBelli
3. stevexue - hikari12345123
4. ironcladmerc - ironcladmerc
5. Joseph Redd - Epic_Medic
6. Wil Yates - Itzyatzee
7. Nobodyshero2727 - Nobodyshero2727
8. 42. jbcheshire - macboy02
9. Frosstoise - Frosstoise
10. Maxi Ferreira - Charca22
Regular Members
1. Adrian9 - itanchingo
2. Arneboy11 - Arneboy11
3. Yog - Yoggington
4. TheGuardian118 - TheGuardian118
5. Lord Voltaire - dmacg97
6. carrotfoot - carrotfoot64
7. Serperior - EspeonROX
8. TheAncticipationEevee - AbsolutelyEevee
9 .TheUltimateAbsol - TheUltimateAbso
10. quakingpunch73 - setupshaymin82
11. GMax935 - GMax935
12. Saryn - KalDraKha
13. Neb714 - ImNeb
14. theprp30 - theprp30
15. Akutober - Forte
16. Trixss - Trixss
17. Lynnie - Jeahbear
18. grantm1999 - grantm2001
19. Moist Socks - ReallyWetWaffle
20. xTITAN - Ace-fighter
21. Scourge188 - Scourge18josie00018
22. Twixz - Twixz
23. Dourstree - Ingtree
24. Calcab - Gabe014
25. Greninja13 - MinunPlusle13
26. Kamato - Pokemonwhite1000
27. josie0001 - josie0001
28. gorgonwo - gorgonwo
29. homeofmew - homeofmew
30 . Elbow - elliot4me
31. WindierWeavile - Cfritz739
32. zoopidzut - zoopidzut
33. DoPeDee - x-z-ie-r-o-x
33. Primal Latios - Crash-Wave
34. professor layton - cheesemanburg
35. Mrpufferfish - trænertræner
36. SzymonPrzybyl - SzymonPrzybyl
37. Victor Freitas - VictorSandy
38. DogStar - DogStar18
39 . Salmo - 20tornadus03
40 . purdyrich - purdyrich
41. TuckerScharf - twscharfenberg
42. Cangus - CangusY0Daddy
43. jessalakasam - TrainerDylan19
44. WastedSkyPirate - WastedSkyPirate
45. jambsz - Machamp 101
46. IlDuce - Mussoleeni
47. qwertyd - Qwertyd1993
Total Registrants: 57 (7 Slots remaining)
Daylight Savings Time ends in the United States on Sunday, November 6 at 2:00 AM. From the first round moving forward, this thread will be updated using Eastern Standard Time. Please be aware of this when scheduling your matches. All players are responsbile for adjusting to the time changes.
If your information is incorrect or is not on this list please PM me or quote this post. As a reminder, you do not need to submit a decklist at this time. Decklists must be submitted to me via PM no later than the end of the first round on Thursday, November 10 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. If you have not submitted a decklist by this point you will be dropped from the tournament. There will be no exceptions. Your decklist is not approved until you have received a response from me. Deck information will be kept strictly confidential. If you have any questions or concerns at any point in the tournament, please PM me.
Registration will remain open until Saturday, November 5 at 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time.