Winter Challange Translation? (need Jap. Translators!)


Peach is staring into your soul
I remember a while back when the Japan Winter Challange was starting, there looked like another card that was similar to Time-Space Distortion, only with a Palkia. We wanted a Translation, but we didn't have a clear enough scan.
Well, this has appeared on Ebay: Palkia Medal

Wow, 300 dollers.

Anyway, is that a clear enough Picture for Translation?
RE: Winter Challange Translation?

Amoung his other Items, he has a Lucario EX (0_o)

Japan is so lucky.
RE: Winter Challange Translation?

*Sees Darkrai*

TCG player in Japan = Heaven. I also noticed they have like only one bad illustrated card in a set.
RE: Winter Challange Translation?

Wow. I hope they print the Palkia TSD-like card here in the States (probably as a Secret Rare in a future set), so we don't have to shell out $300 to enjoy its benefits.
RE: Winter Challange Translation?

Oh wait, it is buy it now for 399. That means it's selling if for buy it now for 400 dollers.

I want to live in Japan.

Any way, does any one here know how to read japanese?
RE: Winter Challange Translation?

Well, if we could get some one to translate it, we would know if it was worth it.

Does anyone here know Japanese or know anyone that can?
She is, actually.

Well, she does the translations here on Pokebeach, but she doesn't use the forums often. I don't have an account on Gym either. If any one here does, please contact her ASAP.
Merry Cristmas!

I'm Japanese Player.
If you need translation between Japanese and English, I maybe can translate it.

However my English is really poor. I'm sorry to mistake translation.

Could you show me Japanese in this thread?

I will try translation.

This is the image that appeared on ebay. Are you able to translate it?
i know that my neises grandmother knows japanese and can translate it for me but it will take a couple of days=(
You can watch all your side cards.
You return all side cards on back.

If you want a pokemon card in side cards, you can get that pokemon card.
In that case, you have to be see that card to opponent.
and you have to put this cards(mysterius peal) in sied without trush.

I'm sorry if it is wrong.
junpapa said:
You can watch all your side cards.
You return all side cards on back.

If you want a pokemon card in side cards, you can get that pokemon card.
In that case, you have to be see that card to opponent.
and you have to put this cards(mysterius peal) in sied without trush.

I'm sorry if it is wrong.

Is that the translation of the card because the effect look confusing??